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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. They will be fully pardoned by Joe Biden and returned to the Ukraine to organise weapons imports to help Joe and Natos proxy war.
  2. I don't think he means that, general health insurance yes but covid is a joke now. My wife's best friend got BA. 1,and hospital Sent her home to Isolate 11 days, then a few weeks ago she got BA. 2 and the kids and hubby all got it again went to Huahin hospital and sent home with paracetamol and told to isolate, she talks to my wife every day and she did not get sicker just a runny nose and mild headache for a few days the kids never knew they had it, so unless you're a tourist who is obese, with lung disease or diabetes, then maybe, unless you have had Omicron already you should consider covid insurance, but that's only how it seems to be with omicron worldwide.
  3. My guess = Pyramid Scheme, why do they have to run? possibly some angry investors at the bottom when it collapsed, just a guess.
  4. . Myself and many, many friends and their children are unvaccinated, we have all had Omicron, mainly caught from the kids bringing it home from school, all off us breezed through it, the kids hardly a snivel and no one is sick or reinfected. However the worst affected was my Thai wife and my friends Thai wife, both forced to be fully vaxxed with 2 doses of Pfizer or loose their jobs, both of them spent over a week in bed while the rest of us hardly a snivel. I told my Dr this she was not surprised, she said she was concerned about myocarditis in children at present.
  5. Hi Joe, can you use proof of income IE pension if married for non o visas ? 400k for married
  6. Dr Watsons Theory was that the Hotels and Insurance companies expected to make a killing with a massive in flow of tourists, instead this has promoted dislike of the system and tourists are not wanting to go through this nonsense which is hurting Thailand and its people (The small traders) so scrap the <deleted> and get on with it, open up its endemic time!!.
  7. Some one is desperate for a story, what nonsense , here's some useful knowledge- The Samoan word for of white skin is Palangi , (pronounced Palungi) the NZ word is Pakeha , the word is similar in other Asian countries and throughout the pacific. So the word comes from Asian languages and does not offend me or any person I have ever known in Thailand, I am not offended by Pakeha and I lived in Samoa for one year and was not offended by Palangi, what a load of nonsense.
  8. These are only Thai people out for songkran not international tourists.
  9. Vaccine passports have been scrapped in most countries now NZ scrapped them on the 5th of April, covid is over football stadiums are back to normal and masks just about gone now, still a lot of cases in some countries but all the graphs are going down, its over, a few more months and it will be endemic, its probably that now. Nightclubs open, no limits on numbers or masks required.
  10. Disaster approaches, the casino in Auckland is full of Chinese and it is a horrible place that has done nothing for the people except create more crime and gambling problems, many Thais that live in Auckland have ruined their lives since it opened.
  11. For as long as it takes to paint the curb, they will be off the road
  12. Thais have to isolate at home, my wifes friend just got it and she and hubby and the kids have to self isolate for 11 days, Dr's orders from Hua Hin Hospital
  13. Exactly, the dogs go crazy in the cages, and usually never stop barking, I have seen a set up like this a few sois away from where I live and it's insanity for the dogs, they just bark until the owner comes, and sometimes get beaten as well to shut them up, it's madness and animal cruelty
  14. I think your right the blue stuff is prabably Warfarin, rat poisen, I got some poisen from the local NZ council a while back and they were blue cubes with a white coating, he said they were new and irrisistable to rodents, and he said keep them away from pets.
  15. Some will make a killing growing this <deleted> and selling it, and who is going to control the strength of this dope, the dopes that push it, Thailand will fill up with stoneheads, couple that with alcohol and driving and guns, the wild wild west will be established, crime will flourish, just imagine all the stoned idiots riding bike's around with 3 children on board, f ing stupidity at the least.
  16. Yes it has, one good friend reports from Hua Hin she has her second infection of Omicron, the first BA1 now she has BA.2 and the whole family has it, first time just the mother and she isolated for 11 days, now the whole family isolating, kids , Mom and dad, but no one is sick , just flue symptoms and mild, so looks like BA.2 is surging ahead and displacing BA.1 which seems to have spread through and now BA.2 is causing a mild second infection.
  17. If you compare the UK population- wise, 65 million, Thailand 69 million and the time Omicron arrived, about the same time for both countries then Thailand's figures are way off . They will see a BA.2 surge as the UK and the USA are going through, then we now have XE a combinate of BA.1 and BA.2 to displace BA.2.but so far not proving not to be any worse. So Thailand must have some secret, probable answer is ,it has spread through the population quickly and they have acquired natural immunity, as happened in Uganda with 12 % of the population double vaccinated and virtually no cases anymore they report natural acquired immunity from natural infection.
  18. They could use Russian engines, Germany probably won't suplly China as they continue to not side with the crazy USA politicians
  19. Correct and they were financed and trained and now merged into the Ukraine army, given arms by Biden and his cronies.
  20. The Indians buy heaps of stuff to take back and sell The Russians are making movies in Phuket, , backhanders? The Chinese tour guides direct their tours at certain venues only, Backhanders I know for sure The Arabs ,maybe medical trips and what ever Europeans full moon party ect, except for us older ones that live in LOS
  21. So does this mean you have to have hotel booked that will give you a RT-PCR test and a test kit???
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