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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Get a hotel for a few days while you drive around Pattaya looking for a place that you would like to stay. Right now, home owners are being very easy about length of stay as it is better to get a month or two of rent than let their house sit empty for long periods of time.

    A lot of vacationers who used to stay for six months are now staying for two, and home owners looking for rental income need to get used to it.

  2. I rent a 2bdrm 2bthrm, 95 square meter house on 65 tw in a moo ban opposite Xcite on 3rd Road

    I paid 300,000 for refurbishing the house and got three years rent out of it. I have a 10 year lease.

    If for sale, the owner would like over 2.5M

    At 8,000 / month, paid yearly (96,000) , I have a great deal. And it will continue.

    Everyone here should rent. It is the smartest way to go.

  3. There is a Motor Vehicle Department on Sukhumvit, 50 meters before Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, on the same side of the street.

    You can perform yearly registration there.

    You do not need to be able to speak any Thai at all.

    I have heard that you can pay yearly motorbike registration tax and insurance at some office opposite TT&T so you don`t have to go up to the Highway 36 office near Regency School anymore.

    Has anyone used this office.


  4. I wonder why they were questioned.... and nothing else

    The Thai police must have been aware of who they were.

    What was the point in questioning them?

    What did they hope to learn?

    Simply protocal?

    I would not want alleged murderers arriving in my country and running free.

    Is anyone aware of their names yet?

    Two men wanted in connection with the stabbing murder of good samaritan Luke Mitchell were arrested when they arrived in Thailand and released after questioning.

    A high-ranking source in the Thai police force said the men were arrested at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport and taken to the Crime Suppression Division Headquarters for interrogation.

    The source said they were released after questioning as they had not committed a crime in Thailand.

    He said Thai police were waiting for an extradition request from Australia before they would pursue the matter.

  5. Instead of going the combative legal route, try contacting the local puyaiban, or someone along those lines, let him know of your error and your interests in solving the problem. Even though you are in the wrong, it appears that you have been fair and reasonable about trying to solve the problem, and I am sure the local headman will recognize this.

    By the way, do you have an "anuwatbuksan" construction permit? This should note where your house is built and how close it is to the land line. Just curious.

    Good luck

  6. I have built and refurbished a 1/2 dozen houses in the past few years.

    I could not say that either Homeworks or HomePro are worthy of praise.


    few years ago, they mixed some paint that did not come out as the color I was shown. I brought it back and showed them their paper with a color on it, their sticker and their paint. They did their best at the CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK to avoid the situation, and then tell me how I was doing something wrong. I simply continued with my requests, and after the paint mixer man had his complaints about me, a semi-mangaer finally arrived and had new paint mixed for me. The actual problem of the paint mixing machine making an error was never looked into.

    Bought a washer-dryer combo machine once. It did not dry the clothes. The "installers" came by to look at it. They ran it, asking to run only the lightest and least amount of clothing in it, but we rejected their request. After an hour of drying time. The clothes were still wet. The installers asked to run it for another hour. REJECT!! Told them to take the machine back. The manager at HomePro tried to argue that dry did not mean, DRY. But dry enough to iron. That response was rejected as well. We were told the 36,000 would come out of the salesgirl's check. We told the manager to tell the company that their brochures are misleading. They provided a voucher for 36,000 which we promptly used.


    Bought some cabinets for the kitchen. Went back to buy some more in the same color. They sold us three of one shade and one of another lot, so it did not match well. We returned it, but they did not have anymore of the same lot. So, they wanted us to keep it, and finally backed down ahd gave us a refund slip.... They wanted to put a 30-day time limit on it, but finally agreed to 90 days.

    It does not matter which store you use here.

    Sometimes things go well, and sometimes they don't.

  7. I just sued my Thai builder and won in court and have received my first payments of 25,000 baht

    If his company has no assets, then you are going to have a hard time collecting, and compare it against the cost of your attorney, maybe 30,000 baht.

    If you would like to PM me, please feel free.

    You would need photos to show what he has completed and also a contract showing what specifically you have paid him to do, and that he has not done some of the work that he has been paid for. LOTS OF PHOTOS

    I would only ever deal with a construction company if there was a professional foreigner involved

    As you advise, talk to lots of people. Most of them would say "if there was a professional foreigner involved" be extremely careful.

    I guess you are "a professional foreigner"? It looks like a nice cut and paste job.

    Thanks for the last 2 sentences relevant to the post anyway.




    My 9-year old daughter, Arisa (Megan) Erchukiat, is hospitalized, diagnosed with Leukemia (AML). Matching blood type and bone marrow is crucial for treating this life-threatening illness. Thailand has only minimal supply of Megan's blood group i.e., "A" Rh Negative.

    The Thai Red Cross Society and the National Blood Centre are short of active donors with this rare blood type. My wife and I need help from anyone who can donate this blood type and perhaps also make a Stem Cell donation to help Megan with her treatment for the next few months.

    If you can donate blood or make a Stem Cell donation or know anyone who can donate, my wife and I can be reached as follows:

    . Samkhan Erchukiat / 081-811-3933

    Email address: khunsamkhan(AT)yahoo.com (replace (AT) with @)

    . Manasawee Erchukiat / 081-811-3933

    Email address: khuntamm(AT)yahoo.com (replace (AT) with @)

    All groups of blood are suitable for Stem Cell donation, not just "A" Rh Negative group.

    The Thai Red Cross Society and the National Blood Centre are open every day:

    Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 08:00 am - 16:30 pm

    Tuesday and Thursday, 07:00 am - 19.30 pm

    Saturday and Sunday, 08:30 am - 15:30 pm

    Call to make further inquiry as follows:

    1) 02-251-3111

    2) 02-252-4106-9 Ext. 114, 161, 162

    . Thai Red Cross Society www.redcross.or.th

    . National Blood Centre www.nbc.in.th

    Please note that Stem Cell donation must be made no later than 15:00 pm every day.

    My wife and I would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks for your support in trying to help our Megan.

    Yours Faithfully

    Samkhan Erchukiat


    Email edited as to prevent spamming - mario2008.

  9. You overly protective Westerners know nothing Thai culture and arrived yesterday - right?

    Your totally out of order the PB.

    As parents we have an absolute responsibility to our children to protect them - Nothing about being over protective and everything about being a good parent.

    And an observation on Thai culture - Thais do not go around touching, pinching, picking up, tickling or in anyway messing with the children of other Thais that they do not know - IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.

    But hey, their's a foreigner with his little foreign 'Duk-a-taar' let's go play with it.

    I'll give you an example:

    When our daughter was at tot I took her with me shopping to Mike's Department store in Pattaya - Like many parents in Thailand I was quite happy to let her run around as I could always find her by simply looking at the shop assistants to see where they themselves were looking - basic geometry - all looking at where the little-un was tottering around.

    But also like most parents you get a second sense when something's wrong - I knew without asking something was wrong by the look of the face of one of the shop assistants - I ran around the counter to find a Thai woman with a pair of scissors cutting a chunk out of our daughter's hair - I went F@cking berserk - took the scissors off her and cut a chunk of hair off her head that left her half bald.

    Over protective - not understanding Thai culture my backside - My kids, my duty to protect them and my right to do so.

    That seems like a normal reaction to me.

    A Thai mother or father would not have been so creative, but would have gone after the woman with full force.

  10. Which city do you live in?

    The contract for the house:

    Do you already have the land yourself (her), and found your own builder to build it, or is a developer building it in a large estate and you are making payments on it until it is finished?

    Whose name is the contract in?

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