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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. My wife was talking to the mother in law who works at the Dragon Market in Hua Hin, she stopped working a few days ago as two people collapsed, while working at their stall from covid. That scarred her, so she has now had her first vaccine , first shot sino and the second will be Astra, that seems to be the way they are vaccinating Thai. She is staying home now, and she said the owner of the market will not shut it down, as she will lose to much money, even though it now seems the market workers are infested with Delta. So, if your shopping in Hua Hin a good place to avoid will be the markets as probably same will be happening, I know the fresh market was closed for spraying but might be open again now.
  2. One of my friends has 7 Thai children, he supports the family, has built them houses, and owns company properties, but he was just talking to me as he's is going back soon, about a ten yr visa, where he would have to buy property, and he is not interested, he is treated like all us expats, needs expensive insurance, and has to go through all the same visa hurdles as us all, I said go back on a thirty day then apply for your non o which he will do, while his wife and 3 kids he has here in NZ stroll through the gate, thats after the NZ govt supported his kids here with free medical and school and looked after his wife. So it is about time the Thai govt woke up and stopped bashing us up, I support my Thai wife and kids, and look after her mother , one brother and a sister, many of you do more, it is total BS .
  3. Apparently, but do not take my word until you read official published studies, after your body kills covid the problem is getting rid of the truck load of debris (dead virus) this is what clogs you up and puts you into overdrive and can kill you. So--- An RT-PCR can be positive after your body has killed a virus, as the debris are evacuating your system, so after this event happens you could, get a positive RT- PCR when your actually shedding dead virus. Then you will be sent to MIQ regardless if your double vaccinated and shedding dead virus. This is probably why scientists are calling for new tests that could eliminate false positives, we will hope they arrive soon.
  4. Could they possibly be Thai returning from work overseas, or where did they come from,and we’re they tested before boarding?
  5. I am lost for words, why would you jump through all the TP hoops to go to Pattaya when it is a Red Zone, my sister in Law went back to Chonburi for her second shot and is not allowed to travel back to Hua HIn, she said that restriction will lift in a few days. My mother in law who works at the Dragon Markets in Hua HIn said people were caught working at stalls a few days ago with covid, the owner will not shut it down, she said, I lose to much money, but the old girl is isolating at home now, she also said the fresh market was shut for a few days while they spray it, what good that will do I don't know.
  6. Problem probably is, the site is overloaded and crashing, 1 billion Chinese, 500,000 Indians and 10 Million Europeans all trying to come to Thailand at once, no wonder the site goes down, my abacus very good fore solving problems.
  7. They will have finished their dinner and wine by then and be home having a drink with the neighbors
  8. Israel has stabbed over 4 million with a third booster shot same happening in the Uk, efficacy fades after 6 months off double doses with all the vaccines, so now they’re saying to get the efficacy back up you will need a booster. They also say you still can catch Delta and spread it, but your less likely to be hospitalized, there are plenty off papers on this subject published and available to read online.
  9. They will have to be stabbed a third time, that’s is happening now in Israel,Uk. NZ has just ordered 4.7 million doses ,gearing up for stab no 3, and stabbing children from 5 yrs and up, but that’s where I draw the line not my kid. Over 99% of children don’t require treatment for COVID ,maybe they will mandate it so you’re kid’s won’t be allowed back to school , we will be back in Thailand then where it’s less crazy than NZ.
