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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I hope she continues like this, and hopefully more and more GOP politicians will support her. That will maybe help the rest of the GOP supporters to finally wake up and realize how crazy that party is now. I know it's not only the GOP with crazy politicians, but the definitely win that they have the craziest nutters on their side. I wonder if that country will ever return to a situation where people accept facts and talk about facts and not just alternative facts. I don't have much hope.
  2. I know a girl who learned to cook professionally in Thailand, successfully - but I don't know where she learned. One way to find out is to talk with restaurant managers or hotel F&B and HR managers what they are looking for. I am sure they know good schools possibly in your area or further away.
  3. Don't worry, that goes away after a decade or two in Thailand. 😉
  4. Hopefully all tourists who want to get wet will go to Chiang Mai or anywhere far away from Bangkok. Enjoy!
  5. IMHO Thailand is just fine. And I feel comfortable here. One reason for that is that I don't think too much about what Thais do or don't do or why they do it. They do it jus the way they do it, it's best not to think about why. And that helps to stay relaxed.
  6. I would be surprised if there are not some jobs available to make money. Maybe not jobs to write home about, and maybe not well paid. But jobs. And if we get better with time we get better jobs and more money.
  7. My parents, which I guess were the generation before the boomers, were very careful how they spent their money. They never visited restaurants, except when they were away from home. They also looked for good prices when they bought food and anything else. This is how they could afford a house and had money when they retired. I spend a lot of money in restaurants, for cars, and entertainment. And, obviously, I couldn't afford a house because I used the money for other things. Somehow I am pretty sure this is similar for millennials. It's up to us how we spend our money. If we spend it for A and B, then we should not be surprised that there is less money for C.
  8. It sounds like Australia is more suitable for you.
  9. And when did she realize that she has to learn more than her parents told her? And when did she start to learn all those things. I am sure we all will find things which our parents didn't tell us. And then we learned it somewhere else. And obviously that is not just a millennial issue. But maybe more millennials listen to other millennials how bad life is.
  10. Can we please see a statistic how often Thais do the same and how often they are arrested. And did the American take away the teenager from the house of the parents? Or did the parents send their child to work as a prostitute and then they discovered that they can make even more money when they accuse those bad farangs?
  11. Look at the individual files. Maybe all important files are already on your computer. Sometimes there are sample files or ads included which you don't need. And maybe those not important files are not available. Otherwise, wait and hope for the best.
  12. Sometimes the smell comes from outside, i.e. a sewage system somewhere, maybe many stories, below the bathroom window.
  13. I find it almost funny when I see in hospitals that people should remove their shoes when they go to the scale to check their weight. I refuse to do that. I don't want to put my unprotected feet on the exact spot where many sick people (remember, this is a hospital) had their feet on the same day.
  14. a) if you would pay attention then you would have to ask me to list the well-known problems. Just look at the news and read some articles. b) Racing drivers do that to control cars under difficult conditions. I am pretty sure ordinary drivers don't need that.
  15. I find it almost funny when some EV enthusiasts just believe that EVs are great. Always and ever, they are the perfect solution. There are no problems. Just perfect. I think the idea about vehicles with electric motors is fine. But in real life there are currently many many problems. I am sure some of those problems will be solved in the next years. And other problems will be problems for a long time. For some people and applications, like every day just short trips with overnight charging at home, EVs work already. For many other people they just don't make sense. What is so difficult about admitting that EVs are an option for some people, but unsuitable for many others?
  16. So, which country are you currently living in? I live in Thailand. Looking at the rest of the world and possible future problems Thailand seems like a good location.
  17. Converting ICE cars to EVs sounds expensive to impossible. It's not like that you exchange the combustion engine with an electrical motor. Almost everything has to be changed. And about old EVs: How many of the current batteries do you think will survive for 10 or more years? Few! And what is the rest value of an EV with a bad battery at that time? Mostly likely it doesn't make sense to buy an expensive new battery for an old car. There is a reason why the resale price for EVs is bad.
  18. Maybe the problem is not so much the fact that they are Thai but the collection of the fees. If people have to pay, then they normally do - if they are able to pay. If they experience that they get away with not paying, then I guess they would call anybody stupid who voluntarily pays. In "my" condominium they started to sue people who didn't pay. Now almost everybody has paid up.
  19. I watch from time to time a YouTube channel where a guy brings cars which are 20 or 30 years old up to a standard as if they were new. Many of these cars have more than 200,000km on the clock. Obviously, he replaces parts, but most of the car parts are still the originals. I wonder how many EV will still be usable after 20 years. Probably near to zero. So too many moving parts is maybe not the main issue.
  20. I wonder how ordinary Thai people feel about this. Like the >99% who will never go to that hiso mall.
  21. Why should you? For many people, including many of our parents who experienced WW II, it makes them feel comfortable to have a house and money in the bank. Many people would feel uncomfortable spending their savings. They rather live without spending much and feel secure. Do what makes you feel good. And for everybody who want to give away their money, I think giving it to "something" local is the best. Maybe you know people in your area who could need money, maybe support kids going to university. Maybe help building something for the community. Hopefully you should have someone or something in your mind to do with your money. I find it sad seeing some rich people who are bitter and know who should not get their money like their kids should not get it, etc. But they don't know anybody who they would like to support. Sad.
  22. It would be great if someone takes Meta down. No more facebook and instagram - what a wonderful world.
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