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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. tulsathit: Thaksin has issued a statement calling for ceasefire and talks to create reconciliation roadmap (via @ktnews)

    Fri May 14 2010 15:00:57 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

    tukky_nt: Thaksin's latest statemaent via Noppadon.1Govt must end the crackdown.2 revoke the state of emergency declaration.(cont)

    Fri May 14 2010 15:00:48 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

    It seems as if this crook has twitter as his only option.

    Thaksin come here and don't be a coward, will you?

    Too bad Seh Daeng already spilled the beans about how much Thugsin really wants a reconciliation. And no those aren't fake reds setting things ablaze, and no, you're not getting your money back.

  2. Reading the above contribution you wouldn't believe that the reds are currently rioting exactly the same way as they did at Songkran 2009.

    The only difference so far is that Thaksin later said that they were fake reds.

    The above contributor's promises are so much confetti.

    He is not interested in the scheduled state elections.

    He is interested in supporting Thaksin's target.

    A last ditch attempt.

    With petrol bombs.

    As promised by Arisman.

    Perhaps the real reds should have a watermark so it's easier to spot the fake ones. :)

  3. Think the whole attempt - crossing over to violence makes the sore loser even a bigger loser!

    See the writing on the wall - "War on drugs", "Tak Bai", Krue Sae"..... tells it all!

    there is a lose cannon out there, who will go what ever it takes to take revenge -see how far he's gone already!

    Wonder what happens if he decides it's all lost...... :)

    Megalomaniacs who go into narcissistic rage destroy all around them including themselves in the end. They have no friends or enemies the only thing they fear is being ignored - loss of power not money is the biggest factor here imho.

  4. TAN Network: Reports indicate that Jatuporn and Arisman are the only remaining leaders who won't surrender

    Only 2 holdouts and they are still there??? What kind of democracy are they running?

    Oh, wait ... the kind where unelected leaders lead lambs to a slaughter while they work out deals to save their own behinds. The kind where they never ask their lambs for their opinions and only tell them what to do ... such as fight soldiers with your bare hands as we hide out from them.

    The other leaders got paid to leave.

    And what would YOU need to be paid in order to vote democrat? Your post encapsulates exactly why Thailand is in such a mess. Abhisit offers a compromise in good faith and because some moderate reds are tempted to find one too the automatic assumption is they have been paid to do so. This is the mindset which begets despot followed by despot, democracy, I don't think you know the meaning of the word.

  5. Q : Who are the dove leaders?

    Seh Daeng : Nattawut Saikua, Jatuporn Promphan, Dr weng Tojirakarn, and Wisa Khanthap.

    Q : Who are the hawk leaders?

    Seh Daeng : Arisman Pongruangrong, Suporn Atthawong, Khwanchai Praipana and Payap Panket.

    The doves are bad leaders. The red shirts have come to fight and die. How can they make a deal [with the government] for themselves? The PM's road map, the surrender of Suthep Thaugsuban at the DSI, and at the CSD. I exposed them all. The red shirts have come here for House dissolution, not for the road map.

    Q : What do you have to explain to the people about the red shirts' demand?

    Seh Daeng : We come here for House dissolution and now we are fooled by the first-tier leaders. Now we are waiting for the second-tier leaders, who have now given a pledge to carry on the protest and now one backs out. Arisman is the leader.

    It is not certain if Jatuporn will join the bandwagon. He jumped in and just jumped out.

    A few minutes before being shot SD gave this interview.

    Who shot him? Seems like its all there to me.

    The Army should translate this into Thai and broadcast it very loudly over the rally area...

    Exactly, followed by the message, leave now and live, stay and risk death.

  6. In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

    Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

    Perhaps when the dust settles it's worth looking on Craigslist for any second hand cut price Jatukarms for sale.

  7. you're comparing Stalin and Hitler with this guy?

