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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. I need a pretty 24ish young woman for a photo for a book cover.

    Besides being pretty, she will also need a little bit of an edge on her smile, somewhat snake-like, tiger-like. Someone who shouldn't be trusted.

    She will be fully-clothed for the photos.

    She will be well compensated for her time.

    I have attached a few shots to give a general idea of the look I am trying to find.

    Please PM me and attach a photo if you know someone who fits the requirements.

    The clothing will be similar to the one of the lady in the jeans.




  2. And calling other people classic idiots isn't being idiotic at all?

    There are standard procedures for these sort of things. You start an investigation and wait for the outcome. Then you can either agree or disagree with it. If you disagree then you write a formal complaint letter. He doesnt have to be a jerk about it by calling thai officers idiots and accusing them of stealing and claiming 25.000 baht. These documents have absolutely no value for normal people at all.

    How is it relevant? How is it relevant to call an officer an idiot. I would be pretty pissed if a foreigner comes to my country and calling me an idiot in my own territory.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA wow just got off the boat huh buddy? Did you actually say standard procedures?! LOL And investigation?! ROFL And formal complaint letter OMG! NONE OF THESE THINGS APPLY TO OR WORK IN THAILAND. I suggest you figure out where you are because you are mistaking Thailand for your home country. Seriously, you are so completely off base about how things work here it's making my eyes bleed just reading your post. Formal complaint letter for the love of god....... HERE! haha

    Actually, a couple of years ago, my mother sent a small box to India. It never made it to the destination. It took us six months, but the Thai Post Office paid us back for postage and about 900 baht for the contents.

  3. I am sure by Asia, you mean East Asia. There are several Fuddruckers in the Middle East/

    I prefer Fuddruckers also out of Texas.

    Fuddruckers is good. I like their lemonade. It's not as good as Fatburger, nor would Fuddruckers ever open a store in Asia.

  4. If you are going to come to Pattaya, you can stay at the APEX Hotel. About 500 baht.

    It is on 2nd Road near Soi Diana, just north a little bit (50+ meters), opposite Soi 11.


    The hotel has a small swimming pool .




    TEL : (66-38) 429233 , 428281-2

    FAX : (66-38) 421184

    E-MAIL : [email protected]

    In Bangkok, take the pattaya bus from Ekamai Station. (Go inside the station to purchase your ticket) Do not jump onto a bus leaving the station which you are told by the "attendant" hanging out the doorway (You go Pattaya?). This bus will be about 60 baht but make many stops and take 3+ hours.

    Go inside the station and pay 121 baht for the direct bus. They leave every 20 minutes.

    When you get off the bus at the North Road bus station, there will be many blue pick-up trucks, called song taows, which will ask 50? baht to take you into town. They will know where the Apex Hotel is located. Or, a motorcycle taxi will do it for about 60 baht.

    Have fun.

  5. Ok, you have passed away, and now there is a property here which was owned by you.

    Now, what happens?

    Which one of your children is going to take the time off work to come over here and get everything going to sell the property?

    After one does that, who is going to look after the sale of the property?

    I would hope that none of your children would trust the Pattaya agents to have their best interests at heart.

    Buying property here to leave to your children is giving them a headache in the future.

    As many of the other posters have said..... RENT!!

  6. What is the best starting negotiation margin would you suggest to offer in buying a house or condo without offending the owner ?

    Do not worry about offending the owner. Repeat three times.

    The owner may be easily offended or may be asking 20% over market for the property.

    You want to get the property as absolutely as inexpensively as possible. You are not trying to make friends.

    What is the going margin rate that seem to be accept?

    They are all different. Some people will not drop 1% while others in a more desperate situation will drop 25%. I do not know where you are looking, but in Pattaya many "sellers" really "offerers" asking a lot more than they can sell their homes for, have been trying to get a ceetain price for a couple of years. Now they would be able to get a lot less than they what they could have got before... Sorry for how that sounds.

    It is a buyers market now.... if you are in Pattaya.

    Is housing prices pretty firm and accurate?

    NO, not firm.

    Accurate: From the land offices in the various cities? Absolutely not. The taxes paid on a sale are based on the amount that the land office decides. You could pay more or less than that amount, but normally a lot more.

    I understand it depends of the location. I like to get a good understand in the major areas of Thailand like BKK, chiang mai, Phuket or Krabi.

    It would be difficult enough to get a good understanding of Chiang Mai, Phuket or Krabi, let alone Bangkok.

    Rent a hotel fo a couple of weeks while you do your homework to find a good place to RENT!!!! After you have rented for a while, ONE YEAR!!, then you will be able to decide if you really want to live there, and you will also have learned a lot about the market.



