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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Does this article mean that tourists don't need a medical to buy ganja,considering that it's supposed to be legal for medical use only??
  2. More trouble than it's worth, stupid, comment should just be ignored
  3. This is true, many cases of abuse also, here in NZ, big scandal's involving Catholic school, unfortunately schools are preying grounds for the sexually perverted world wide.
  4. Certainly sounds like he was a Jealous pimp, or a control freak, who knows ,but you have to be a sicko to do something like this, and do these pyscho's ever think about life after murder , rotting in prison because of a senseless act, let him rot in Jail.
  5. Quite right, it sure ruins families and friends ,I have had had some Thai problems in the past because of gambling, but it was her money not the second husbands, and he certainly displayed his anger with the playing card. He must have been some sort of person to do that.
  6. Then she may have bad mouthed him and he lost face, ect ect, happened to my friends wife she bad mouthed a cop because he didnt pay money back, next thing you know bullets flew through there house one night, luckily they were in the bedroom and the concrete wall protected them, the money was never repaid, and nothing happened to the cop.
  7. Puritans Pride, online, they have a few different ones ones called sleep enhance or something like that contains another sleep enhancer along with 10 MG melatonin, that one gets through customs in NZ, they have pure melatonin up to 20mg, you can mix an order with other supplements but your only allowed a certain value per order into Los, not expensive so try your luck, NZ only available on prescription, 2mg tabs, useless, they banned it a few years ago for no reason, I used to give it to my 80 year old mom, 10mg and she slept like a log, it also has many other health benefits, I have used it for years and it really does help with sleep.
  8. Do they still charge fee, I remember it's cheaper to get some USA dollars to pay, than pay in Thai money, can't remember what the fee was but paying in USA dollars was a lot cheaper.
  9. Maybe the airlines could issue a pamphlet saying don't wear gold chains in LOS, it's stupid, but the idiots keep doing it . Ladyboys love them anyhow.
  10. He wasn't exactly trying to stay out of the lime light, must have some big ego.
  11. Maybe taking it to Pattaya for protection from the mobsters that hang out there.
  12. Put him in a jail cell full of dynamite that's old and could go off at the slightest movement
  13. yes sheer genius, this is why if your a non smoker and you complain to your mates at your local they will tell you to sit somewhere else and keep on puffing, I solve this because the shop bar lady puts me at the end of the table with a fan behind me, my mates all smoke except me but I dont complain I just let the fan blow the smoke away,
  14. I think his new role is Thaksin incognito, he will have his say, but what he says will be as private as his medical care.
  15. Correct, well said, but one must be careful not to name who was amongst the army of thieves
  16. Skin colour looks like European, and they are not young, so they should know better than to behave like smart Alec, Pattaya atracks all types of nutters its a magnet for stupid tourists and balcony bungi jumping, sorry to say, they ruin things for the good people that stay there. L
  17. You can bet your last dollars, you will never know, besides medical information is private
  18. ⁷putin isn't interested, Zelenksky is. They are so short of soldiers that they are rounding up the disabled to fight Blackrocks proxy wars, ask Blackrock to pay his fare back to the front line.
  19. This is a movie in the making, when part one is complete and Thaksin is ticked up at his home, Part two will begin it will be Pardon part two- episode two, but you will all have to wait a few months to view it.
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