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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks, that sounds like a good idea. The ACs are new, and likely I will be able to use the same cables again even with new ACs. But in principle I like when things are service friendly. And isolation wool is certainly easier to remove compared to stiff foam.
  2. In theory it's possible that someone can do that. But I am not brave enough to do that at about 100m height.
  3. I don't think they are allowed to cut off your water of electricity. But the way you describe them that is no reason for them not to do it. It seems you and probably other co-owners have a big problem to solve, remove that management? Did you talk with the other owners? Did you talk with the committee? If something happened like the total overcharging, I would bring this up at the general meeting with everybody watching. This is what they charged, and this is what it cost (print it out). And then look what happens. We had a bad management in our condominium. This was only possible because some owners broke the rules, and the management was quiet. "Good" owners would agree with you to get rid of a corrupt management.
  4. I have this hole in the wall to outside with cables for the ACs. This is in a high floor condominium. We don't have rats or any other such animals outside on the high floors. I want to close it for better isolation. What is the best way to do this? Should I use PU foam spray? Any other ideas?
  5. a) I am not from the UK b) Do you really want to argue that if one country has a bad politicians you also want one in your country?
  6. Thanks for your info. That obviously makes sense.
  7. About an hour ago I ordered some food. According to Google Maps the distance from my home is 2.4km. I know the way. There is sure traffic, but with a motorcycle it is manageable. After waiting for some time, I checked the FoodPanda tracking of my order, and I discovered that the rider took a route which just doesn't make any sense. Maybe two or three time longer than necessary and also in traffic. I wonder if the rider had no clue how to get to Sukhumvit, or he is instructed to ride according to their navigation system, which suggest a crazy route, or what. Do you know how this works? Could the rider take a different, shorter route, if he knows one?
  8. You are not alone. It's great that we have experienced people who share their knowledge with us. 😉
  9. I think this forum often show how to do and how not to do it. Ask a reasonable question and you will get answers. Some good, some not so good, but mostly there is good advice in there. And then there are the new posts like: Let me show you how to do this or that. Or Mr X in Thailand or something like that. Mostly useless.
  10. I guess it might be interesting for someone who is new in town. It seems to me that some people love their role to tell everybody else how much they know and how things work and all that. Lots of YouTubers are like that and I am sure there will be people like that in local clubs. I try to avoid them, because often they think they know a lot more than they actually do. Personally, if I want advice, I ask people who I know already and who I know are not just people who talk a lot without knowing what they talk about. Many of us know many people who know many people. Personal advice from someone recommended is always the best.
  11. Does it matter who pays the commission? At the end of the day the buyer, or the person who rents a place, pays for it. If I want to but a place and it is sold for i.e. 3m or 4m then the seller pays 3% from that amount. Where does the money come from? Obviously from the buyer. And any agent wants as much commission as possible, higher prices = higher commission.
  12. As we all know, he is a very sick man. Make sure he has a comfortable bed in a quiet room at home so that he can rest in peace. Old sick men don't travel.
  13. I think he can't be officially PM anymore. But he can still control the party.
  14. Thanks, that looks good. I will study it.
  15. I am sure if you would have gone with all of them to a big gold shop and play the big spender, they would have forgiven you.
  16. Yeah, sure, she was not really involved. It was all the others who told her to go home to her criminal father.
  17. What material is the roof? Some materials, like i.e. zinced steel plates, needs special paint. (But I don't know the details.)
  18. 555 Everybody in Thailand knows that the justice system works according to wealth and connections. That is just a fact. I guess if the criminal shuts his mouth and plays with his grandchildren then not much will happen. But if he is suddenly healthy again and opens his mouths too wide like previously, then I like to see what will happen.
  19. And don't forget: Everybody who wants to sell or rent you anything wants a commission. Even if they just said one word to you about it. And the commission is a percent of what you pay. Higher prices = higher commission. Keep that in mind.
  20. That is the part where I always think: What did the tourist expect will happen? That the thugs will go away and apologize that they honked? Or is another outcome more likely? Even if the police will do anything and even if any of the thugs will get punished, that story will never be over for him. From now on, he better doesn't show up in that area again, ever. And for all those who cry victim blaming: It doesn't matter if legally he was right to use that parking spot. It is just stupid to argue with some people. Walk away!
  21. It's all the same. We call it "up-country".
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