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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Free trips to Thailand for the Internet savvy

    By JOCELYN GECKER, Associated Press Writer - Wed Sep 2, 2009 9:32AM EDT

    The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday 02nd September, 01:06:45 AM

    St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tuesday 01st September, 01:17:56 AM

    BANGKOK - Attention Internet-savvy travelers: Thailand is giving away free trips to five lucky couples who don't mind sitting in front of a computer while on vacation.

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand launched a new campaign Tuesday offering five couples fully paid trips to the country's most popular cities and beaches. In return, they will be asked to blog, chat and tweet about their holiday in a bid to win a grand prize of $10,000, a BlackBerry and a video camera.

    Applicants should be "good storytellers" and must know how to navigate YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr, the TAT said on the contest's newly launched Web site http://www.utlimatethailandexplorer.com where one-minute video auditions can be submitted until Oct. 15.

    Thailand's tourism industry is facing its worst crisis in years, with foreign arrivals down 15 percent so far this year because of political upheaval and the global recession.

    Tourism officials say they were inspired by Australia's recent highly publicized campaign dubbed the "Best Job in the World." The contest to serve as the caretaker on a tropical Australian island for six months, while promoting the destination on a blog, drew 35,000 applicants and worldwide media attention.

    "We got the idea from Australia," said TAT official Phanom Kaributra, who is coordinating the contest. "We think it's a good way to use social networking to promote Thailand."

    A panel of TAT officials will select 25 semifinalists by Oct. 15 and the winning five couples — and grand prize winner — will be chosen by worldwide online voting.

    Each of the five couples will be sent early next year on a six-day trip to different destinations: the capital Bangkok, beach resorts Phuket, Samui and Pattaya, and the northern city of Chiang Mai.

    Phanom said the couples would be free to explore but would not be encouraged to "go to red-light districts and places like that."

  2. Beefeater on Soi Diana has a Mexican buffet on Sunday. It starts at 12:00 to my knowledge.

    I cannot remember the price, maybe 250 baht? can anyone correct this?

    It will not win international awards, but for Pattaya, the ability to go back and forth for Mexican food is nice.

    If you eat pork ribs, you will be pleasantly surprised as well.

    Oh, and they have this beef. It is like a stew. Or, it is a stew. It tasted like some African food I once had. Neither my father nor I had ever tasted anything like it, and being from LA and traveling to Mexico 20 times, we have eaten a lot of Mexican food.

    Oh sorry, this is not a special, but it is a good lunch. Might start emailing friends and go there tomorrow.

  3. If the name can be changed from Si am to Thai Land


    an easier name can be found for the airport.

    If the airport is about inbound and outbound flights, generally going overseas, then there should be some thought to the inbound and outbound fliers being able to read and pronounce the name easily.

    Or, at least a better transliteration of the name could have been found.

    Su van a boom or otherwise

    The skytrain in Bangkok, generally for use by Thai people is called "BTS", not using some Thai letters.

    The list is extensive. An easier name could have easily been found.

    An attempt to change the Thai writing system to use the Roman script was attempted in the "30's" or thereabouts, but the final decision was that with most words being so short, and with so many Thai words being spelled the same way in the Roman script, (the Thai language having a few letters for S, T, etc.) that it could not be accomplished.

    The idea came about as some people in government wanted to open Thailand to the rest of the world, most notably open Thailand to foreign ideas. This would also help Thais as they would then be able to more readily learn English. This idea was strongly resisted by many people in power as they wanted to keep the populace closed off to foreign ideas, and wanted the populace to know only of what the powerful in government wanted them to learn.

    Anyway, a better name could have been found with a little effort.

  4. To put the bike in your name, you will need a letter from Immigration stating where you live. You will need to provide Immigration with proof of residency in order to get this letter.

    You will usually need a Thai gaurantor.

    You will more than likely be asked to make a 50% down payment.

    If you are looking for a bike in the 50,000 baht range, a 50% deposit should not be too bad. Your monthly payments will be lower as well. The interest rate on bikes is very high.... dopuble check on this but something in the order of 18-24% / annum.

  5. A friend is about to start renting a condo for one year. He is getting a discount for paying a year in advance.

    How can he ensure that the owner does not sell the property?

