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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. It has become the 7-11 of coffee shops, pretty much globally, like it or not. I tried a knock-off cafe in KL, payed app. US$4 for the same local coffee that costs 50 cents. In Luxor, Egypt I had a most impressive cup of coffee in (brace yourself!) McD's.
  2. In 2008 when the world economy took a blow the guy who was behind Reagan's supply-side push admitted (somewhat) that it was his mistake. My interpretation of it, during the Reagan years, was that it was a "band-aid economy": the actions were not a cure, but a band-aid to hold it together for now, and when it falls off those responsible could say "me? I haven't worked with that stuff in years!" The bandage held for 25 years. They did a similar thing with AIDS: Ronny ordered a study, the results of which would not be released until he was out of office.
  3. The folly here is she didn't prepare an answer for what she should have anticipated as a legit question.
  4. The right-wing's propaganda apparatus is quite familiar with how to get the rank and file riled up. They are actually quite good at it. Recall people making statements like "I don't know much about Obamacare, but I know I hate it." The same person could say "hey, I like this Affordable Care Act, they should go with that and get rid of Obamacare." And then there is the distraction aspect: the GOP voters are caught in this woke stuff and LGBT threats against their children etc, meanwhile their own GOP politicians are busy taking away and dismantling what they have, even their ability to vote. Welcome to the conservative movement! The less you know the happier you will be.
  5. You've answered your own question: the answer is an Eastern European gold digger. I would guess it's like the LOS bar girls who fantasize about landing a rich farang (we're all rich in here, right?) and when succeeding realizes she hates him.
  6. I have long suspected that in Bkk there was a rule that every 7-11 must be within sight of at least one another 7-11. There's more than 5,000 in the area. 12,000 in all of LOS.
  7. There really isn't an upside to giving people the impression you are wealthy. You'll attract potential scoundrels likes flies to doo-doo.
  8. I had completely forgotten about this silliness until I saw a certain obnoxious Brit comedian on tv a few weeks ago. It sounds like this stuff is going to be the new go-to cure for any malady that may come along.
  9. Hopefully they'll teach the Thais how to make cafe con leche Cuban style. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Café_con_leche
  10. I've been looking for someone positive in that dung heap. I thought Melania would be it, but no. Tiffany? Looks doubtful. I suspect Don Jr is hoping the old man croaks so he can run for president, but I think Eric and Ivanka are the only ones capable of running a business at this point (note that I did not use the word successfully). If Don Jr became president his first order of business would be to deport Melania. A few months later Barron dies of food poisoning.
  11. Historic discoveries: #1 The Rosetta Stone #2 The Dead Sea Scrolls #3 Hunter Biden's Laptop
  12. A fool and his money. Some guys like to show the world "money is no object," I guess there is some personal image fulfillment to it. You can spot them on this forum: e.g. someone will ask for recommendation for a hotel and give a preferred price range, and get a response like "I stay in the best places because I can afford it." Really, really impressive they are.
  13. The stupidity of the GOP/MAGA base. They'll believe any non-negative thing about the orange guy and his cabal, any other such talk is lies. And that's a pretty solid ~35% of the US voters. The worst people in the world in DT Land are (just to name a few): Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Fauci, Soros, the guy who was laughing at all the flags on your pickup truck, and who ever else you want. Fauci should be prosecuted for, um, well, uh, you know . . .
  14. Ga. Republicans push for prosecutorial oversight amid Trump election probe I'm giving up on the Georgia case, though I hope that Willis succeeds. And of course, them good ol' boys are swearing up and down this has nothing to do with the color orange. Waiting to hear the defense on the infamous phone call, that by "votes" he meant Facebook likes, to which Judge Peckerwood responds "make sense to me!" They can use the "nobody is so stupid they would believe he'd say such a thing" defense, which apparently has precedent: Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes TC seriously
  15. “I had a lot of high-profile clients and often visited their homes. But Andrew was very different,” Emma Gruenbaum, 50, told the Sun of her six “sleazy” sessions with the scandal-scarred duke in 2005. “He was a constant sex pest right from the start,” Gruenbaum insisted. In other words, the fellow is truly a pain in the _ss. Can you picture Piers Morgan asking Ms. Ferguson about this?
  16. The late Shah of Iran liked to say that the king is not to be questioned. Perhaps Charles has ordered one of those head-removal machines from France to put an end to Andrew's questioning.
  17. Gee, I wonder who the first mayor will be. Will it have its own mental health facilities?
  18. I went through this once in Malaysia. I was considering buying gold as an investment, that I could cash in anywhere in the region. One shopkeeper explained a lot of it to me, and I don't recall many details but suffice to say I was not encouraged, and props to the fellow for not trying to pull some stunt on the gwee low (sp?). Also had a gold wedding band from the US I had tried to sell off in LOS before this, no one was interested. One fellow told me out here they like the very yellow-colored stuff. I guess in Thailand they add something to it specifically for the color.
  19. Maybe China will sell him a submarine. This screwball idea puts Florida ahead of Idaho and Texas on the "most likely to (try to) secede" roster.
  20. Consider it a compliment to your youthful demeanor, she thinks you are with your mother.
  21. Is this supposed to dovetail with that crazy lady's idea of a red state/blue state split?
  22. Supposedly, in the one meeting Obama had with DT pre-inauguration he warned him about Flynn and that there were charges coming his his way. My guess is that DT thought Obama was trying to undermine him by telling him that. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-warned-trump-against-hiring-mike-flynn-say-officials-n756316
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