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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. One MFP member resigns for allegedly stealing a womens watch 20 years ago in LOS. Yet another politician can be a minister with jail time served in Australia, because having a conviction in another country does not affect being able to be a politician in LOS
  2. Your right, if he returns, gets a pardon, goes home, becomes a caring grandad and stays out of public eyes, certainly some people will be very popular having done that. Also the people will be very happy, he has a big following. But how long that will last for is another matter.
  3. It's quite simple, he who pays the piper calls the tune, but the fight is 2 want to pay the piper and one does not want to back down
  4. Crossing the x and y in this deal would have to be based on trust, my feeling is this is a ongoing feud between 2 families, and I think they are having trouble deciding who gets what, so someone is going to be loosing face, and we all know that loosing face goes right through Asian society. Definitely looks like the military appointed and controlled by the rich and powerful want to have the say and someone doesn't want Thaksin to have any part of it. So who will be PM, that's the sticky point, I thought Anutin, and Pheu Thai having a bit of a say, Thaksin returns and gets a pardon and looks after the grandkids, Pita moves back and waits, but it seems like thats to easy, and whatever they do will have to keep the people happy, that's looking very complicated now. If the shxxx hits the fan, and we see a return of riots then there will be only one solution, another military government.
  5. My friend had to submit a DNA test to prove he was father of child even though he had birth certificate, child was born in NZ, and he has 3 kids to her, but not married
  6. But the PR is good, the yellow shirt, all good, my monies still on him for PM
  7. Just a query, don't you need a UK bank account to receive your pension, I know that NZ transfers your pension to your Thai bank and you can nominate to pay your own tax overseas, but I never heard of banks closing your account if you live overseas, but since the pandemic and what Treudeu did in Canada to truck drivers, Banks have gained more power.
  8. I think this is the settlement of a family feud, one that will calm the people, by returning Thaksin, it's all organised, he will get a pardon,, who will be PM,? Anutin?? I think whoever it is, it's already been decided, move forward will fall back to opposition, Pheu Thai will have a say in whatever government is formed, keeping Thaksins supporters happy for a while, but how long will this last is anyone's guess
  9. You can be certain that there is something brewing, my monies on Anutin as PM, wasn't he a minister in Thaksins govt, maybe also a pardon for Thaksin, that would make a lot of Thai people happy as they still love him
  10. The feedback from my Thai family is anger, they are not happy, they wanted Pita to be the PM
  11. I think they will leave him alone, public might not be happy if they toast him
  12. You can be a Tycoon, and be PM but if you inherited a few shares in a defunct media company your toast
  13. Can they wait it out? If they can this would throw a unwanted spanner into the works.
  14. Agent probably best bet, one of my friends wife sold his house behind his back he's near 80,really knocked him around, be careful my friend, I was very surprised my wife got access to my BK account just talked to them and they showed her balance, luckily no money taken
  15. There is also legal action being sought against the senators and if that makes it to court and succeeds what happens then
  16. I think you can extend your 30 day visa and then apply for the non O, Ubon Joe is one to ask,
  17. Things are hotting up now with the senators under fire, if they get taken to court and suspended from politics for ten years what happens next? Do they replace them or scrap the constitution??
  18. A fly on the wall told me cannabis fields were popping up everywhere b4 it was legalised
  19. Anutin, will end up PM, that's the way it's looking, but hopefully when the constitution expires things will change, there is going to be protests, but what the outcome of the protests will be is anyone's guess, very sad for democracy in Los, but good for you know who
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