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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 52 minutes ago, Pib said:

    No one needs to worry....I'm sure the current ATM use fee structure takes these kinds of periodic losses into account to ensure ATM remain highly profitable slot machines for the banksters.



    I quite agree, Banks don't seem to bothered by ATM robbery, also there have been a few insiders caught recently which I suspect is quite a rampant thing.

    It seems they catch them as fast  as new ones appear.

    I personaly have seen them in action twice, once in BK and once in Chiang Mai.

  2. 16 minutes ago, sahibji said:

    why the change of heart? was there something left out in the initial investigations.

    Yes, the crack forensic team had not determined if this was a fire caused by an arsonist or a non terrorist spoilt brat bomber.

    The attitude adjustment team will have to hold a special briefing to convert this sorrowfull soul to the straight and narrow, and forget that they now actually have one of the non terrorist bombers in their sights.

    Given that only one man was involved, of several disguises including face mask to avoid breathing pollution I would say that the perp is a master of disguise and many more siteings will be made before his arrest.:coffee1:

  3. 4 hours ago, nalmal said:

    I've just been to the Thai Consulate in Vientiane and they do require a bank letter. So, it's back to Chiang Mai with a tourist visa which hopefully I can convert to an O visa at CM Immigration.

    I did apply for an O visa in New Zealand before I came to Thailand, but was told they didn't issue that kind of visa. They really do seem to be making it difficult to retire here.


    Strange, just back in NZ at present, my non O expired.Rang the Thai consulate and they emailed me the forms and requirements list, this is the third one I have done with them.

    I have a thai wife and a child,they don.t require bank records or proof of funds  for a multiple or single entry Non O.

    Just birth cert of child and marriage cert + passport copies of wife and child.

    You can not renew this visa at immigration office every 90 days you have to do a border run, if you choose the single entry you can renew at immigration office but if you cross the border it's cancelled.

    If you want an OA which can be renewed at local imm office's then you require bank records from  Thai bank, or a letter from the Thai embassy in your home country as well as police report.

    You can use an agent in Thailand who will get you an OA for 20/ 25 k.

    I can get an OA here but only from the Thai embassy in Wellington as consulates are limited in the types of visa they can issue.

  4. 7 hours ago, seahorse said:


    And why isn't the fight between the two women and the bloke?


    I think Thai soap has a lot to do with it, this girl flew into rage as many Thai women do when loosing face, I picked up a pack of beer in 7/11 which fell apart and a bottle smashed on the floor, the checkout girl flew into rage when I did not pay for it, instead of apologising and replacing it she wanted me to pay, she went ballistic and told me never come back.

    She is only an employee and I felt at the time it was dangerous  if a bystander stepped in, I stayed calm and walked away.

    Rage from Thais over face is very bad , you have to beware when driving everyday as you might get shot if you react to their atrocious driving.

    This ia very sad ending to a stuipid fit of jealousy fueled by the stupid ideology of face saving and the obsessive watching of violent garbage from Thai soaps.

  5. 4 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    bound, beaten, strangled and stabbed. Doesn't sound personal at all.


    1 hour ago, Bender said:

    so in these last weeks,  3  Swedish were murdered, one guy from India, another one from Africa, and today this Swiss guy, plethora of foreigners have committed suicide jumping from balcony and plethora of elderly foreigners have been heavily beaten....

    And dont forget that most crimes are covered or under reported..... This country is a death trap.  

    Every time, i log on thaivisa, i only read horror stories.


    Sorry to say, but I agree 100%.

    I used to live in Chiang Mai but now in Hua Hin because wife is from Hua Hin.

    On my last visit back to Chiang Mai I was talking to a friend who is quite old who has still has the odd tipple. Been in Chiang Mai years and years and never got into trouble with girls or any other trouble.

    Two girls took him shopping in their car after visiting his apartment, clubbed him on the head and tried to wrap him up in plastic, he managed to talk his way out of it by telling them it was all on CCTV and that they would spend many years in Jail, they also demanded a million Bht which he told them he never had, that sort of money.

    These were Uni student girls, thankfully they chickened out and disaapeared, and he has not seen them since.


    Now heres one guy Ive known 12 years and admired his ability to never have anybother with anyone.

    Just about everone I know now in LOS has a story to tell, myself over the last16 years have had  a colse shave with a no good girl and her mangda.

    I have learnt a lot about survival in LOS, the main poroblem is that it remains an unknown quantity, my bet is the swede may have had some fullfiment going on and a similar situation accured like my friends only this one went the whole way, and for what? a bike and a few odd bits and pieces, Thailand is now Dangerous or has become very dangerous now.Put a lot of that down to Methaemphetamine, and other drugs, low unemployment becuause of Burmese slaves, Thais without jobs or purpose and corruption in the army and police.

  6. Relationships are similar to addiction, and insanity, It is insanity to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

    This is why it takes so long to learn, coupled with a bit of obsessive compulsive behaviour and maybe never learn ever, ending in crisis.

