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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. The fingernails were full of DNA, but the motive remains a mystery, I seem to remember something about a motorcycle, in some of the publications, it seemed clear he had help, you don't just hire a bar girl then get a suitcase, cutting equipment, then transport the body to Kanchanaburi for nothing, something bigger went down here. My friend lived next to him in Thippawan, he spoke to him after this happened, he said the guy was only around for a short time, remember the police arrested a look alike, my friend said that wasn't the guy when this happened. He knew it was Looker, but Looker only spent a few hours at his house and disappeared. So he was organised to escape, and it seemed easy for him to get out of LOS, he had some grace while the police were holding the wrong man, I do not think we will ever know, but I think the 12.5 has played a part in the short sentence, and I would not be surprised if he gets out early.
  2. The 12.5 might have shortened the sentence, if any thing could this would be No 1 on my list
  3. One of my friends lived in the house next to him in Huahin, he was seen there b4 he got accros the border, my friend used to talk to him often, I drank with my friend every day at smorprong, but no one knew much about his background, he was reported by the media as having a shady past and living in Spain, one thing that hasn't come out is the motive and the help he had doing this and escaping, he seemed to get out of Thailand easily.
  4. He obviously needs a tour to Denmark or to Nz, plus many other countries, schools in NZ do not have to wear masks now and parents don't wear them attending school, kids are not getting covid, most have had it, including parents, you can watch football, go to bars restaurants now without a mask, but you can't go shopping without one, that's the insane bit. I'm 69 unvaccinated have had Omicron my kids and wife have had it my kids never vaccinated, I have never been reinfected nor my kids or wife or any of my friends unvaccinated or their kids, but I have talked to some who have been triple vaccinated that have had it twice, so far my family and my mates families who all decided not to be vaccinated have not been reinfected nor anyone been more sick than the flue. But some people will suffer differently than others especially the elderly and comorbid.
  5. He needs to visit a football stadium in countries that no longer require masks to attend, these are crowded areas, he ought to be able to comprehend comparison.
  6. True that is the biggest worry for expats driving, I always worry when driving about lunies and kids transported on bikes. Number 2. Is soi dogs. And expat long term visa complications should be sorted,
  7. There was a problem with a soi dog close to where I live, it was biting people and when it bit a little girl a policeman that lived close walked out onto the soi and shot it dead, we all knew him, everyone was thankful, no one blinked, these dogs should be controlled, sterilised, its been a long time problem and it's cruel to see some dogs so mangy and miserable, that locals turn a blind eye to.
  8. Very sad, your quote is what i thought, maybe test the bottles for DNA, or just file as suicide, tragic so young,
  9. Maybe they talked about Pfizer profits, and the possibility of Thailand supporting the US against Russia, but Prayut say no talky about Putin, Mr Zi no like.
  10. Natural Immunity thrives in Africa, where only 12 % were fully vaccinated. This unpublished phenomenon is well known to African doctors and leading experts worldwide, but not tested for in the UK, USA or other countries. Dr John Campbell has just posted a video on natural immunity using published data from the UK that can only confirm that it is very alive. Many papers are now surfacing and the Pfizer papers just released by court order confirm that they knew about natural immunity and its proven to not wane like vaccine immunity. You can read plenty about this on the nett. So if what is happening in Africa and what is happening with unvaccinated people, and I'm one along with many that I know (never any problems with infection or any reinfection) our kids never even knew they had it, then it is Endemic and so far is mutating downwards to less harmful strains, it's up to BA. 12 now I think. The elderly and people with comorbitities have to take care, as they do with the flue, but hospitals figures are telling us that the death rates are falling below the seasonal flue rates in many countries. So let's hope it stays that way and governments declare that it is Endemic, follow the leader, Denmark, it's over rover, get on with life instead of all the face mask nonsense. By the way they have just done a study showing high levels of plastics in patients lungs pre op, that they say may be caused by masks which contain these materials, a further investigation is required. I will put the link up to that article later as I can't do it from my phone, cheers.
  11. I find this logic similar to the logic of the many landlord's that own empty houses for rent around my area, and the whole country, they want to hang out for 35k a month rent, and turn down 15 /20 for long term agreements, some houses in my area have been empty for the last 4 years but are still available at the high rental some get rented for 1 or 2 months a year if they are lucky, I say, they obviously have to much money.
  12. Dr John Campbell has presented firm published data from the UK and all over the world that so far there is no concern over the Sub variants of Omicron, I think its up to BA 1.12 now, they are not causing any worse problems. In one of the latest videos he says that in the UK 99 % of the population have had some form of Omicron and that we will have to live with it and that reinfection from lesser harmful variants will provide a boost to the natural immunity already acquired from natural infections. Pfizers latest release of court ordered documents confirms that they knew about natural immunity during the vaccine trials. Strangely medical authorities still don't test for natural immunity, they use your tax payers money to conduct tests and they only test for vaccine immunity. So far sub variants that were expected to displace previous variants are not doing so, but they are still evolving.
