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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. There is a shop called ShiangKrieng. It is in the Bangna-Trat area not too far from swampy.


    There is also a shop called Eastern Stained glass.


    Who appear to have a limited selection.

    If these links are removed PM me and I'll help you that way.



    P.S I'm a Stained glass artist in the North of Thailand, here is my website for removal :)


  2. Perhaps while they are at it the new world order should make tobacco and alcohol illegal as they are responsible for death and illness at least an order of magnitude greater than the so called 'illegal' drugs all added together. But I guess the tax revenue resulting from their licensing is just too much for governments to contemplate losing, which makes them the largest drug dealers on earth.

  3. Could I ask why you made an illegal crossing from Laos, did you reason that overstaying your visa was a less serious offense in Thailand than it was in Laos by any chance?

    I do remember once witnessing someone turn up at the Mae Sae border crossing at the Thai side without an exit stamp for Myannmar, they sent him straight back to the Myannmar side who for all I know might have bounced him back in turn to the Thais.

    Getting a new passport is priority no.1, without it you are likely to end up in an immigration jail until your embassy completes the administrative process of issuing a new one and they may not be disposed to hurry, but if you turn up of your own volition you can at least get the ball rolling.

    Good luck, I think you will need it.

  4. Hmmm, There could hardly be a larger or more worthwhile undertaking than dismantling the police and starting again. I do think that this misses a larger issue though; The police are a reflection of society as a whole and their corruption merely reflects the almost universal tendency to extract personal advantage from performing every job which confers authority. Furthermore the Thai people seem to have developed an attitude of profound defeatism when it comes to facing such universal graft, so they will routinely pay to get round regulations or obtain advantage for themselves.

    I suppose the answer may lie with education, but you hear of how the Chinese deal with corrupt government officials and so sanction for misconduct needs to be more severe than the ubiquitous transfer to another position.

  5. Well, that moron Savage and an Aussie have been arrested and are now in jail. Made my day. :)

    Glad I'm not stuck in jail with those two being the only other farang. The conversational options would drive me nuts.

    The Aussie would have no doubt re-invented himself as an experienced political prisoner who had escaped jail in five continents and was now an expert in urban bush tucker, or cockroach and rice if you pressed him on it.

  6. Dude, This is an internet forum! I have partaken in various internet forums covering many topics. Football, music, politics, finance and a specialist one stained glass. Now trust me on this one - every forum has a large element of childish argument which can get quite heated and quite nasty. Thaivisa just happens to be about Thailand so naturally people will argue and complain about their lot here. In the real world it's usually a lot more civilized, unless there's an expat forum for Somalia. :)

  7. :D

    There is a certain type of personality...common among politicians....who are simply unable to believe that anything they did was "bad", "evil", or simply "wrong". In their mind, and in their self-inflated ego, all they ever did was for the betterment of all mankind; and any criticism of them comes only from those other evil ill-intentioned people who are trying to stop their well intentioned plans. Mr Thaksin is one of those....as the saying goes, "A Legend in his own mind".

    That type of personality has a high capacity for delusions of the grandiose type. Those who oppose him (or her as in Maggie Thatcher) simply can not appreciate the vast wisdom and scope of their plans. In that regard Mr Thaksin ranks up there among such notables as Dick Chaney, George W. Bush, Maggie Thatcher,etc.

    That's why Mr. Thaksin will never admit any responsibility for any mistakes he made. If he did it would ruin his own self-generated justification for everything he has done in his life.

    The American novelist Kurt Vonnegut called them,"those C students from Yale"; those who were jumped up to a position of power and influence...referring specifically to George W. Bush....and then attained power without the experience or the real ability to handle it.

    (Yale University, in case you don't know, is an American Ivy Leauge school where the sons of the rich go...their Dad's having the money and influence to send their sons to that school by donating enough money to the University).

    Mr. Thaksin is a Thai version of that type of person.

    Vonnegut refered to them as, "self-inflating Egos."