    Some (few) who have learnt are quite happy to be single, have friends and if needed a bit on the side now and again.  :wai2:

  7. 5 hours ago, DrDave said:

    Has it been determined whether all of these unexploded bombs are in fact "duds" (defective), or simply not yet triggered to detonate?  If the latter, I would say that the situation is far from "normal".


    Look, there are no terrorist bombers in LOS.

    The situation has returned to normal, so if you get blown up it is only because someone put another bomb out.

    You can,t expect us to find new ones until they are planted.

    So carry on Be happy don't worry we have the situation at hand.

    Drive safely, keep your windows up and kids at home, thats why we closed the schools.

  8. 18 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    So some neighbors reported him to immigration. I was thinking maybe they tracked his sim, analyzed his social media account or used some facial recognition software in the immigration photos. Turns out it was low tech.

    If he had brought a new sim (when the tracking ones are acitve) they would never have caught him as looking for the wrong man,

  9. 14 hours ago, waldroj said:

    "...Bomb suspects remain at large...country is back to normal.."!


    That sums it up pretty well.


    Considering that the Russian blacklisted was back within 4 weeks and many bombers remain at large including the Erewan suspects that fled to Turkey and have never been handed over by the Turks, the ability to walk over borders for locals in the south for a night time fling, the continual discovery of people smuggling camps, guns explosives and weapons.

    The amount of unpunished transfered police, the daily shootings and ambushes and bombings in the south,------ Then I suppose we should all feel safe again.:wai2:

  10. 5 hours ago, z42 said:

    This is awful, it is very clear some outfit is trying to make a serious statement, but with so many potential candidates I doubt the RTP will actually get to the bottom of it, their track record is far from exemplary in such matters.

    I hope very much for no further casualties. Scary times indeed

    Just a guess, definately not terrorists.

    I would find plausable that the enlightened one's actions in Hua Hin when the train was stopped and students marched of to detention by the army, possibly a catalyst for a radical few to retaliate.

    Other than that someone who has been getting a heard time has spoken out, any ideas?

  11. 20 hours ago, Aussietraveller said:

    Travel was as follows.

    Kids travelled Australia to BKK on their Australian Passports

    Stayed in LOS several weeks

    Travelled BKK to HKG on Australian Passports

    Stay 1 week

    Depart HKG on Australian Passports

    Arrive BKK and at that point the kids were refused entry on their Thai passports

    Immigration officer said we could use their Australian Passports, but not their Thai.

    His manner to me suggested that it was more about his power than anything.

    He refused to talk to me and would only speak to my wife who responded with thai subservience to Authority and a few Ka,s

    They knew we had been using another passport as the kids Thai passports were new, with no stamps.



    I take my Kid out of NZ on his NZ passport, enter Thailand on Thai passport, no problem.

    leave Thailand on Thai passport and Re - enter NZ on his NZ, no problems ever, the problem may be that the kids left Thailand on Aussie passports and should re enter on those.

    Immigration NZ refused a expat Brit entry into NZ on his British passport even though he lived in NZ over 30 years as he left NZ on  NZ passport he had to re enter on that passport.

    So that is where the problem may lye, next time you leave Oz use Oz passport and enter Thailand on Thai and leave on Thai.

    They had no record of the kids entry into Thailand other than on Aussie passports so that is where they may have been suspicious.

  12. 2 hours ago, seajae said:

    now this is starting to get creepy,  tracking all non thais in Thailand through their phone is a joke, I rarely even turn mine on unless I want to use it. Have to wonder which idiot has suggested this, first they want us to fill in forms to tell them all our personal details and now this, have to think it is a certain thai that simply doesnt like farangs and wants them all gone, really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this sort of crap.


    I suspect that this is a test case, Thailand being used as the testing ground for future full time tracking of everyone.

    If you wanted to avoid being tracked you could easily obtain a Thai card or get the one in the GF's name.

    Real crims would not be so stupid to use them, then -- they don't have to.

    Nothing to worry about here.

  13. 7 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    Quite a story as when printed the victim hadn't made a statement and the only apparent witness hadn't seen anything but the BIB were able to announce the victim MUST HAVE had an argument with a foreigner who then knifed him  !     :unsure: 


    It does not pay for a Thai to argue with a foreigner as the foreigner my end up deaded in a variety of ways with no sign of a struggle .:facepalm:

  14. Why did a 16 year old pay to have his father killed?

    Easy answer MONEY. Father dead son would probably get house/land/fighting cocks etc.

    To have 20k bht in the first place for a 16 yr old village boy is quite a lot of money.

    Maybe P drugs involved by the young ones and he needed money to pay debt, once he got the farm he coulld sell that and loose the lot.

    Drugs cause children to steal from parents, i have seen it first hand in NZ where the son of my friend who was a really nice lad who got addicted to heroin steal from his father.

    Years later he is fine now after rehab, one of the lucky ones.

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