  13. According to Dr John Campbell and other Drs, one in Israel who has been treating patients since the Delta outbreak and never had any patients hospitalised, with vitamin K2 and 4000 IU of D3 and zinc, K2 not K is necessary for the correct metabolism of the calcium which D3 causes to be absorbed. You don't want it in your arteries. I take 5000 iu of D3 per day and K2 and zinc plus magnesium, K2 has become scarce so I had to source it from the USA, Puritans Pride are reliable, I use them when I am back in Thailand, when I ran out recently I reduced to 2000 iu D3 every day, now the K2 arrived, within 2 weeks I upped it to 5000 iu. But these Dr's who are well known throughout the pandemic do not prescribe they only say what they take and other patients are on, its up to you to, but I would look at sourcing some K2
  14. He will be watching the Glock for a long time! Sounds like the whole lot of them are in some sort of business together, but blame Putin for this as the gun was Russian.
  15. We will need Dr Watsons thinkulator to figure this one, but I can not see where it says going in with a gun, maybe the ownership of the gun may give some clues, but if this was a dispute over money or relations, then someone would have to take the gun to the scene and we may know soon if the gun was stolen or registered, which may throw some light on it. Sad event.
  16. Denmark is suspending vaccination in about a week, Omicron is like a mild cold, the vaccine can not prevent Omicron or it's spread and Pfizer documents just released by court order say natural immunity from infection is as good as if not better than vaccine immunity. Vaccine immunity wanes quickly whereas natural immunity could be lasting for years, and will get boosted by natural infections as this becomes endemic, see Dr John Campbell, latest video with data from around the world and the UK. The experts are now saying 97% of people have had Omicron, and it's sub variants are not causing any more concern than BA. 1. Africa is over it with only 12 % total vaccinated, the people have natural immunity. Unless you're diabetic and have lung disease I would not be rushing out for a booster. My family and many of my friends families kids and all have had Omicron without vaccination and hardly a snivel, except for the Thai wife's who had to be jabbed for work, they ended up in bed 6 days, and talking to older people around my area NZ far north the ones with 3 jabs seem to get worse effects when they catch Omicron, I'm 69 my mate is 67 and another friend is 79 we had 0 vaccine all had Omicron and all breezed through it, one thing all of us did was took vitamin D and K2, along with zinc and we all are non smokers and quite active. It's up to the individual what you do and I'm only expressing how it's panned out for us. Now NZ has to let unvaccinated citizens travel freely in and out of NZ as the government was advised by the human rights commission that they could not pursue that policy as it was not fair. People in NZ, Australia and the UK can go to football stadiums where there are 80.000 people without masks now, ICU numbers are flat the graphs are declining rapidly deaths are plummeting, Denmark saying let it rip, its over rover, except maybe for the frail who need looking after anyway, people are more worried about the next flue shot now, than Omicron.
  17. I thought the law was that underage consensual sex was legal between 2 underage. But molestation is not, it is rape. But this sounds like a consensual gone wrong and a money extraction aided by the boys in brown.
  18. I have seen this happen in a relationship that no one suspected would happen, a 20 Yr relationship where the falung had weeks only left dying of cancer, and was bumped by the wife's BF, both planned it, could not wait 6 weeks, but got caught. So you never know but saying that I know many that are happy and I know Thai women that looked after their older husbands well until they passed. This also happens in all cultures.
  19. Grandma only 70 mother 62, need money for operation, I heard that one many times when I was a rookie learning about living in LOS
  20. Exactly, why not collect it on arrival and charge according to visa, a 90 day would be 900 bht and a twelve month 3600 bht, put it in a slush fund for insurance and health m/ tourism, but again 2many fingers might get jambed in the till
  21. I suppose Jing Thing you would like to have Nato on your doorstep if you were Russian and you would be happy to accept weapons to kill ethnic Russian people in Donesk and bury them in mass graves if you were an Azov neo nazi fascist, graves still being excavated this day, an atrocitie that has been happening for the last 8 years, after the USA financed the overthrow of the elected government. Did you not know that the Ukraine is in Massive debt to the IMF and the USA, that they have given up assets for these loans. Kennedy was angry at Cuba for having missile sites supplied by Russia on its doorstep, nearly started WW3 and now the USA is doing the same thing, only they are doing more, they supply weapons and mercanary fighters to a racist dictator who sold his country out, watch some more???? CNN Jing, the most discredited news in the USA, because Russian news has been censored, so your not allowed to see both sides of the argument, because we're all just supposed to be little puppets.
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