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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What does anybody expect from a person whos job is to promote such things and make money with it? Does anybody expect him to say "beauty treatments" don't make much sense? Personally, I don't think I know anybody who looked better after such treatment. Some just look strange. And with some women it seems they have one treatment, and that obviously didn't make them happy or more desired, and then they have another treatment, and another one, and another one. It would be much easier for people who want to improve to look at their own behavior and stop the bad behavior and they would be more desirable - even if they don't look that great. Most of us don't look great and will never look great. That's life. And when we get older, we normally don't look better. Accept it! Make sure you have a good personality and all will be fine!
  2. Who do you think pays for this activity from the police? 😉
  3. Ok, I understand that. But maybe just something like: there is a club in soi x which opens up to 5 - or something like that. I guess there must be more than one open place considering the amount of people.
  4. What's the point? What is the worst punishment that could possibly happen to them? Just prosecute the convicted criminal and put him back in jail. This time into real jail so that he has time to think about what he did wrong in his life.
  5. It's some time ago that I was out until 1am or longer. Getting old and all that. I live in lower Sukhumvit and sometimes I am out at 6:30 in the morning and I see lots of people who look like they just stopped partying. What bars, clubs or whatever are open until dawn in that area? I don't want to go there at 4am, I am just interested in what is going on.
  6. Maybe they should pay them better. A friend who visits NANA regularly seems to meet lots of girls there who are nurses - real once.
  7. It seems they also have their downsides. I know a woman who thought they are a good idea. And then she had problems with her skin in that area. She visited a doctor and the doctor advised against using those wet wipes all the time.
  8. There seems to be a lot of that going on in that guy. Since many years already.
  9. I have to admit I never used any of those things anywhere. In theory I know what they are doing, but in real life I don't really know what to expect. Will the water pressure be high? Will the water go to the correct position? How about if it malfunctions. To be in a public toilet and getting drained with water "out of the toilet" is a horrible thought... But then again, I recently purchased a TOTO toilet for my new apartment, and I made sure there is a washlet seat available for that thing and I have a power outlet nearby. I think about the time when I might be old and want one. Let's see.
  10. Would there be any romans if he would not have claimed to be the director of a well-known vocational college or something like that? The word romance doesn't make any sense like that. It's a scam that a guy pretends to be rich and influential, and obviously lots of women want that. If the women would look for love, then maybe they shouldn't look for rich and influential...
  11. And now? 200 or 300B fine? That will teach them to never do that again. Or maybe not?
  12. And I though we are supposed to believe all women all the time. 😉
  13. Yes, I could do that. But I am pretty sure some of those people on that list would want to argue with me about why they are on that list.
  14. He told us he only wants to play with his grandchildren. Now he can do this all the time - and not much else. Great!
  15. I know this is not the main part of this story, but if you all don't mind, lets concentrate on that part for a moment. If she can't prove that he drugged her, will he likely win such a lawsuit? It seems it is very easy for any woman to destroy the reputation of a guy. What are the option for the accused to save his reputation and business? Can he demand a compensation from her if his business suffers or is destroyed?
  16. Sometimes mf gf takes pills against menstruation pain. And then she falls asleep. I think the main problem with this girl, and probably many others in that age group, is that they don't think clearly, and they don't think what could happen. I wouldn't accept pills, probably without name and without box, from someone who tells me to just take some pills and all will be fine. For a girl, half naked, together with a guy, this is just a very stupid idea (independent of what kind of pills he gave her in this case).
  17. Likely many of us met each other somewhere without knowing that we all post in this forum.
  18. There is no logic. Don't even try to understand what doesn't exist.
  19. How do you know she told the truth? He is the one who now has to fight against accusations which might be true, or maybe they are not true. She could have reported what he allegedly did to the police, and they could investigate it. And if he is found guilty then she can tell that to the public.
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