    Well Pol-Pot would be a closer geographical fit. It is revealing that Seh Daeng in his last interview described other red leaders as bad leaders paid off by the government. This is just the sort of paranoid scapegoating which results with someone eliminating their enemies and then their former friends to cement their position. I believe independence for Issan was another of his little pearls, I shudder to imagine what would have happened if somehow he lead a factional takeover of the army, it could have been the killing fields all over again.

    Though I suppose in the cold light of day it is wrong to want anyone dead I must say I'm greatly relived he is out of the way and even if he was on a direct satellite link talking to Obama at the time I'd still think the same.

  8. Governments, even when confronted by demonstrations - even violents ones - MUST always uphold the law - its the sign of a mature society - shooting people in the head by sniper fire - a serving General - is outrageous - and even yellows should be condemning it outright.

    Point of fact: No longer serving at the time, he had been suspended from dance instruction and aerobics for being a loose cannon.

    Point of fact: serving - suspension is not dismissal and had not been enacted - get your facts right

    Well, lets just say he wasn't in any hurry to turn up at army HQ to try and get reinstated, unless of course a plea was attached to an M79 grenade.

  9. Governments, even when confronted by demonstrations - even violents ones - MUST always uphold the law - its the sign of a mature society - shooting people in the head by sniper fire - a serving General - is outrageous - and even yellows should be condemning it outright.

    Point of fact: No longer serving at the time, he had been suspended from dance instruction and aerobics for being a loose cannon.

    ..And you keep repeating the allegation that the government was responsible, TIT, the army is separate from government, though it is possible of course that a fake government carried out the shooting to discredit the real one. :)

  10. There is a knee jerk assumption here that the 'government' are responsible, well there are many other suspects seeing as Seh Daeng seemed to have a special gift for making enemies. Perhaps there was a power struggle amongst the reds, perhaps the army commanders were settling an internal matter in their own way, but all of this is conjecture, show the proof who did it, as Seh Daeng himself may have asked for dozens of acts of violence attributed to him.

    As for sending a bad message to the outside world, well it's all a little academic now with red shirts turning central Bangkok into the set of Mad Max.

  11. Steely Dan,

    “Yes, there is a risk that many lives will be spared if this psychopath dies. The high ground really doesn't suit you red apologists. “

    Alas Dan, wherever the moral high ground is, it is no environement for fascist rats. I never guessed so many farangs were closet Brownshirts. Hitler’s path to power was littered with assasinated opponents. Some were simply murdered, others tortured or beaten into impotent silence.

    Who are these Anglo-Yankee-doodle democrats who find a key role for marksmen assassins? Are they the heirs of the American Revolution for democracy? If so, why do they befoul the memory of their grandfathers who fought for democracy, to eradicated nazism?

    Do you nazi stooges really claim that democracy comes from the barrel of a gun? And please do not complain that my labels of ‘fascist’ & ‘nazi’ offend you. Your kind killed some of my kind, so I have a certain privilege, & an educated nose for fascism. It tells me that many farang posters have no sympathy for democracy, & none for ordinary Thai people – the Brute Force & Ignorance Tendency. God rot it, them, & you. OGT

    I suggest before blathering inanely you get orientated with left and right. Seh Daeng was proud of personally killing 20 communists (left wing) which would make him a fascist. As for the rest of your post your hypocrisy is breathtaking. What of the army officer assasinated on 10th April, just Seh Daengs style as were several assassination attempts on political opponents. You talk of democracy (sic) when Abhisit's offer of elections was rejected out of hand by your deity even when other red leaders were willing to talk, so in effect he was likely condemning several innocent Thais to death for his own personal ego trip. Seh Daeng was the Pol Pot in waiting in this sad situation - I am happy he is out of the picture.

    As for you ad hominem attacks they mark you oh so clearly in the red camp. Now rage away if you like but it won't do your blood pressure any good, old git. :):D :D

  12. what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

    1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

    2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

    anyone ?

