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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. AC on 20 degree, a duvet, and my gf to cuddle.
  2. I like to enjoy my life without stress. I ride motorcycle, but I don't think it's much fun to ride 100km or more. Because we have to concentrate all the time to be sure we survive that trip. About restaurants: I know a couple which I like. If anybody recommends a new place, or invites me to that "new" place, then I am open to check it out. But I am also happy if I continue to go to the places which I know without any new places. It seems some people have goals like visiting here and there and those stupid bucket lists, etc. I like it the way I have it. Change is not really necessary.
  3. My interpretation of all the best is slightly different than what you write. Let's see how fast he will "recover".
  4. I think about building electric roller shades myself. I guess I will be able to figure out the mechanic and electronic. But obviously I need fabric. And likely that fabric must be custom made for the sizes which I need. Can anybody here recommend and online or offline shop for this? Best would be a shop somewhere in Bangkok which I can visit and look at samples.
  5. It seems I only meet Thai technicians who never ever read the manual. Like: why should we care what anybody wrote down? And later: why does this not work the way we imagined it should work - if only something would be written somewhere... To be fair, not only Thais have this attitude.
  6. But don't assume anybody will (be able to) read it and (be able to) understand it.
  7. No. Do it again, and do it right. Like Brown, blue and yellow/green wires. And never rely on any colors on wires in Thailand. If red is N in one cable, that doesn't mean it's the same at another cable in the same installation. It seems many Thai "electricians" don't know or don't care or both.
  8. What? No mobile ICU for the sickest criminal?
  9. I wonder how many days it will take him to recover from being the sickest Thai convicted criminal. I am sure Sunday evening he will already feel so much better. TiT
  10. It must be so much easier for all the PT politicians to kiss his feet and ask him for "advice".
  11. My comment wasn't meant to be too serious. I know a couple of guys who were around when those things started to be used. Think about Window 3 and guys around 60 and older. As far as I know "younger" people call them notebooks.
  12. I eat Thai food almost every day when my gf is with me - which she is most of the time. Maybe we eat together outside at the market or some street noodle soup or something like that, or she cooks Thai food at home. If she visits her family up country for a few days, then likely I eat only farang food on those days. Outside in restaurants or I cook spaghetti or pork chop or something like that. I like it like this. I like Thai food. But I also like something else from time to time.
  13. Imagine how many additional idiots would be here if above would be true.
  14. It seems some shops want to sell finance and collect commissions for that. Maybe they charge extra if someone wants to just buy a bike without finance and without them earning commission on that.
  15. It seems to me many of these preachers get paid to do whatever they do. And they have quotas how many sign up. Personally, I wouldn't mind if I had an office near that soi. Nice for a lunch break or afternoon tea time.
  16. Imagine, there are even condominiums with 30 or 40 floors and even more...
  17. Ok, I am sure you have your experience. And it is also well known that kids, and not only kids, want attention. If they don't get as much as they want then they will find ways to get more attention. In this case it seems now he has the attention. Obviously, I don't know any details of this case and it is certainly not always just the usual. But in general, I think we can agree that kids with parents who take care of them are less likely to do attention seeking things.
  18. One day it will certainly stop. On both eyes, and everywhere else. 😉
  19. You must the very old to call these things laptop. I remember that name from when I was young. I always recommend ThinkPad. They are simply the best. https://www.lenovo.com/th/en/d/deals/express/
  20. No, in condominiums we all get deliveries all the time. Food, furniture, toilet paper, everything. And of course, we all work at home. We never go out of the buildings. Didn't you know that?
  21. As far as I see you can get all the basic electrical MCBs and RCBOs, etc. here. But if you want to buy the good things, then buy RCBOs Type A in the UK. I tried to get them in Thailand, but it seems in Thailand nobody knows they even exists. I think in the UK they are now mandatory for new installations over there.
  22. Our condominium had a couple of people working in the management. All hired directly. We had problem. The committee suggested we hire a management company, and that management company hires people and controls them. Now the situation is much better. There are still things to fix which they old management caused, but we have progress.
  23. Who took care of him in the last couple of years? It seems his parents were in America. Maybe he behaves the way he does because he thinks his parents don't care. So now it seems he has the attention of his parents. I suggest first thing contact a psychologist and find out what went wrong. And then it seems your son needs his parents...
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