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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Who cares about the squid? We want to know if you married her. And/or at least made love with her in the jungle after that date.
  2. Thanks I never wrote that Palestinians are all good and Israelis are all bad. And I never wrote or thought that Israel has no right to defend themselves. But I also see that, IMHO, the current Israeli government makes the situation a lot worse than necessary. They could fight Hamas more carefully and they could have more support and understanding for their action from the rest of the world. Obviously, there will also be haters on both sides who only see one party as good and one party as bad. Especially in this conflict it isn't that easy.
  3. Yes, there are no clean wars. But there is a great of how dirty they are. And that obviously depends on how much value people put on the lives of the others. And if they are just killing dogs, that is obviously not a big concern...
  4. I understand your point and I know that this is what happens. But I also know that that is not the whole picture. Israelis have their reasons, and Palestinians have their reasons. And both can point at the other and claim that the other killed friends and family members. The situation is very complicated, and that is why there is no easy solution. I think what Israel does in the moment in not "fair" - but then, war is never fair and is not supposed to be fair. Hamas attack on Israel was a crime. And it's obvious that Israel has the right to defend themselves. And what Hamas did didn't happen in a vacuum. And, and, and. The list goes on and on and on. That's the big problem which make peace very difficult.
  5. As far as I am concerned all the people who murdered and raped and took hostages on Oct 7 th should be punished. And the people who didn't do that should not end up dead as collateral damage.
  6. Benjamin Netanyahu Brags He's ‘Proud’ To Have Prevented A Palestinian State Netanyahu Says He's ‘Proud’ To Have Prevented Palestinian State | HuffPost Latest News It's obvious that the Palestinians want their own state. And it's obvious that Netanyahu doesn't want it. He was quoted all over the media in the last days. But it seems you somehow missed that. Even if all Palestinians would want a Palestinian state, there would be no way to establish that without the approval of Israel and the US. Israel, at least under Netanyahu, doesn't want such a solution. And the US never does anything substantial against Israel. And about answering only parts of your messages: Sorry, I don't want to spend hours with this. I just pick the obvious points.
  7. I quoted an official statement by someone high ranking in the Israeli government. There are many more quotes like that. You could find them - if you would want to do that.
  8. I suggest someone should demonstrate to the teacher that that was a bad idea.
  9. Is your large wife standing behind you?
  10. Obviously, it is simplistic. But it seems to help you to understand that bombing everybody is not the only option.
  11. Mostly Israel and the USA can stop this war. And the USA could force Israel to accept a Palestinian state. It wouldn't be easy, but a Palestinian state is the only viable long-term solution. Israel can't win this conflict the way they try to do it now. Obviously that also needs cooperation from the Palestinian people and many others. But Israel and the USA and the main players.
  12. Israel uses a lot of dumb bombs in Gaza. Maybe they don't kill many people intentionally, but they obviously don't care enough to avoid thousands of innocent people.
  13. Israeli Defense Minister: 'We Are Fighting Human Animals’ | HuffPost Latest News Israeli Defense Minister Announces Siege On Gaza To Fight ‘Human Animals’ Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called for denying Palestinian people electricity, food, water and fuel as Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza. I am sure you will find lots of other sources which confirm this quote.
  14. Let's say a couple of criminals come to your home. What do you expect the police to do? Bomb your home and kill just everybody? Or would you expect that they send a SWAT team and kill only the criminals? It's not really that difficult to understand.
  15. Imagine Israel would remove the settlers from the land where Palestinians live. How do you think Palestinians and the world would react? I am pretty sure that would influence the opinion in favor of Israel a lot. And so is the fact that in real life Israel supports these settlements and ignores international law. Israel could use less dump bombs and they could send their soldiers into the tunnels under the city without bombing just everything which is anywhere near the tunnels and Hamas. Of course, that would be more difficult. I don't know if the ratio It seems Hamas killed on 7th October fewer than 1000 Israelis. And I don't want to pretend 1000 people are few people, those are a lot of people and Hamas shouldn't have done that. It seems the current Palestinian body count in Gaza since October is 26,000, including many innocent women and children. Yes, 10:1 seems too low.
  16. Imagine 10 Hamas fighter would be in the basement of an Israeli hospital. Would Israel just bomb the whole hospital? Or would they fight only the bad guys in the basement? They could to the same in Palestinian hospitals. But then, they call Palestinians "animals" and there is obviously no need to care about a few animals. They are just collateral damage. Who cares. And about Palestinians supporting Hamas. I was never in that situation. But I guess if I would see a foreign army invading my city and killing my family and friends, then I would also support the local freedom fighters. Or maybe I would join them to fight the invaders.
  17. Slowly I understand why so many American people support Trump. Obviously he is an a$hole, but that doesn't mean he did everything anyone accuses him of doing. That woman doesn't even remember when that supposed rape supposedly happened. There is no evidence they even met in that store. But for whatever reason judges decide Trump is guilty. And when he continues to proclaim his innocence (for that rape) he is prosecuted again. There is no proof that he raped her. Why is he not allowed to say exactly that? Maybe Trumps opponent should concentrate on the important things which he did wrong, like the insurrection. Then maybe people would acknowledge that he is not unfairly targeted by the establishment.
  18. Yes, Hamas killed innocent Israelis. And Israel kills maybe 10 times more innocent Palestinians. One wrong doesn't make another wrong right.
  19. Israel could try to minimize civilian casualties. But that's not what they do. They call them animals and slaughter them. And then they are surprised when someone brings them in front of an internation court.
  20. Yes, Hamas war criminals should be punished. Not every single Palestinian including many children.
  21. The USA is the only country which could make Israel stop the bombing and supplying desperately needed food and medicine to the Palestinians. But Biden, and others talk and don't really do anything substantial. Israels settlers are invading and occupying the land of the Palestine people since decades. And it seems this gets worse. And it's supported by the Israeli government and against international law. It's no surprise that Israel is constantly accused. There are good reasons for that. If they would stop the illegal settlers and if they would try to live in peace with their neighbors then a lot more people would like them and support them. Hamas <> Palestine. I understand that Israel is fighting Hamas, they have good reasons for that. But it is not helpful that they ignore all the presumed innocent Palestinian civilians. Israel could fight Hamas and only Hamas. But that is not what they are doing. If they see 10 Hamas fighters surrounded by 100 Palestinian civilians they just bomb them all and don't care. With that attitude they shouldn't be surprised that many people protest against Israels government.
  22. I hope many Thais will see this story and will learn from it that identity theft is a big issue. It seems too many don't care about data privacy and too many use their phones without any awareness of any risks.
  23. I read in multiple media that Israel said they won't stop, even if all hostages are released. And about the leaflets and moving: How many people should move how often and where to? Is there still any place Palestinians can go without the risk of being killed? And then there is all the destruction and hunger and little drinking water and all that. If Israel doesn't kill every single Palestinians then they can be sure that they made enough enemies for the future to come. So what do they do? Kill everybody and make sure there are no homes and infrastructure anymore for Palestinians to return. And obviously with American weapons and more or less American support. The Americans could convince them to stop. They don't. Sad.
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