    Maybe they become "legitimate" again, AND gain a martyr. Unless there's video evidence of another Red Shirt shooting him they'll create whichever story best suits their cause.

    The red camp gets marginally saner, Thaksin has one less puppet to play with, the other leaders are more likely to cut their losses and flee before they get Seh Daenged.

    I suppose looking on the bright side from Thaksin's point of view it cuts down on the payroll.

  13. A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

    Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have been shot in the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribune.

    A live interview, or perhaps not. :) I think I'll open a bottle of wine and celebrate all the lives this has saved if the news is confirmed.

  14. THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

    Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :D

    It only takes one

    then the whole pyramid collapses

    How can he get out of thailand

    being such a well know person surely he would be spotted at out going immigration

    On a Weng and a prayer, I guess that it was flu afterall and not a cold. :)

  15. I jjust show some picture to contrast Tallforeigners quit pictures of old people and small children. and that the reds are not so friendly as it looks on his pictures.

    On the picture with the injured soldier, I don´t think the one at the right looks so friendly.

    True, and I agree that there is a very dangerous element to the red shirts, no need to look further than a few posts back. Those robes are probably pretty good at concealing a firearm. Wouldn't be shocked to find out that the gun was used sometime in the last 2 months. I'm also afraid that a good number of people at the rally are totally unaware of this element. The women and children in those photos are as real as the mob in your photo and they're wearing the same colors. The red shirts are a political movement with an armed wing, and they've set up camp smack in the middle of an urban city. It's a very tricky situation.

    Yes I would agree, very tricky. This is actually a hostage situation, though most of the hostages don't realize that's what they are. Days of brainwashing speeches and a magical benefactor exiled abroad. Shame they can't follow a chain of cause and effect more than two links long.

  16. Today Thai country People will face their destiny...

    Poor country People, exploited during years and centuries by the Elite, but also exploited by ambitious politicians from both sides.

    They have no choice they are there for begging a little improvement for tomorrow, more for the future generations than for themselves. Generously, they put their life at stake facing History and Eternity: I wish than tomorrow will not be a bitter day.

    My deepest respect

    I'm sure their sacrifice will be appreciated by the multi-billionaire kleptomaniac from the luxury of his villa several timezones away.

  17. What is stopping the parents of this child to leave NOW ? If they don't and the child gets hurt or killed, the parents should be thrown in jail for manslaughter

    The government should announce over loud speaker each hour and every hour that children and their guardians had 24 hours to leave or the guardians would be prosecuted for child neglect, or culpable homicide if their child is killed.

    P.S I was equally disgusted when PAD supporters brought children to their rallies.

  18. Monks as protesters,

    this is NOT buddha's teaching,

    what are they thinking?

    They aren't real monks as typified by this red monk at the rally:


    Most gangsters, when the police gets too close to them, or immediately after a murder disappear up country and become a monk until the heat has gone. Killers, robbers can all be found in saffron robes - this one looks a typical example - real monks are not supposed to smoke and I wonder what is in the bag ? 9mm alms ?

    I bet he would tear the rice paper if he walked on it. :)

  19. anyone know how many red shirts left at protest site

    Here you will see a photocollection showing the Rajprasong protest area. It is updated with many new photos nearly everyday. The latest update is from yesterday. Make your own estimate on how many people are there.

    From what I have seen a few hours ago it's about similar today. At this time there are usually less people on the street and most are still sleeping in their tents and under the shadows of the bts tracks, condominiums, hotels and shopping malls. Usually after 5pm the people start to get up and you will see many more on the street.

    If I have got time today I will shoot some more photos and upload them.

    Have a good look at all those people! These are the people the army will point their guns at.


    I'm just here to show. Photos tell more than a thousand words. I'm not here to discuss politics and I will not answer any comment.

    Funny how that collection didn't include any of these guys...

    Or their beloved leaders sleeping in air conditioned hotel rooms who knowingly put the lives of women and children in danger in order to avoid the consequences of their own cowardly actions.

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