    Hmmm. You used the word grandiose, I think that is one of the clinical indicators for malignant narcissism (Megalomania). If you want to see the other indicators here is a link.


  8. Disaffected, uneducated, unemployable, lazy 'Baan Nork', oiled up on Lao Khao, and angry because the pipeline of handouts has dried up decide to burn their own homeland.

    They would have been better off all along, following the Sufficiency Economy model, adopting some modern farming techniques, and investing those handouts in that, instead of spending the money on new pickups and motorcycles they can't pay for, and basically complaining all the time about their lot in life and blaming the invisible "elite".

    Ironically, Abhisit has recently helped them all greatly, with farmer debt relief, by instituting free education and moving towards a social welfare society which he has publically advocated on numerous occasions.

    Unfortunately, all of that takes time and effort, and therefore doesn't feed into the impatient Baan Nork's sense of entitlement, and need for instant gratification via handouts, without work.

    During his 5 years in power, Thaksin created a monster, by giving these country folk easy money. The country is now reaping the "reward" for his largesse funded by tax-payers' money (largely Bangkok tax-payers, ironically).

    If there is such a thing as karma, one hopes that Thaksin gets his just desserts for causing all of this.

    That is my observation too. Well written.

    Give some people a ruin and they'll turn it into a palace; give others a palace and they'll turn it into a ruin, and then complain about their lot.

  9. Some racist remarks (and replies) have been deleted from this topic.

    Any more, and the offender(s) will have their posting rights revoked and/or will be suspended from the forum.

    Thanks for deleting so quickly, I should have just reported them instead of replying. Out of a matter of interest does Thailand have any laws covering incitement to racial hatred? I suppose not. :)

  10. Wondered where the Reds got the idea of burning everything down?

    Didn´t Seh Daeng said "Bangkok will burn"? (before he bite the dirt)

    From one of the videos of Arisman, many of his named targets have already been hit, but there are still some remaining targets from his list that haven't been burned to the ground.

    I wonder when that will occur and what the ramifications will be.

    According to Arisman on this video, his list of targets for burning are:

    Siriraj Hospital, All Muslim Mosques, Government House, Important Ministries, Airports, Rajavithi Road, Bridges, Bank of Thailand, Commercial Banks, Military Barracks, Court of Justice, and NGO's

    will all be destroyed....

    "Not one of these will remain standing."

    And there you have it the smell, or should I say stench of red democracy. These guys are totalitarian through and through, you can spot the scapegoating a mile off. Their myopic followers seem to fail to realize that totalitarian rule means out with the old rich, in with the new, everyone else becomes poorer and loses their human rights too.

  11. What was burned undoubtedly proves the notion that this was pre-planned. Of all the banks that were burned, the overwhelming majority were Bangkok Banks. <snip>

    A couple of brief histories:

    Chin Sophonpanich was the founder of Bangkok Bank.

    Born to a Chinese immigrant father and a Thai mother in Thonburi (Chinatown), Chin's daughter-in-law, the Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, wife of Chote Sophonpanich, is currently serving as the Thai Democrat Party's Minister of Science and Technology.

    Tiang Chirathivat was the founder of Central Group.

    In 1927 22-year-old Tiang traversed the sea from Hainan in Mainland China to settle down in Siam. He married Khun Whan and had the first child. The family business began as a tiny retail outlet in Thonburi (Chinatown). The store moved to Charoen Krung Road, at the corner of Captain Bush Lane in Bangkok's Si Phraya district. The single unit shophouse sold a large variety of local and international newspapers and magazines and carried the name "Central Trading Store, the first chapter of Central Department Stores history.

    Immigrant bashing - congrats you are now a US Republican! :)

    It's very interesting now that it is becoming harder and harder to justify the red actions (although a shocking number of their cheerleaders are excusing the arson), they are now turning back to bashing the "elites" and attaching an ethnic side to it. So a few questions to those who want to get rid of the elites, seemingly by any means. Are we defining the elites by ethnicity? If so, how many generations are we going back? And should we be measuring facial features and skin color in our determination? Or do we use economic determiners - money in the bank, size of home, car, brand of clothing? What about education - educated people are elite. And who are the judges of who is elite? And what do we do with those we brand "elite"? Beginning to sound a lot like the folks in Cambodia in '75?

