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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. I watched pickpockets on bikes while sitting enjoying a beer in a back soi near the Indra BK.(before covid) One guy would snatch a bag away from where I was sitting then come back to the soi where I was and hand the bag to another guy who would take off, I guess Duck forgot this tactic and went straight to the porn shop who gladly paid him 1500 BHAT for stolen property, I wonder if they asked for his ID before the purchase.
  2. most reports yet to be confirmed say its like a 2 day hangover, and all over, so the papers will be out in 3 weeks from SA, no need to terrorize the word, your right
  3. I have kept up to date with the Omicron news, and so far many doctors are saying this may be a savior, if it turns out to be not so harmful. One South African Dr says its a storm in a teacup, her patients were only getting headaches and tiredness . DR Campbell has an update on the latest news on you tube. He was also interviewed about this on DW, its available on youtube. He said it will be at least 3 weeks before an official report comes from South Africa, but he and others I viewed are hoping that this may be good news if the new variant is only causing minor effects. The world opinion all over the news, I watched DW report and TVNZ is that this variant, dubbed Little O ,Micro is Greek for small, will take over from Delta- covid. Then when the official report comes out in a few weeks about how it is affecting vaccinated and unvaccinated and what it is actually doing, symptom wise, and if the suspicions by many Dr's have that this may be a savior then we might well see the end of the pandemic approaching. And as far as Thailand controlling it from coming in, not a show in hell, (especially if they are letting Africans, Egyptians Israelis, Australians ect, in) its probably they say going to be more infectious, so MIQ wont stop it and if the incubation period is longer, another unknown to come out in the report, then it wont be picked up . RT-PCR can still detect this strain but the s gene drops out in the test so if that shows to be happening then it is likely Omicron. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that this may be good news ,only a few weeks then we all will know.
  4. Good night all, be on the lookout for a new virus that might, as I put on my thinkyoulater, not hurt you as much as delta even though you might get infected easier, the Jury is out, we are waiting for the experts to report ,but I hope the old thinkyoulater handed down for many generations may be right, but it's speculation at this stage lets just hope that the old thinkyoulater is right, hope so for all of us on this deturbed planet.
  5. I was talking to a guy a few years ago who became one of my best friends, he lived in Thailand 45 yrs. In Pratunam. He said to me one day look over the soi at the building, I said why he said, dont you see, what I said? the peep holes? they have been gambling here for years, they used to look at you through the peepholes before letting you in, then I looked around more , a very old soi in Pratunam, peep holes everywhere , he said nothing changed except the red light district moved around the corner to Sukhumvit rd. after R and R. he said Chinese gambling houses were still going everywhere around Pratunam, in the back sois , if you ever walk around these back streets be on the look out for peep holes as you are being watched.
  6. The family cannot do anything, the brat never listened to his mother or father, just had a nice happy life snorting, driving ferraris And could do what he likes, the family are wondering who to marry him into, so he will be able to sing karaoke, have babies and never talk about this again
  7. If a well dressed Thai rides a bike with no helmet they are far more likely than a poor person on a clapped out bike, to be stopped and fined, logic prevails.
  8. It took me three weeks of hard work to get an 86 yr old back home on a COE Ubon helped me a lot, with some ideas, I had to go with the 45 day on arrival which is now back to 30 days and then he could apply for a non o 90 day. Covid insurance was easy part , COE was knocked back twice but got it in the end ,but had to have a booked ticket out to get in which was only $500 down the drain. Getting the rt-pcr on time was a headache and getting the old boy his vaccination papers ect loading the app on his phone was a nightmare as he never has used a swipe phone, then instructing him labelling all the paperwork was something I would never help anyone with again. I have to get back myself next year with family and I hope it is a bit easier then.
  9. Rubbish, and he is regarded as on of England's gems, and only reports on published papers ne is not a Dr of philosophy if you wish to slag him look at the video then look at his qualifications.
  10. The Air New Zealand vaccination passport A passenger boarded a few days ago, flew to Christchurch then back to Auckland where he was tested posted and infectious with Delta, creating panic in Christchurch as no COVID there, conclusion , vaccine passports are a crock full of it.
  11. The JF method won’t work but will stop spread. Seriously they most highly vaccinated countries are the ones experiencing huge new outbreaks
  12. If you have been around a few years you get to know the ropes but under these new pandemic rules the thieves will be having a field day
  13. Strangely enough all countries seem to be doing the same thing’s, schools closed for a few days now as teachers protest about being forced into vaccination or loose their jobs,, nurses doing the same and protestors we’re all over the streets here in NZ’ land. My wife said Macro Huahin was closed yesterday from Covid,I don’t know how long that will be for.
  14. It’s the bag delivery guys fault,the bags were supposed to be the ones with small holes in them
  15. They are aiming at the tee totallers, Mr Chiang and Dr Singh don't like the idea, neither do the tee totallers, maybe give them free sand bucket and a spade to play on the beach might encourage more to come.
  16. Ivermectin is available over the counter in los why bother?
  17. If you drink 15 large Chang a day , smoke 10 packs a week then what do you expect?????
  18. however, the vaccinated are spreading covid at exhalating rates, across the most highly vaccinated countries , Germany ,Israel , Gibraltar ,Netherlands, Ireland but to name a few, and the figures are going up, meanwhile India is going down
  19. when driving drunk you do not risk death from side effects that may in the future appear. but you do risk instant death or maiming innocent people. just as some are dyeing from vaccines and developing heart problems, however the risk far outweighs getting vaccinated, dye from a vaccine dose or a traffic accident? wait for the research.
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