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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And just in case you wonder how this looks like: 330km/h in a BMW...
  2. Ferraris are great cars. And on the right streets and with talented drivers I am sure it's fun. But I will never understand why anybody would want such a car in Bangkok. For what? Using the 1st and 2nd gear only? Probably overheating that thing in the traffic? And they have to drive very careful to avoid any pothole. What's the point?
  3. I saw an article about him when he was arrested in Japan, maybe a month or two ago. It was mentioned that next he wanted to go to Thailand. Obviously, it would be great if idiots like him would never arrive. But then, we all can be sure that the locals will "explain" to them very soon their errors of "thinking". Maybe next he should order drinks for a couple of girls, make pictures in the bar, and then refuse to pay. 😉 Before that he should make sure he has a good health insurance.
  4. I could ask: Do you believe everything "Israel" tells you? Lots of international organizations confirm that people have no food. Do they all look at the wrong news?
  5. It seems to me Israel fights every Palestinians, not only Hamas. Why don't they allow food and water for innocent Palestinians?
  6. Yes, the people who carried out the Oct 7th attack should be punished. It was not necessary to kill >30,000 people, including lots of children, because of that attack.
  7. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum, the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-chief-says-hamas-attacks-did-not-occur-in-vacuum-sparking-israeli-fury/
  8. Not sure if your comment is an answer to another comment. About paying bills in general, as far as I know the advice is: ask friendly that the bill should be lowered. If that does not happen, pay and leave. And then go directly to the tourist police and let them sort it out. This method is supposed to work. Personally, I never experience such problems.
  9. If you don't see that Israel did a lot of bad things for many years in that area, then I can't help you. It must be nice to be convinced that only all the others are bad. It's so wonderful black and white and easy. Enjoy your ignorance.
  10. My moral compass is like: If someone does something bad to me and people I care about, then I hope whoever did that will be punished. In some countries for some crimes this punishment happens from the authorities. In other countries lots of bad people get away with horrendous crimes and the authorities do nothing. I understand when in such situations people fight against the bad guys and against the bad authorities. And this is of course something which applies to many situations in many countries all over the world. When you write: "The past is long gone", do you apply this to anything? If someone murdered your family a year ago, was that in the past and long ago and it doesn't really matter anymore? Or 10 years? Or how long ago is long enough?
  11. How about: If my government had allowed the people that are supposed to be the representatives of my country to commit such sadistic acts of degradation on innocent Palestinians I would without a doubt say 'we deserve it'. The problem is that both people can point at the others and point at all the bad things which the others did. And if they wish they can also think about what bad things their own side did. But they did it obviously only because the others did it. Now the question is if both sides accept that lots of bad things happened in the past and both sides try to live in peace with the other side. I know that is very difficult but it's the only way out of the current situation.
  12. I am sure you heard the expression before that the same people are called terrorists and freedom fighters. I am sure there are reasons why some countries call Hamas terrorists. Let's ignore that label for a moment. What would you do if soldiers from another country would invade your city and destroy lots of buildings and interrupt food, water and electricity supply? Would you just accept that because those invaders tell you some bad people are in your city, and they all have to be killed? Or would you defend yourself, your family, your friends, and they people you live with? I was never in such a situation, and I can't really know what I would do. But somehow, I expect I would fight against the invading aggressors. As far as I know all countries, with the only exception of the USA and Israel, are demanding a ceasefire. So, it seems >90% of the world agrees that Israel should stop their aggression.
  13. I disagree. If she starts the physical fight, then he has the right to defend himself. In Thailand lots of females like to fight with kitchen knives. Should the guy just watch and bleed?
  14. Then it is even more important that he acts before he is legally responsible for paying the debt.
  15. So, after he broke her arm, she returned back to him. Why? This is not supposed to be an excuse for him to beat her. But if she wouldn't return to him, then he could not beat her...
  16. Mostly I gave up reading and watching news about this. Because what can any of us do? Nothing! As long as the USA supports Israel almost unconditionally, they have no reason to change. And it seems any US government will support Israel. So, what can we do? Look at the news and think how unfair the world is? Or try to ignore it because we know it's unfair.
  17. One of the things which Israel's politicians and population should do is to think about why there is something like "Hamas's aggression". Did that aggression come out of nowhere? Or do Palestinians have reasons to be upset? Does Israel's settler policy, with over 500,000 settlers on Palestinian territory, increase the chance of peace? Or is that one reason why there is no peace? Does the fact that Palestinians are thrown out of their houses in Jerusalem help to live in peace with the neighbors? Or does it give those neighbors just another reason to hate the occupiers? Maybe it's time for Israel to radically change their politics. If Palestinians have food and water, will that help to make them happy? Sure. If Palestinians see that Israelis treat them like fellow human beings, will that help or hurt? Obviously both sides do things wrong. But who is in charge? Who has the power to change something? Israel is in charge. And they can do whatever they want because the USA and many other countries let them get away with it. If Israel wants peace, then they should work on peace and don't make more and more war. Because if they treat their neighbors like animals then they should not be surprised if those neighbors react like starving dogs.
  18. I think one problem from some foreigners here is that they think everybody has to obey all the laws all the time. And if they see that this doesn't happen, then they think they will tell the lawbreaker that this is wrong. He/she/it has to behave and follow the law now! But for many Thais laws are best case some kind of suggestions. Like: stop on the red light if you feel like it. Or maybe don't drink they whole bottle before you drive. And Thais, and not only Thais, don't want to be told what they should do. And especially they don't like when foreigners tell them what not to do. All this should be no surprise for anybody who visits a country far away from home.
  19. But then, 25 years ago it was hard to find girls who would give you a BJ. "My mouth for eating only!"
  20. I just noticed that the thread which I started over a year ago is active again. And I noticed that my headline includes "without any reason". You started it. Where in the world can a foreigner walk up to a group of drunk locals and tell them what to do? It's just stupid or naive or asking for trouble. Don't do it! What you can do is call the police and complain about the noise. And if you are lucky, they will do something. And if they don't do anything then accept it. And maybe, just maybe, if this noise continues many nights, then go there at daytime, when hopefully nobody is drunk, and tell them you have trouble sleeping and if maybe they could turn the volume down a little. And don't forget to smile when you tell them about your no-sleep problem. And ask yourself: Do you want this problem solved? Or do you want to show them who the boss is? A hint: You are not the boss. Accept it.
  21. Just in case nobody mentioned it until now: Many Thai have huge debt which are unbelievable high compared to what any bank would possibly give them. Many have to pay money to loan sharks with astronomic interest rates. They don't even know how much they have to pay because the loan sharks will never say: now all is paid, thanks. Many have crazy ideas. Like i.e. you give them money on Friday for a bill which they should pay on Monday. What do they do? Gamble. Like: I can double my money on the weekend. I would be stupid not to do that. And then on Monday there is no money left. This is not unusual. Family members, especially daughters, and especially daughters who work in the night life business, and especially daughters with farang bf/husband are often set tremendously under pressure. Like: If you don't help us then you don't love your parents. We did everything for you, now look at you, ..... I never heard about a happy ending of any of those stories.
  22. If you travel to your home country, make sure your travel insurance covers that. Most travel insurances don't cover the home country of their policy holders.
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