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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for finally admitting that such soldiers exist. I don't know how many are like that. And I guess Israel won't investigate and publish how widespread that is. Fact is, some exist. And it seems enough of them think their behavior is something they want to publish and show the world.
  2. Dead people can't join any club. I thought that is obvious also for the mentally challenged. But how many family members and friends of those killed will want revenge? I don't know how many. But I am pretty sure a lot more than zero.
  3. Maybe you take one of those tests. And then maybe you realize why you have difficulties understanding some intelligent people. 😉
  4. Again, if you don't understand rocket science that doesn't mean rocket scientists are crazy. Sorry, I don't know an easier way how to explain it to you.
  5. It's not really my problem if you are not able to understand it. I also don't understand quantum physics. But I don't deny it exists.
  6. I understand that is the idea. But do you think Israel will be able to kill all Hamas members? And while they try to do that, they kill tens of thousands of ordinary people. How many of those people do you think will join Hamas later or any other freedom fighter group?
  7. Maybe you have just one ounce of intelligence. I guess it can't be much more if you think it's measured in ounces. My IQ is > 130. And I understand it.
  8. Yes, Israel put thousands of settlers in other peoples' land. They threw Palestinians out of their homes in Jerusalem, and, and and. I guess that is what you meant, correct?
  9. I wrote I can understand it. That is not the same as saying I support what they do. And that is the case for Palestinians who fight Israelis and for Israelis who fight Palestinians. It never ends. That is the huge problem. And on both sides people have reasons to continue fighting. They should stop the fighting. But as we all know that is a lot easier said then done.
  10. But it's true. When some people pretend history started on the 7th of October that is plain wrong.
  11. In my experience it's not so bad in Thailand. But looking at the USA they definitely have more than enough woke idiots over there.
  12. Really? Understanding is not the same as agreeing or saying I would do the same. I.e. if a person raped the daughter of person X, then I understand when person X retaliates and kills or tortures the rapist - even a long time after the crime happened. Should he do it? No. Is what he does legal? Probably not. Do I understand it? Yes. There are lots of reasons for Palestinians to hate Israel and Israelis. Many Palestinians lost friends and family who were killed by Israeli soldiers. Should they use that as a reason to kill Israelis? No. But we shouldn't pretend that they have no reasons.
  13. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ comment that the deadly Hamas attack on southern Israel “did not happen in a vacuum,” UN chief's comment that Hamas attack 'did not happen in a vacuum' outrages Israeli officials | Fortune
  14. I read that a lesbian woman was thrown out of her lesbian club because she didn't want to have any men in that club with a penis who self-identify as a woman. That's the stupid modern woke world. JK Rowling is a great example for a person with reasonable views who was/is cancelled by the crazy woke mob. We need more people who stand up against those idiots.
  15. I came to Thailand when I was 30 and I had very little money. And I did what most people do at that time in their life: work. Working in Thailand helped me to integrate and make friends. While working we meet lots of people, and we make friends. That is, IMHO, a lot better than making friends drinking beer or playing pool or golf or whatever.
  16. Too soon with enough money to spend at that time but not enough for the rest of the life, is difficult. I remember especially the 20-year-old son from a friend partying too much. It's fun at that time but if you are not careful you ruin the rest of your life.
  17. Once a month one sexy girl is still a lot better than maybe once a year and old woman.
  18. IMHO, about 30, after education and some work experience in a civilized country. That is young enough to get used to and prosper in Thailand. Younger people without work experience in highly efficient companies didn't learn enough. Older people might be able to get used to Thailand. But with 40 or 50 and maybe a family that is more difficult. I can't imagine it is a good idea to move to a foreign country far away from home in old age (retirement). Do you really want to learn a new culture and language with 60 or 70?
  19. I see it like this: Should Hamas have done what they did on 7th October? No. Do I understand why they did it? Yes. Do I understand why Israel is now fighting in Gaza? Yes Do I understand if Palestinians won't forget what is happening now and fight another day? Yes. History repeats itself. One big problem is obviously that people on both sides can point at the other side and say: They killed my friends and family. And then they should not retaliate. But if they do it, I understand why they do it. And this logic works for many conflicts which go on for decades.
  20. I read in reputable media that there are videos like that on TikTok and other platforms. I won't search for the videos, and I won't want to watch them. I am sure if you want to, you will be able to find them.
  21. How about: If they would be two separate countries then there might be a chance of living in peace in the same area. And if that would have happened decades ago, then the current situation would probably be better.
  22. You won the price by starting history on that day. Maybe look back a few months. Or years. Or decades. Then maybe you understand that it's not that easy to blame just one side.
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