    Agreed, these class war obsessed Maoists could go down the Pol Pot route if given the chance, they mention the word democracy a lot but their actions are and always have been anything but democratic. Selling your vote is to perpetuate a feudal style system and to shoot, bomb or otherwise intimidate people of other political parties stinks of fascism, as does the thinly veiled undercurrent of racism and scapegoating towards Farrang and Sino-Thais.

    Idi Amin in Uganda cleared out the asian population and Robert Mugabe cleared out the white farmers and both spectacularly flushed their economies down the toilet. Do the so called rural poor want to go down any of these routes? Perhaps removing the chip from their own shoulders would be more productive.


    From your post,it is you who are doing this.How the hel_l do you know that farangs who seem to be pro-reds are being influenced by their issan gf/wife.Your post tries to make it clear that your gf/wife is NOT from Issan,as though its some sort of no no to love an issan lady.

    This is the whole reason why there are problems in Thailand with views like you.I believe the reds have lost a lot of supporters due to this rioting in Bangkok,but let me tell you one thing,there is plenty of hatred towards bangkok thais and farangs by thai people in Chonburi,so think about that please.

    Could I just ask you how big do you think this so called 'Chasm' is compared to similar wealth gaps in places like Brazil, Mexico or even China? It takes more than a wealth gap to cause the 'hatred' you refer to, it takes brainwashing, spoon fed hatred and a scapegoat on which to blame your supposed ills. I have also noticed that every Farrang who condemns the red behavior is labeled hi-so just to perpetuate your class war mentality and there is also a disturbing trend to blame the ethnic Chinese, even though the red's deity himself has Chinese blood. It is a complex question as to exactly how wealth divides happen; I think it would be stepping close to racism to state one ethnic group to be superior to another, however culturally there are differences and cumulatively over many generations these make huge differences to wealth.

    Perhaps if the people who think themselves disadvantaged could chew on the following;- They are net recipients of tax revenue from the South, which no doubt will be greatly reduced due to the stupidity of their own actions. Emphasis on education, saving (deferment of gratification), moderation (drink & drugs), self-reliance (not wanting a P'Fallang or P'Thaksin to act as a giant atm) would go a long way towards curing the perceived injustices.

    I think the blaming of outsiders for their own situation is a manifestation of self-loathing projected onto others. Granted equal access to health/education and rights are desirable and Abhisit was addressing these, but a little mature introspection seems to be completely lacking in the red mindset.

  13. Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

    Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

    There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

    Absolute horse excrement troll. In nearly every other Country the protests would have ended weeks ago with far more loss of life. It is not Abhisit's fault that he inherited a completely dysfunctional police force and an army showing factional splits. But then you know this very well but you are a troll.

  14. The redshirts have conclusively proved one thing, they never wanted democracy and don't even understand what it is. All they do understand is the hate propaganda spewed from their leaders for months on end. They feel a deep sense of injustice as their paternal despot was removed. To some degree this is understandable with all the goings on since 2006, however this does not excuse anarchy.

    These are the human dregs, the scum of the earth who usually get locked up, however sadly Thailand has no system of governance and has always had the potential for anarchy just below the surface. The authorities need to get hold of this very quickly and if it means shooting to kill then that has to be done, otherwise Thailand is going down the same path as either Cambodia or Somalia.

    Very Sad indeed.

  15. The remaining mob of terrorists need to be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Death toll will rise, but these are not the "peaceful protestors". These are the hard core "kill em all, let God sort em out" crazies. Force is necessary.

    Shoot them, shoot to kill, this will save lives rather than have a bunch of deranged meth heads running around like a chicken with it's head cut off lashing out at everything and everyone at random.