  10. Thais can ride motorbikes with no helmets, carry babies, talk on a cell phone, no problem-- to the hospitals, I have been in hospital emergency wards for medical treatment several times. I have seen the accident victims coming in, it is shocking, to be on a drip watching this helplessness in front of your eyes. Yet the road toll continues, in the country now ranked as the most unsafe for motorists, a country that is opening to tourism, and punishing the good people (expats) or whoever, that have established relationships, established families that are part of Thai cultural education, to the rest of the world, by demanding insurance premiums from them that are exorbitant, and not only that , not allowing them to have private insurance with their own country. All of this supposedly because one Falung did a runner on a hospital bill, When I was in hospital they took my passport, I gave it to them willingly, they treated me well, I paid my bill, which was very affordable, compared to other countries. I was grateful for the service and treatment I recieved. Now they want to open up the new Thailand, I thought the bar scene was going to not happen under the new norm, but the picture I saw was girls dressed in gold dresses standing outside bars welcoming the new norm. Maybe the new norm is , kissing , must wear face mask, drinking must not remove mask, funny? no true, in Melbourne you can not remove your face mask to drink alcohol, yep how stupid the world has become.
  11. Don't know, but who??? are the owners of these Thai insurance companies driving this policy, which the govt is mandating. Maybe a case of he who pays the piper calls the tune. I hope that compulsory insurance becomes mandatory, for any person who wishes to leave any country, that may be in violation of the human rights bill, unless a clause prohibits this, or modification to the bill, prohibits the right to leave a country is changed. No doubt that while this world is under this covid cloud of uncertainty , there will be mandates, protests and some lawyers doing battle. The worlds name may change from planet Earth to planet Litigation.
  12. Well it seems that if your elderly and die of covid, then you probably would have died anyway from comorbidities. But the research does not say , how many years of useful life you may have had if you died from a comorbidity , there are no papers available at present on research about this. So it seems elderly that reside in LOS must dump the cash they have into insurance companies, or just go home and die, because you would die of comorbidities anyway, and you may be a flight risk , for not paying up for your hospital bill. Don't worry about the house you own , the Thai children you love and support, or your Thai wife, just pay up or get out.
  13. I think that covid insurance is fine ,it's quite affordable, but if your over 75 the health insurance, separate from covid, becomes a financial nighmare for 0ver 75 . I have spoken to some of the advisors that are linked to advertising on this site and they say USD 20,000 per year for people who are up there in the over 75, I find this abysmal, and it seems to be a money grab from Thai Insurance companies. If your covered for covid that should be the main concern and that insurance is offered cheap to people up to 95 yrs of age, buttttt, the health insurance needed on top, seems like nothing but a scam, and a way off ripping off the elderly and forcing them out of Thailand, even though they have spent many years in the country and have children to Thai partners and contribute more than any tourist would to the economy. It is shameful , NZ does not treat Thai elderly people like this, we grant them citizenship and a pension if they qualify, and we educate their grandchildren free. And we give them free hospital care and ACC insurance -- free.
  14. Soon will not need paper glasses, they may leak and crush and cause trees to be cut down, you will be able to drink out of glass again soon, don't worry be happy.
  15. We have dedicated 5 billion to address this, please supply address
  16. Because, they have no other means, poverty dictates behavior ,and those people will be blamed for deforestation, not the rose wood guitars and hardwood floors of the elite.
  17. I would hazard a guess it's all the Scandinavian + others that spend 6 months in Thailand coming back , they are quite happy with their nice condos on the golf course and the local club, They will be glad to get out of the madness in Europe , which is now having heaps of protests against mandated vaccination to keep their jobs .
  18. Delusional , planes will not fly full again until the madness stops, everywhere, not just LOS, no more. By the way I thought the bars were going to be shut, but from the photo on the news of Phuket , the bar girls looked to be dressed very nice in gold dresses. maybe the new norm all bar hostesses will require a vaccine passport and a gold dress must be worn.
  19. If you have half the number of customers, then the new normal is to charge double, I just worked it out on my wifes uncles Chinese abacus
  20. I think I got it, Less tourists visit my café so double the price of coffee, very easy.
  21. Yes that's right, but encouraging, also could be false positives as RT-PCR can still detect viral load after your over covid. It would be interesting to know all the facts , are these 6 double vaccinated and re-infected???
  22. Waste of time signing that agreement he knows by 2030 all the forests will be gone
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