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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What would be the point for another speculation? We have more than enough of them already. Sometimes it makes sense to realize "I don't know what happened" and not pretend to know. I would love to read follow up articles to all those articles which describe a minute or two of an event and let us all speculate about what really happened. Or how about writing articles only with sufficient information? If you want to ignore me, please go ahead.
  2. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty (mitsuheavythai.com) Mitsubishi Electric - Air Conditioner and MR.SLIM Air Package (mitsubishi-kyw.co.th)
  3. Then why does the USA still support Israel when thousands of the Palestinians which they killed recently were innocent children? And should the Palestinians just accept that Israelis get away with killing so many of their brothers and sisters?
  4. So why did they do it if there are no justification? Just because they thought on that day that they have nothing better to do? I don't say that they should have done it. But nobody who looks at the history in that area would think they didn't have enough reasons. Israel treats them like dogs since decades.
  5. "right thinking individuals" Yeah, that sums it up. Good luck that we have right thinking individuals like you. All others are obviously wrong thinking. How dare they don't follow your right thinking.
  6. Why don't you play the hypothetical game? If Israel had some weapons, and some international support, but not unlimited like now. Would it make the situation over there more balanced, and would they have a high motivation to live in peace with each other? And lots of people hate each other, not only Muslims. Look at the other big war in Europe.
  7. I couldn't care less what they call me when I am gone. Because I will be dead at that time.
  8. It is up to each individual. If you want to control your diet and be healthy and die 100 years old, fine, go ahead. It's not what I want.
  9. And Hamas would not have invaded Israel if Israel wouldn't treat them like dogs, since decades. The war didn't start in October last year.
  10. Imagine Israel would not have all those weapons and the total support from the USA. Would Israelis and their government do what they do now? Or would they be motivated to live in peace with their neighbors? I know the situation is not easy. And there is no easy solution. But giving one side unlimited weapons and unlimited support is certainly not the way to find a solution for all of them.
  11. How about all the videos of Israeli soldiers bombing and killing Palestinians? I don't know if they send those videos to their mothers or to other soldiers and I don't care. Fact is that those videos and actions exist as well.
  12. Same sex couples are not the same as father and mother = parents. Why don't we keep the definition of existing words? Call them a gay couple or a female couple or whatever. They can't be both parents of the same child.
  13. How about: Many Israelis maimed and raped and killed many Palestinians over the last decades. And many Palestinians maimed and raped and killed many Israelis over the last decades. (in no specific order) The big difference is that for many years Israel and Israelis got away with their crimes. The USA supports them no matter what. And the USA gives billions of dollars to Israel, mostly in form of weapons, every year. Plus, all the extra money and weapons for this war.
  14. I have to admit I prefer too big and happy compared to all those people who watch their diet and can't eat this and that and not more than a little, etc. Enjoy your life and eat what you want. We will all die. And at least I prefer to die happy with my favorite food.
  15. I have 200W 24V power supplies connected to LED controllers which are connected to several LED strips. The LED controllers have several fuses like above. If there is a shortcut in one of the strips the fuse will cut that connection - at least if the fuse works the way it should work. Something like this:
  16. Thanks, Crossy. In the second video the Swiss engineer shows such charts from Bosch automotive fuses.
  17. Obviously, we all have ideas what might have happened. But I find it always amazing that within 10 comments we have at least three who are sure what must have happened - and all have different stories. Amazing!
  18. And you can see all that in the article above? Amazing. I thought one of the ladies gave him a BJ under the table and she added that to the bill. But I admit I might be wrong.
  19. Obviously the truck driver should have seen him and move out of the way. Isn't that obvious?
  20. It seems Daikin and Mitsubishi (there are two Mitsubishi) have consistently good reputations. So, I wanted one of them. And I wanted a model with Wi-Fi control which I can integrate in my home automation. Daikin has Wi-Fi controlled ACs. I bought 4 of them and I am happy with them. And especially now I love the fact that I can turn them on when I am 10min away from home so when I arrive it's wonderfully cool. 😉
  21. Yes, but if you are lucky the cables and breaker are still good enough for the higher load. Check in the manual! Sample: In the manual of my new 18000 BTU Daikin it shows 6.4Amp.
  22. I saw these videos today about low quality fuses. Louis puts 8A through a 2A fuse and the fuse does not blow. Bad. See yourself! I will now check my AliExpress fuses which I use for my LED lights.
  23. I know a rich guy who was a couple of years in a prison in a neighbor country. When he came out of prison and moved back to his luxury apartment in Thailand, he didn't use the aircon for many months. He was used to the hot climate and no AC.
  24. Good point. I remember a guy who was the top boos in a big international company. He had a top of the line 7 series BMW. And it seems sometimes he had to wait for parts because BMW Thailand didn't have them in stock. At some time a motorcycle crashed against and open rear door. He needed a new door. BMW told him it will take over a month to get one. That's when he/his company sold the car and he decided to buy some Toyota or something like that with everything available in Thailand... Personally, I had a Japanese motorcycle which was private imported from Japan. I often waited for parts. Annoying - at least if you have just one vehicle.
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