  16. I have lived in countries were the militias retaliated to revenge their people being attacked by the govenment , by invading all the govenment and military bases in their stronghold provinces , i hope the thai government has taken this option under consideration when they decided to go ahead with their carackdown ,

    the whole northeast provinces can fall under the hands of red shirts militias including army barricades police stations and government offices .

    This is certainly a danger so martial law and a shoot to kill directive is a lesser evil if push comes to shove. One thing is certain when the dust settles, Abhisit should make his first priority completely dismantling the police and starting again. If there was a police force that enforced the law regardless of the personal feelings of individual officers then nearly all of this mess could have been avoided.

  17. Sadly for all, the government and army are bowing to the inevitable.

    Some times ones fate and best intentions are overtaken and crushed by circumstances.

    You can only hit a sleeping dog with a stick for so long before it bites you badly.

    But conversely you can only fence in a rabid dog for so long before it breaks out

    and starts attacking mindlessly. Usually both get put down, through no fault of their own.

    Once it was seen that the Rajaprasong audience violently rejected

    their own leaders calls for stopping the violence and backing down,

    the game was up for a peaceful resolution.

    I am sure the red leaders, who cynically injected neo-post-communist styled indoctrination

    into the minds of 10s of thousands for years on end, and 24/7 for 2 months straight

    into this crowd of simple up country folk, are now shocked to find out how well it worked.

    Those poor people have been brainwashed to believe ANY speech against their internalized

    'Party line' is evil and compromised, and or bought by the evil government. So rejected without thought.

    Now when their own leaders want to throw in the towel, for their followers safety,

    the followers think the same about their change of mind; Evil product of the evil government.

    Yes, send in the tanks if needed, but no need to use their cannons or heavy machine guns,

    they can just be used to break down barricades, same as the APCs are being used.

    But create greater fear through their unused potential. Heavy and armored means protection for the drivers.

    There is no chance for further mediation, if the senate couldn't do it last night,

    because the Red leaders have lost control of their people, that seals the end game.

    I would guess the hidden snipers will now start aiming at the army as they come in,

    rather than primarily their own side Red side pawns as propaganda fodder.

    One interesting aspect from yesterday was that some in the rally didn't surrender because

    they were told that the army outside were foreign mercenaries hired because they hate Thais,

    so no compunctions to shoot them. That would fit with the reds propaganda that

    90% of the country is 'with the reds', and Thais don't shoot at Thais, even though reds are,

    and that if you dare leave you will be beaten, or killed, by the mercenary militarists.

    I really feel sorry for these brainwashed folks, left to watch in horror as

    the alleged 'foreign' force comes up the street to get them. Blame their leaders of course.

    Now they will know the terror they have inflicted on others in Bangkok for weeks on end.

    Lets hope a channel to the Wat is left open for those wishing to escape/surrender without weapons,

    UNlike the 'shooting fish in a barrel' that was used on PAD oct 7.....

    This was coming, sad to say, but inevitable consequences of the red's master's plan.

    Sadly th 'Puyai of Paris' still goes for this ending long after that nature of the plan is well and truly exposed

    to the Thai people and the world. The financial trail that will be vigorously pursued will likely decimate

    the PTP/TRT ranks that spawned it. I suspect red Leaders will be captured if possible, to aid in this

    financial post-mortem of an attempted revolution.

    Chockdee Thailand and all the Thai people,

    including the indoctrinated victims of Red misanthropy.

    Good observations. With regards to the brainwashed masses, the Thai culture lends itself to such a situation. Group think is encouraged, individuality is discouraged. Unquestioning obedience to those above them in their hierarchy is ingrained. Finally there is too much magical thinking where some powerful benefactor supposedly provides for them absolving them from taking ownership of their own lives. So now we have the Waco style conflagration I feared, but the Thai David Koresh is a smart cookie and is busy shopping in Paris whilst he disowns his entire chain of command in a single tweet.

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