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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. So all the dangerous batteries heated up and up she went for songkran
  2. They could sell Pattaya and Phuket to Russia,
  3. Take Myanmar for example. Thailand doesn't need civil war, although coups never go that far in Thailand, but PMs get expelled
  4. Snitch probably, they Snitch on their own as well. Money is tight, using in Thailand is crazy, crazy anywhere.
  5. Maybe some betting on the fight, and someone forgot to throw it.
  6. It was probably some kind of speed, to keep you awake, usually they try to put you to sleep.
  7. He got fired from fox for telling to much truth. I never liked him much but he did bring out some useful truth about what's been talked about between Bill Clinton and other top USA officials. The USA overthrew the government of Ukraine and there's been nothing but mayham since, The USA have been doing this world wide using the CIA, and people have now had a guts full, protests world wide now and most media under severe control.
  8. Wouldn’t that be nice I think I will write a letter to Thaksin, my mother in law loves him.
  9. I see a few people I've known for years getting on the grog early now, but they don't harm anyone but their livers, and they go home earlier. It's probably the younger ones that Smoke dope and booze up big time that get into trouble. It's a joke that the THC level of dope now sold everywhere is controlled. And meth is on the increase with people in there 50s using it now, combine all 3 and you will have trouble, it's out of hand in NZ, crime everywhere.
  10. For those that are confused, the Ukraine proxy war has caused food prices to soar because Ukraine supplies the bulk of fertilizer and grain around the world, it has spiked food prices through the roof in NZ, also petrol prices are spiked everywhere it has caused the cost of living to go through the roof in NZ. And it has starved many in Sri Lankans people and other countries peoples to death. Its not our war, it s causing Ukrainians to flee and Russians to flee, many flocking to Thailand, its costing the UK Europe and USA, Australia and NZ tax payers big time, and NATO will never be allowed into Ukraine, a top pentagon official was interviewed on going underground the other day and he said the war is already lost, but the mad arms manufacturers are making billions while the world suffers. The USA did not let Russia have missiles in Cuba and Russia does not want NATO on it's door step. Its causing problems in Thailand as well as just about every country in the world. A few years ago Putin told Bill Clinton Russia would join NATO, they told him to get lost, Putin offered the USA a deal to combine their nuclear arsenal together to join forces to create world peace stability, the US did not want to know about it. That was on the Carlson interview with Putin a few weeks ago.
  11. I was attacked from behind a few years ago by a guy who was German or Belgian in Hua Hin while sitting at the shop bar in Smorprong. The guy was a professional cage fighter, he attacked me because he told others that I said something bad about him that I dont recall. I was fortunate enough to cover my head with my hands but still spent 3 days in bed. My wifes brother was police and they got him, locked him up and then brought him to my house put him on his knees and made him apologize, and pay my wife 10,000 BHAT, which I never saw a penny of , I think it went back to the police, they asked me if I wanted him deported I said if he stays away from me its ok. I saw him many times later and he was to scarred to come near me, also my 2 best friends were boxers and told him they would smash him if he hurt anyone again. The guy was a nut case. I wonder if it was the same guy?
  12. Cowardly act, disgusting person who should get the death penalty. My friends wife lent money to a policeman, he didn't pay it back she bad mouthed him, he lost face, drove by their house and fired several 9mm shots through the front doors, I suppose he also had no intention to kill, only thing that saved my friend and his kids was the bedroom walls were concrete, nothing happened to the perp.
  13. How did she enter Thailand? Stowed away on a ship?? Private jet? Lebanese involved, big money talked about, tip off to police by remorseful gang member, maybe he was paid to tip off the police, very fishy story here. Seems like Thailand will be renamed soon,to Crimeland. Ever since dope got legalised the place seems to have got worse, Russians will continue to flood in as long as the war in Ukraine continues, and they will bring the bad elements with them, in Australia the Lebanese mafia are feared now and run the drug dealers in King's Cross. The world is a mess.
  14. If the stupid greedy arms manufacturers don't stop sending weapons to Ukraine and Israel Pattaya will soon be uninhabitable.
  15. I think the war in Ukraine has caused the whole world to have problems, it's absolutely insane for the USA to fund a war that's screwing everyone. Then the greedy banks are screwing everyone with high interest, supermarket's as well. Russians are fleeing to escape the nicknamed meat grinder, Ukraine can't recruit troops and Israel is a basket case. Then Thailand which I have spent the last 17 years in, off and on a bit, and where I want to stay, is making it harder for me and all expats. I have a Thai wife and son, I have a house in Thailand, I supported my wife's family and still support my wifes mom who is nearly 80,but it's getting harder for us to get visas, but my wife and son can stay in NZ forever and Thailand, it should be easy to stay in Thailand and look after your family and retire. It's a battle now, I don't know what Thailand will do but they need to take a good look at the situation.
  16. They will find a fix for this, a good accountant and lawyer and it's no problem, to many fish to fry.
  17. 2 dollars, then costs for cooking ect, never get rich selling food so cheap, you don't have to buy them, big fuss over nothing.
  18. Well said, I thought the article very strange, sick.
  19. Cut it down to 2 days, put on free buses for people to travel, put cops on the road with breathalysers. Better still ban it.
  20. Drug addiction is classed as a illness, some never recover from addictive illness. Alcohol being one of the worst. Deport him home for treatment, the only treatment in Thailand is to become a monk.
  21. Example, taxi with meter sign on roof, has no meter then takes you to hotels you didn't ask to go to, then owner trys to book you in at overpriced rates
  22. That is highly provable, maybe she call him cheap Charrie
  23. The kicker in this case is a thug.
  24. Songkran called a world class tourist event the other day, hundreds die and are maimed every year, drunken driving the main cause, I stay well away from it, they cannot control it and I feel sorry for the people who lose loved ones because of this senseless event.
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