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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Show him what you want to put behind the switch, i.e. a Shelly. Then he will see the connectors for L and N. I did not verify the diagram below, I just linked the first which I found.
  2. Maybe you spend too much time online and ask too many stupid questions.
  3. OneMoreFarang


    I didn't count, but I think now more Nana girls have tattoos than years ago, IMHO it's sad how they mark "themselves" like that for the rest of their lives.
  4. OneMoreFarang


    I am sure you know the concept. Lets say you meet a girl and she tells you she is into astrology. Maybe you think it's bs, then she loses points. Or you love astrology and she will gain points and you will live happily ever after. Not that I have some real or imagined score for people. But obviously I like some more than others, etc. That's the principle.
  5. OneMoreFarang


    I guess a big part if we like or don't like tattoos is our upbringing. I don't remember anybody with a tattoo from when I was young. I guess the first tattoo which I saw were from some bad guys in some prison movies. So after a while I guess I, and others, associate tattoos with bad guys. Now I try to be open minded, but for my first impression tattoos certainly don't help. There are some nice and smart people out there with tattoos. But IMHO they would all gain points by not having tattoos. With the girls, a little rose on the shoulder or something like that is acceptable. More, if the relationship is short time. I am pretty sure I wouldn't want any long time relationship with a girl with too many or too big tattoos. Before: After:
  6. I bought some on Lazada.
  7. That film was released in 2006. Someone had a good idea about the future. But they thought it would take 500 years. A very wrong estimation...
  8. Obviously, that will motivate Trump even more to become the next president - using any way he can.
  9. I am waiting for someone to bring up stories and maybe a police record of these guys from NZ. How likely is it that two law abiding citizens suddenly behave like that in a foreign country? How stupid and ignorant do they have to be to think they can get away with that?
  10. Are there no cameras? And if not, why not? In general, in case you don't know, many burglar jobs are insider jobs. The security people know which places are not occupied ... I have no idea about the legal situation. But I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult to find out who is responsible for the cable (or any part of that cable) which goes to your property.
  11. You wrote: "Maybe also because Thai people are very jealous and they see everybody else as a threat for a relation. In fact they have never learned to deal with others. "
  12. You sound jealous. What is your problem when a guy has a young gf? She made that decision. And if she doesn't like it, then she can walk away. What's the problem? Ah, Carlotta, that sound like a female name. Yes, I understand it is hard for you when the guy prefer young sexy Thai girls and not you. So sad.
  13. Does anything anybody writes about Trump make a difference? Is there any Trump fan who will say now: After above comment I won't vote for him anymore? I don't think so. Trump fans live in an alternative world with alternative facts. They are not rational people.
  14. Some famous YouTubers are idiots. They do pranks and things like that and they feel really important. And then there are other guys, like some of the people I mentioned earlier, who have intersecting hobbies or work and they clearly love what they are doing. And they would do whatever they do with or without camera. Additionally, now they show on YouTube what they do and many people like to watch their skillful work. That is very different compared to the YouTube idiots.
  15. I don't blame the Thais. We are just different. One common example are the different nightlife spots. There are bars for Thais, for farangs, for Japanese, Koreans, etc. We all like to do things differently. Some Thai guys have mia-nois and seem to be proud when other people know about that. Many farangs do more or less the opposite. The list goes on and on.
  16. It seems you pretend because Thaksin was not in Thailand he didn't have anything to say in Thai politics. Are you maybe just a little naive? And again, how often do I have to repeat that being against A doesn't mean I am pro B? The problem with Thaksin is that he opens his mouth all the time too much and pretends that he is the good guy. He is not. Many other politicians and not much better, but at least they don't pretend to be the good Samaritan.
  17. That is not so bad in my condominium. There were lots of people who didn't pay. And then it was decided to do some legal action against them. Now almost everybody paid.
  18. He should go on like that. Open your mouth. Talk a lot. Tell everybody else how stupid they are. Give them the finger. More and more people will see what a hypocrite he is, and fewer people will vote for his party. Maybe one day Thais will agree that he was one of the biggest problems in modern Thai history.
  19. So what do those two powerful men do about the well known fires and air pollution? Thaksin was in power for about 20 years, he had enough time to solve those problems. What did he do? Or why didn't he do anything substantial? Expose the corrupt!
  20. This is what PowerChute, the APC software, shows me. My PC was off for most of the day.
  21. Sounds about right. I didn't see any advertisement with realistic battery running times. With the APC brand you can go to their website and download documents for each UPS. They include graphs for how long they will supply power under which load. All devices which I checked are best case good for maybe 30min. If you want more, you need a BIG and expensive UPS.
  22. How stupid do they have to be to think they will get away with this? Unbelievable!
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