    Is there a way to research past sale history of a specific house or condo in Thailand?

    On the back of the chinote (land title deed) all the prior owners will be listed. I do not know how you would go about locating them, or finding out truthfully how much was paid for the property.

    I like to understand what would be good offer?

    Thailand has a lot of gray areas...... starting at the borders. A good offer is an offer which you are happy to pay in order to own the property. Consider the yearly rental value (not 12 x montly rent as that is rare) as well. This helps to determine a property's value. Look at all of the other properties for sale in the building. See how how long they have been for sale. It would be safe to assume that many of them are at the same price they were before the financial melt down. The majority of them will still be for sale a year from now.

    Is it just based on just price per sq meter comp?

    Many sellers will use a variety of means in which to value their properties.

    X baht / sq. meter (unfurnished)


    Their own furnishings

    plus a profit for the effort

    and appreciation.

    This will usually be far higher than they can hope to get, thus a large number of units for sale.

    Best of luck, but after renting for a while and looking around, you may vey well decide that this is a great country in which to rent.

  7. Double check

    I am making a big assumption here, so forgive me if I am wrong.

    This is just a guess, but IF, and it is a big IF, they are paying the house off over 10 years, not 30 like in the USA, the rate may appear to be really high, but they may really be paying a lrge part of the principle off each month.

    The last two loans which I have helped people get through using a friend's ex-wfe (a nurse income) and another loan using his maid's as the borrower, with her son as a gaurantor, for 10 and 15 years in length pay about 7 or 7.5% interest.

  8. Right now, most every PM around the world is seeing a bad situation get worse.

    In SE Asia starting about 2000, a few years after the fall, the economies did well, and improvements were everywhere.

    Every PM looked great. That is not the present situation, and no matter how wel anyone does, it is still going to look pretty bad versus their competition from eight years ago.

  9. He does not have a license to sell public electricity.

    He does not have a license to sell publis water.

    He cannot simply ask you for any amount.

    Go to the "Nam Papa" Water Office and the

    Go to the "Gahn Fi Faw" and pay the amount owed yourself.

    Get the meter numbers and your address.

    It would also be great if you had an old bill to show them.

    The owner has challenged you and I would bet that he did not note anything on the contract concerning paying him triple the cost of water and power.

    Pay the bills on your own.

    Good luck

    How would you pay the bills yourself, if the bills are in the landlords name, and go directly to him?

    And in order to get the meter put in your own name you require the property deed showing that you own the property (or have approval from the owner).... and obviously in this case the landlord is not going to let him borrow the deed and get his own meter installed.

    It's common practice to mark up the electric and water in rented accommodation. The amount of the markup can vary a huge amount from place to place. Which is why it's a key question to ask BEFORE you start renting anywhere.

    He does not need the meters in his name.

    The water company is not going to ask for the Tabien Ban, or the chinote.

    They are going to ask for the bill and or the meter number.

    He can provide an old bill if he has one, or if not, then the meter numbers will do.

    Renters go the the water and power offices all of the time to pay bills when their names are not on the bills or the land deeds.

  10. He does not have a license to sell public electricity.

    He does not have a license to sell publis water.

    He cannot simply ask you for any amount.

    Go to the "Nam Papa" Water Office and the

    Go to the "Gahn Fi Faw" and pay the amount owed yourself.

    Get the meter numbers and your address.

    It would also be great if you had an old bill to show them.

    The owner has challenged you and I would bet that he did not note anything on the contract concerning paying him triple the cost of water and power.

    Pay the bills on your own.

    Good luck

  11. Went to the Festival on the 2nd at 12:00

    The two of us were the only ones there.

    The server told us that the day before, there were about 5 farang and 8 Thais.

    As stated in earlier posts, she and her co-server simply received ice cream in bowls from an outside source. We were asked what we wanted only after we started looking around for something else. There were maybe seven different flavors available.

    Chocolate: Sorry, not come yet, but have blueberry.

    Ok, more blueberry.

    We cannot complain about the volume that we ate, or the price, but not asking us what we wanted or even knowing what was in each bowl ...... even in Thailand, that was surprising.

    As I wanted to give it another try, I went again today, Sunday at 3:40.

    Hi, 149 baht.

    Oh, come back at 5:00.

    Thanks, bye.

    No ice cream festival all-you-can-eat operating on a weekend day. Wow!

  12. OK, if exports are 70% of Thai GDP, and they are falling over 10 percent for four months in a row (that is at least a 40 percent decline in a short period) how could the shrinkage to the total economy ONLY be 3 percent per annum?

