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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Imagine if not a farang, but a prominent Thai would have kicked her. And imagine that prominent Thai would have offered her a million or whatever compensation. Would she still insist to fight such a Thai person. I don't think so. And I think I remember in the past that often criminal investigations are stopped when the rich Thai alleged offenders paid the victim ('s family) some compensation. In this case, with a farang, it is obviously called a bribe.
  2. I remember that sound from primary school. The janitor heated some crates before the break. We could opt between plain milk and chocolate milk. Obviously, I preferred chocolate milk.
  3. The Sunday walk with my parents and sister. I hated it. We had the only telephone in the street. Sometimes neighbors came to use it for important calls like calling a doctor, who would make a house visit. Later, when we visited my grandmother about 70km away and we returned home again, we agreed to call her and let her phone ring 3 times to let her know we arrived back home. No point wasting money on an actual long-distance call.
  4. I have a new kitchen with induction hobs. The surface is flat glass. My gf is used to cook with a wok up country with gas or the little charcoal things. And she is used to cooking with pans and pots on ordinary electric hobs. Now it's time to buy some new pans, and maybe a wok, for the new induction hobs. Do "you" use a wok with induction hobs? Maybe with a frame, see picture? Or do you use a pan? I saw on pictures that there are special induction hobs for woks, but I don't intend to buy one of those. Does this make sense?
  5. Good point That reminds me that this is how I learned, in part, driving a car. I was on holiday with my parents, and they rented a small car. When we were near a beach, with lots of little "streets" full of sand, they let me drive the car and learn. It was fun. And luckily nothing happened.
  6. I am happy that she showed reality. So, let's see if the authorities react and throw the criminal back into jail where he belongs. But somehow, I guess many of us will be unhappy that the not so sick criminal is allowed to live free and in luxury.
  7. It's always amazing how fast some people in Thailand go to jail, even if they are influential. Others, who seems to be guilty, stay out of jail for years...
  8. That reminds me of many videos which I saw from America, the land of the free. For some crimes (I guess in some states) the police don't even try to find and arrest the criminals. For other crimes, the police catch them and then the judges release the criminals on the same day. The same again the next day, and the next... It seems in Thailand the police at least try to catch the bad guys - except of course those rich influential people.
  9. It seems the rules about vehicles on the beach are very different in different countries. I can't imagine ever seeing a vehicle on the beach when I grew up. Not in the country where I lived, and not in any neighboring country in Europe. But I remember seeing Hollywood movies where people drove regularly with cars on the beach.
  10. Thanks Now I am even more confused. I own a condominium in Bangkok. Then I applied for a Tabien Baan book. I have that book, I think it's blue, and it does not contain my name or any name. The contract for the condominium and the land office document contains my name, I am the sole owner. Any idea where I can get that pink card and/or my Thai ID number? Thanks
  11. Can anybody please clarify what this pink card is about? I have a Thai work permit since many years, SSO paid by the company, but I don't remember any pink card. Thanks.
  12. In my renovation the professional builders used no post at the corners. They used posts on the door frame. This is just FYI. I don't know the reasoning why they did what they did.
  13. I wonder how many tourists booked already and will now be disappointed?
  14. How f#%#%ing stupid is it to risk being arrested for 200B?
  15. That reminds me when I checked in there about 1994: A hut or two were the "terminal" and the fire engine was watering the plants. Very idyllic.
  16. There is a reason why they don't let me vote in the USA. 😉
  17. People like Ben Shapiro have many followers.
  18. Yes. But, looking how Biden selected the vice president, most important she must be black and female, is definitely something to keep the left in his party happy. I wonder how people would look at Biden if he would tell the extreme left more often that he won't support their nonsense. He would lose some voters on the left, but he would probably win some centrist voters. And where would the extreme left go? Nowhere.
  19. I don't know the details and I don't care enough to check for them. But, in general, insurance companies have contracts with lots of conditions. And if those conditions are not met, then maybe they will not pay for a claim. So, in case that people violate those conditions, what is better, that the insurance company cancels the coverage or that the insurance company continues to collect the money but then refuses to pay?
  20. Probably that is what she wants. Otherwise, she has to look for a taxi and can be sure to be overcharged. And we know what happens next.
  21. Maybe soon she will be arrested because she didn't update her address from hotel X, room Y to hotel X, couch in the lobby.
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