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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. He thought he was being stalked, 14 years old, paranoid? Maybe he was stoned out of his head, what gun law prevents this, prey tell. Kids are now out of control smoking gunga in schools, including private schools, my son told me, they are smoking at 9 years old, in the toilets. Thailand is now a cot case for children, what hope do they have if they can ruin there lives smoking dopey Anutins drugs as young as 7. More mass shootings on the way, and car and bike accidents, robberies, and a future generation of dumbed down potheads.
  2. New recruits will cotton on quickly and no link's to upset current officers games
  3. Probably brought his medical records with him, from the best doctors in the world, so Thai doctors wouldn't doubt them.
  4. Maybe just a smoke screen, as they didn't want him to become chief of police
  5. I think your right, he's got to be out of the limelight, but he can still help, by advising with his experience which is valuable to the police force, just as another high figure is about to do, or become PM Incognito.
  6. He's already a hero in Usan, unconditional love from them to him
  7. That's a good idea, because you need special accommodation for important prisoner's.
  8. I think it's maybe that they all do their shopping at the same outlet. You can by, Rolexs, exotic cars and Real Estate.
  9. Your right, they will never give up the POT, of gold, the sad thing is children are going to be seriously harmed.
  10. Someone asked how he could afford to buy 6 houses for his mates, well I don't know, but Rolexs would have been cheaper.
  11. I said that when this guy first asked, It's a privacy issue. Thaksin will get well soon, as soon as the dust settles, as soon as Yingluck gets sick and returns to Thailand, and as soon as he is released shortly to become chief advisor to the PM, PM, Incognito.
  12. This is serious, my son told me his school has a 10.000 Bht fine for smoking dope if caught at school, yesterday he told me that kids are smoking weed in the toilets, and threatened him with a beating if he ratted on them. I told him don't rat, don't talk to them, just do your business and leave, be nice and walk away from them. Kids as young as 8 smoking Bongs in the streets of Chon Buri, I saw this coming as did many, and children are now doped up and it's going to get worse.
  13. At least it's visable, and quite a comedy show, but every country in the world is corrupt as hell these days, the USA sticks out a mile, Britain, NZ, Australia, very corrupt, NZ is a land of thieves, people are being robbed by big and small bussines, Gangs are running havoc, children are ramming cars through shops and robbing every night, and shootings are now daily. This has all escalated since the pandemic, and people can't afford to pay their bills now since the war in Ukraine started. Corporations are taking advantage of this and fleecing everyone. And what does the corrupt politicians do? Nothing, but appoint a goon to look into it, pay the goon big money, and nothing happens, this is the world today, but I still prefer Thailand to live, I don't like NZ anymore, and as a celeb who left a few weeks ago said on channel 3 news, I wouldn't like to get sick in NZ, the health system is seriously broken, so Thailand's not to bad.
  14. There is more to this than meets the eye, So far I can't find the story of how he died. If you remember a while back the police wrote the shooting of a New Zealand man in the head in Pattaya off the books as a plain old attempted roberry, the Mother flew to Thailand and challenged the police and the GF, and her Thai Bf were later found guilty of doing this to get his money he had sent to Thailand to build a bigger gym bussines that he and the GF ran, so good on the mother.
  15. Don't you mean to continue Natos war, indebt Ukraine, and take control of them. Blackrock is already taking farms over in the Ukraine.
  16. Chinese very superstitious, I don't know if Thai are more so than Chinese, I guess Chinese more than Thai, and more scarred of their own people, look at the conditions of lockdown they went through.
  17. That's right, and plenty of people with serious illness swear by it, it should just have been allowed without penalty to home grown in small quantity, but there was dollar signs in someone's eyeballs, and they wanted all the proceeds, just as the Sackler family pushed oxycontin legally until they were forbidden to make it and fined six billion for, they got that back in investments in a few years and no one went to jail.
  18. True, but not all countries have legalised uncontrolled THC level gunga for sale, and pressure could be put on them from someone who grew plenty of it b4 it became legalised, it's making some up the ladder very rich, and it's a bold move to try and reverse it now, as big jokes car was installed with Aircon one day, free, would be an example of their generosity.
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