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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Thank you for your email as we greatly appreciate hearing from you. To help clarify, Red Mango, Inc. is a franchising organization with locations in North America only. We are not affiliated with the Red Mango organization in South Korea and therefore cannot speak to the recent experience you had in one of their stores. Please feel welcome to visit our website: http://www.redmangousa.com for our store locations.

    Thank you again for your email! We hope you will be able to visit one of our many locations in the near future.

    Treat Yourself Well!

    Nicole Anderson

    Red Mango, Inc.

    2600 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 500, Burbank, CA 91505

    F: 818.461.9454

    [email protected]

  2. There are times when I have ordered a milkshake at Burger King-their strawberry is pretty good, and if the cup is not full, I call them on it. They have refilled it with ice cream and run it through the machine again.

    I also look at a chicken leg at KFC, then look at the employee, then at the chilclen, and then at the employee, and tell them.... "I WANTED A RIGHT LEG, NOT A LEFT LEG!"

  3. Sent: Wed 7/01/09 6:28 AM

    To: [email protected]

    You have some very unhappy customers in Thailand.

    The Red Mango shop in Central Festival Shopping Center in Pattaya Beach, Thailand has large cups and places a very small amount of product in the cup, so little that it is laughable. I really thought that the machine was out of yogurt.




    Derek Sharron

  4. Thanks for the tip. I will try the Buddha yogurt tonight.

    I have not been to the USA in 9 years, so I did not know that Red Mango was a branch of a US company.

    I will write to the US company and connect the links. I might even buy another cup and take apicture of it along side a ruler and send it to the US company as well.

  5. Just had some frozen yogurt at the Red Mango in Central Festival. We had planned to get frozen yogurt at Swensen's, but the branch in CF did not carry frozen yogurt like in RG. So we went downstairs for....... the world's smallest helping of frozen yogurt.

    The plastic bowl looks large enough for 49 baht, but I do not think that 20% of the bowl was filled with yogurt. My friend had a shake, which was mostly ice, with a little yogurt in it.

    Avoid unless you want to laugh about what they put in the bowl.

  6. Questions answered

    1. French

    2. Post Publishing Company--The department that used to publish books is no longer with us.

    3. "Bangkok Writers" another listed publisher for the book, does not exist any longer.

    Thanks for the Student Charity connections.

  7. I am trying to locate Phra Peter, the author of One Step at a Time, Phra Farang, etc.

    If anyone knows of his location (email did not get me anywhere), please let me know.

    I am interested in translating one of his books.


  8. Price for fractional ownership starts from just 775,000 Baht for 28 nights usages per year for life*.

    So, after 13 buyers put their money into this so that every day of the year is taken, the sellers have pocketed 10,000,000 BAHT!!!

    Any ideas on what the real price of the property which they are fractionally selling is worth RIGHT NOW?

    Add onto this 775,000 the amount which the fractional owners will pay for yearly maintenance and cleaning while they are in the unit, and they will see... if anything like my friend's timeshare using View Talay Villas, that the cost of cleaning for the year is about what he would actually pay for rent for the unit.

  9. I second everything below....... AND

    Islamic Bank of Thailand seems to be the easiest bank to arrange a loan from. This is because they more easily accept financial asistance than the other banks to push paperwork forward. In Pattaya, One friend who is a condo developer has a loan through them after paying assistance fees and so does another friend for a loan for his wife's house. I was speaking to another friend who menioned that he knows another foreigner who was able to assist his wife get a loan through..... none other than the Islamic Bank of Thailand.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    My Thai wife and I are looking to buy a house in BKK. Understand that the land has to be in her name but even though she has a good education in a profession she works for the government and makes only 11,600 TH per month. My income is well over 100,000 THB per month and I am willing to put down 1 million THB and mortgage the other 2.5 million. But PROBLEM is that I am 66 years old and no Thai bank or offshore bank can provide a mortgage for anyone over 65 years of old. I need a solution. Anyone know of a developer that will self finance? Any other ideas?



    George, sorry to say, to get a mortgage from a Thai bank, it would have to be in your wifes name, your income wouldnt be considered by the bank as you are not working in Thailand, have no credit history and no bank account.

    Upto a few years ago, a farang, if they were working in Thailand, could co-sign for a mortgage, I did this for my Mrs , on a property she wanted to buy and was approved even though she wasnt working, so was approved on the basis of my income only, a few months later, a collegue tried the same think with the same branch of SCB and was refused and was told the law had changed and farangs where not allowed to co-sign on a mortgage for a Thai national.

    Even your wife getting a loan from a bank may be problematic, even if you put down THB 1 million, as she would be financing 2.5 million, which would work out around THB 21,000/m over 15 years, if her income is THB 11600/m, the mortgage repayment is almost double this...

    Instead of applying for a mortgage with an offshore bank, cant you apply for a personal loan with your bank ? as generally the criteria for approving a personal loan are different (easier) than a mortgage...

    As regards developers self financing, most developers here dont even have enough money to build things themselves without deposits/ advance money from purchasers, so would think this a a long shot

    The other thing you can try is down scale a little bit, instead of buying something for THB 3.75 million, buy some thing for THB 2.0 million, your wife may get a better shot at being granted a loan for THB 1 million, if you put up 1 million, as this may be acceptable risk for bank ?..a thought

  10. There are much more expensive restaurants in Pattaya, what's the big deal? Its not an everyday thing except for rich people or two week millionaires. Haven't you ever had a splurge? Nobody is making anyone spend more than 30 baht for a meal here, its a choice. Next ...

    Just love you Yanks, see you every morning sitting in Starbucks spending 100 Bht on a coffee, and as for 1000 Bht on Brazilian Kebabs outstanding. Next......

    I am sure you see people from many other countries as well who are sitting in Starbucks everyday spending 100 baht on coffee who feel 1,000 is a lot of money for dinner in this country. I do too, and I do not sit in Starbucks ever.

  11. eljeque, which Auction did you pick up your wave?

    Do you know if their are any action houses in Phuket?

    I live in Pattaya and bought it at the auction every few weeks at Bog C South Pattaya

    I do not know the name of the auction house.

    It is an outlet for finance companies.

    Sorry that I cannot be of any help... BUT!!!!

    When you do buy at an auction, you must know where the bike is from, because if it is from far away, the cost of registering it into your name locally means either taking the bike all the way to where ever it is from , or paying a major motorbike shop to take care of the paperwork for you = 3,000 baht.

    When there is an auction, the paperwork on the bike will state the location of registration and maybe also the fee for registering it. The auction house may or may not be willing to take care of it for a fee.

  12. I will be in Pattaya in early July for 5 days and am looking for a hotel with a pool and very good TV to relax.

    I am happy to go up to 2,000 / night.

    I would like the area to be south of Central Road and west of 2nd Road.

    Thanks for your help

  13. If your deposit is small, then forget about it.

    Small = less than 20%

    Thailand is a great place to rent.

    Selling property is very difficult here.

    Before you take the plunge, and plunk down a very substantial amount of money in Samui, rethink the current world economic situation, and all of the property which was built in Samui for a booming world economy which now no longer exists.

    There will be a lot of sales there, with foreigners who ahve financial problems back home needing to sell, and also very simply a dearth in demand.

    Rent for a year or longer there, and look around.

    You will find far better prices than you found while vacationing here.

    Thailand is a great place to rent, even if some people have done very well buying.. Most have not!!

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