    I will guess

    10% / 12 months = 0.833% / month

    4 months of 10% yearly decline 4 x 0.833% = 3.33%

    But, if the 10% month on month decline continues, for the next eight months, for a total of 12 months, then there will have been a 10% decline..

  13. I have eaten at Secret Recipes in Penang a couple of times, and thought it was one of the best bakeries around, especially in Malaysia.

    So, when I found Secret Recipes in Central Festival, it was on the top of my list.

    A couple of friends of mine and I ate there yesterday, and besides the cake and cheesecake being as delicious as in Penang, the lasagna and spaghetti were very good as well. So good, that I returned later that night to get a few more slices of cake, "Buy 2, get one free".

    It is located on the 5th floor next to Beach Road.

  14. The ticket from PP to Pattaya is $35,

    Please don't keep this a secret. Where can we catch a bus from Pattaya to Phnom Penh?

    The ticket from PP to Pattaya was $35 available on the riverfront in PP.

    There is a Travel Agent on Soi Post Office named.... I believe "Koh Chang Travel" which sells tickets. BUT they want a lot more than $35 ... like twice as much... as the price in PP.

    This is why I think the Sukhumvit Road bus to Trat and a minivan to KK is the way to go.

  15. from ThaiPR.net

    ศูนย์การค้าเซ็นทรัลเฟสติวัล พัทยา บีช จัดงาน Ice Cream Festival Minus Twelve @ CentralFestival Pattaya beach เนรมิตคลื่นทะเลยักษ์ให้กลายเป็นน้ำแข็งในอุณหภูมิลบ 12 องศา เพื่อ ฟรีส (Freeze) ไอศครีมซีฟู้ด และซูชิไอศครีม ที่สร้างสรรค์โดย Ice Cream Designer พร้อมร่วมรับประทานไอศครีมหลากแบรนด์ดัง อาทิ Iberry , amaltery,Felice,Tuscanini,Time Out สุดหรรษากับการรับประทานไอศครีม บุฟเฟต์ บนรางที่จำลองมาจากร้าน Sushi ราคาเพียง 99 บาท ในเวลา 1 ชั่วโมง เต็ม ร่วมสนุกกับเกมเย็นสุดขั้ว เช่น การท้าประลองความเย็นบนเก้าอี้น้ำแข็ง ชมสาธิตการทำไอศกรีมสูตรต่างๆ เช่น ไอศกรีมสมุนไพร ไอศรีมไขมันต่ำ รวมทั้ง Hi-Light สาธิตการทำไอศกรีมซีฟู้ด และ ไอศกรีมซูชิ ทดลองทำไอศกรีมด้วยตนเองกับ Ice Cream Home Made ที่คุณก็สามารถทำเองได้ง่ายๆ ที่บ้าน ร่วมสนุกไปพร้อมคำแนะนำจากมืออาชีพ พิเศษสุดกับ Celebrities “คุณปลา Iberry” ที่มาร่วม DIY ไปพร้อมกับคุณในรอบกิจกรรมพิเศษ (ในวันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน 2552) และพบกับแฟชั่นโชว์ชุด Little Mermaid กับคุณชมพู่ อารยา และดารารับเชิญสมทบ ในวันที่ 1 เมษายน 2552 เชิญร่วมท่องโลกจินตนาการเมื่อยามท้องทะเลเมืองพัทยาอุณหภูมิติดลบ 12 องศา พร้อมรับประทานไฮไลท์ ไอศครีมซีฟู้ดและไอศครีมซูชิ ได้ตั้งแต่วันพุธที่ 1 – 6 เมษายน 2552 ณ บริเวณชั้น 1 ศูนย์การค้าเซ็นทรัลเฟสติวัล พัทยา บีช

    สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมที่ รัชดาภรณ์ บุญต่อ (ออ) แผนกประชาสัมพันธ์

    บริษัท เซ็นทรัลพัฒนา จำกัด (มหาชน) โทร.0-2667-5555 ต่อ 4104 /081-5536797

    โทรสาร 0-2264-5575 Call Center 0-2635-1111

    E-Mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

    Website: www.centralplaza.co.th

  16. One alternative....

    Get the early morning bus on Sukhumvit which will take you to Trat, and then you can get a minivan to Hat Lek (Koh Kong). Do not get the one4 that will stop in Rayong, Chantaburi, etc.

    In KK, you can find a bus to PP. The ticket from PP to Pattaya is $35, so the price from KK to PP would be somewhere around 1/2 of that price.

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