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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe you are aware of the following, maybe you don't care. Then maybe just see it as information for others who read this. As far as I know, a Non-B visa has to be cancelled before applying for a new Non-B visa. Some time ago I worked for one company and my Non-B visa expired on the day of my flight out of the country. I knew already that I would apply for a new Non-B visa from another company in the near future. Several knowable people advised me to cancel my existing Non-B before I departed from Thailand to avoid trouble getting a new Non-B later. The fact that I left the country on the day when the existing Non-B expired was no reason not to cancel it. So maybe keep in mind that now there won't be a problem if your Non-B is not cancelled. But this might make things more difficult for you in the future.
  2. "I can tell" Really? It's more like you imagine something and you are sure your imagination must match reality. But maybe it doesn't. And about that charger: Have you spend maybe a minute or two with the question why the smart charger does what it does? Someone designed the charger in the way not to charge if the battery is very low. That function wasn't an accident, it's a feature. Many devices have features to protect all those users who don't read the manual and who don't think about what they are doing. And the features also protect connected batteries. If you connect a charger with too high voltage to a lead acid battery, then not much will happen. Do the same with a LiPo battery and maybe that thing will explode, and your house is on fire. That is why such smart chargers exist. Maybe there should be a warning on the box: The user of this smart charger should be at least as smart as the charger.
  3. Why don't you care? It is not your responsibility to feed everyone. But if you see some people regularly, and they enhance the quality of your life, why wouldn't you enhance the quality of their life? I.e. I tip waitresses who are friendly and do a good service. I know they don't get much money. If I give them a few hundred THB tip over a month, I won't recognize any difference in my pocket. But they will have some needed extra money. Win/win.
  4. That is not corract. At least in Bangkok decades ago the air quality was worse and the traffic was worse. Now it's far away from good, but a lot better than it used to be. Remember those things?
  5. Thanks for sharing your experience. You showed us that you have no patience, are aggressive, like to call things bad names, etc. You are certainly in the group of people who nobody should ask for advice. My advice: Relax, RTFM, and if you don't know what you are doing think twice before you publish that information.
  6. When you go for your coffee everyday or weekly so you still leave a tip in the cafe? Yes, every day. Where I go they have great coffee and good service. I like to support them and keep them happy. Delivery guy? - No Cleaners? - Yes Barber? - No, he own the business. Massage? - Yes Lazada delivery? - No Mechanic - Maybe Grab/bolt driver ? - No Do you tip far less now your an expat in Asia rather than a tourist? No I see at least three big factors: - Most important is the quality of service. No tip for bad or average service. - If I pay in cash, it is more likely that I tip. - In some places, like Swensons, if there is a tip box nearby, maybe I tip. If they don't have such box, then likely not.
  7. I suggest tourists should not be allowed to rent any big bikes. Something like this should be good enough to get from A to B on that island.
  8. What does that mean? Do they think he is innocent? Do they don't care if he is innocent, they want that he keeps his job even if he is guilty? Or are all top cops and officials corrupt and the question is only which of them are nearer aligned to their interests?
  9. I would be very surprised if the Russians are independent. Thais will make sure that they get their "fair share" - or else.
  10. I hope Iran will retaliate and destroy Israel's nuclear weapons. Because officially those nuclear weapons don't exist. Iran is accused to try to get nuclear weapons. But they don't have them. Israel has nuclear weapons, everybody knows it. But "the west" pretends they don't exist. So, if Iran would destroy them then what would they have done? Nothing. Because you can't destroy what doesn't exist. Win/win.
  11. It seems to me Phuket is a lot worse than the rest of Thailand. There is another infamous island which is maybe worse than Phuket...
  12. How many people knew what he was doing? How many people pretended they didn't see it? How many profited? How many influential people want that all those who profited in above case will be exposed? And if they are exposed and be punished, what will they expose in return? I am sure many of those influential people will somehow make arrangements that not too many of them will be exposed. Imagine business as usual would be disrupted? Where should the money for the luxury cars and mia nois come from?
  13. When will the majority, or at least a good part, of Thai people wake up and protest against double standards? Why would any official be honest if they can be corrupt and get rich and don't get punished? Letting Thaksin and Yingluck getting away with their crimes is exactly the wrong signal. Obviously, there are others. But the Shinawatra cases are so obvious in your face - we can do whatever we want. Sad.
  14. What do you expect from a place full of mad people? 😉
  15. I can't imagine a good future for Phuket. It is full of mafia and corrupt officials - some people would say they are the same group. Everybody is greedy and nobody wants to spend money. Tourists will be milked as long as possible. The taxi mafia is a great example. It should be easy to enforce taxi-meter with decent prices. It should be easy to have public transport with decent prices. When I visited Phuket 30 years ago that problem was already well known. Was it ever solved? No. Why not? See above. As far as I see the amazing thing is that still so many tourists visit that place.
  16. 20k is definitely not unusual. I think I paid more in a good clinic in Bangkok. As far as I know there are big differences in the quality of the crown and the work. But that is obviously difficult for most of us to judge. My dentist also quoted me 60k for a transplant. She told me it is possible to get transplants for <30k, in low quality and by doctors who learned how to do that over a weekend. Is it true? I don't know. But I see my dentist since over 10 years and never had any problems with her work. So at least I won't try a cheaper doctor and/or supplier. It should be noticed that hospitals with dentists are a lot more expensive, with many doctors working part in hospitals and part in (maybe their own) clinics.
  17. I agree with you. I just wanted to write something similar. Nobody should click on an attachment if they don't know from whom it is and what it does! The rest of the above story is irrelevant. I understand that some scammers are convincing, and they are able to convince especially inexperienced people to click on things. But that doesn't change the rules: Don't click on a possibly risky attachment! Don't ignore warnings! And I like to add: Read warnings! I work with computers and when people call me with problems, they often say something like: There was a message and I clicked ok. I ask them what did the message say? The answer: I don't know, I didn't read it. There could be a message "If you click ok, we will hack your device and steal all your money" and many people would still click OK...
  18. Thanks for the reply. Such APK file is similar to an exe file for Windows. And by now everybody learned not to click on exe files if you don't know exactly where they come from and what they do. Clicking on anything from anybody who you don't know is definitely a bad idea.
  19. One very important habit is lunch at 12:00. Try to continue any office meeting just a little after 12:00 and it is a failure. They must go for lunch at 12:00. 12:05 is definitely way too late.
  20. I like to hear how the scam actually works. Adding a new contact to LINE is definitely not enough to get money from someone.
  21. It's always amazing to read the marketing blabla. It would be interesting to know the real story.
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