    1. Writing it into the contract (but this does not actually stop the owner)

    2. Registering the contract at the land office on the back of the chinote

    (Is this common with rental agreements?--Not from what I have seen here in 18 years)

    Ears are open to ideas


  6. Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

    Simple solution...carry your licence, it isnt exactly big to fit in your pocket......and if you havnt got one then you are driving illegaly and derserve to be fined...it is so easy to get a licence if you havnt already got one...no excuse....pay the fine and shut up!

    A solution was not requested, nor required. The statement was simply a warning to foreigners who do not have licenses to avoid that location to avoid being stopped. Only foreigners were being stoppped during the time I watched. Yes, foreigners and Thais alike should have licenses, but as the police do not like doing much other than finding riders without helmets and without licenses, rather than speeders, red-light jumpers, wrong-way drivers, dangerous drivers, etc. No one with any brains can see much of a reason to stop a foreigner slowly driving along, as he/she does not affect safety. The license is irrelevant to safe driving. It is a simple way for the Thai government to find ways of control, and the police can see this as a way to profit. Laws are there for the police to selectively enforce to profit from.

  7. Where do they plan on picking up the bike?

    Pattaya Beach will have some, and they will cost at least 500 baht / day, maybe 800 or more. They will need to walk along Beach Road or on the other streets in the tourist area to find the bike they want.

    In Pattaya, where more bikes are rented than anywhere else, the general contract prohibits driving outside of the general city area.

    They would first need to ask for this to be waved.

    Also, IF somethig were to go wrong, an unusual bike like that would be difficult to find repair parts for.

    Best of luck to them.

  8. The mortgage is the best idea, but not in your name.

    If you two are legally married, and she wants a divorce, then her legal argument could be something to the effect of "How could I owe myself" (mariage being a partnership). The agreement may then be scrapped, or at least under review. Do not take this risk.

    It would be better to have a friend or a family member of yours pretend to lend the money for the property which you have actually paid for, and yes it is registered as a mortgage at the land office. Register it for the full property value. If she ever wants to boot you out, then your friend-the lender, can demand payment for the mortgage and he can sell the property.

  9. I will guess that her ID card is not in there.


    If you have her name, try going to city hall and trying to get a copy of her tabien ban (maybe her ID card is required), and then sending an EMS letter to the house.

  10. I have some neighbors who are happy with the development which they are in, but not the dogs next door. They are renters.

    They would be very unhappy if they would have bought here.

    Now, buying would have included a more thorough investigation of the neighbors than renting, but even if the dogs were not there, and then new people moved in with dogs, they would be stuck.

    The prefer keeping their money elsewhere than property in Pattaya, or elsewhere in Thailand.

    best of luck

  11. Last night, I ate a pizza at Scoby's Pizza--on third Road opposite Soi Langkee, next to Roo Bar.

    It must have been three or four times as much food as Pizza Pizza for the same money.

    It was not incredible, but no one is going to compalin about the place. I will eat there again and again, especially as it is close to my home.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will check that place out this weekend. Cheers! :)

    Reminds me of the old street cry down Petticoat Lane

    "Never mind the quality, feel the width"

    If this statement is supposed to show that Scobys is large, but that Pizza Pizza has quality, it is wrong. Pizza Pizza was not any better in quality than Scobys. In fact, I think that in a bite to bite comparison, every bite of Scobys was better.

    If there is someone out there who likes Pizza Pizza, I am happy that they have found a pizza to their liking. And, the vast majority of the Pattaya Pizza-eating Populace (PPP) will feel as I do that Pizza Pizza cannot say that its quality makes up for its lack of size, because it very simply doesn't have any special quality to offer.

  12. Just get up in the morning, and start packing her stuff in a box.

    She will start to talk really fast.

    You are more than lkely not in your 20s or 30s. IN fact, more than likely you are in your 50s

    If any one day you are not happy, correct that day.

    If she is unhappy about it, then she can correct her behavior, or she can leave.

    We have all had days when we are wondering what we are doing in the relationships which we are in.

    Do not waste a day of your life in this situation.

    If this is a normal behavior, then find someone else.

    There is a smaller number of Westerners willing to support a Thai woman and improve her life than there are Thai women looking for a Western man to care for them.

    Best of luck

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