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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The official, and maybe some unofficial, regulations are different between different embassies. I was several times in Phnom Phen. Years ago, they wrote they need 3 working days for the Non-B visa and that was the case at that time. Maybe half a year ago the Thai embassy in Phnom Phen had a sign outside that Non-B would take (I think) 5 working days. That means one week in real life. I was there on a Monday and applied for a visa. I had already booked the hotel for a week. When I applied, they told me to come back to pick up the visa on Thursday, and it was ready on that day. Another confusing part (for me) was that on the little piece of paper which they gave me to pick up the passport was written "1". I interpreted that as 1pm to pick up the passport and I arrived at that time. But the embassy was closed. I think it opened at 1:30 or 2pm. When I finally was in the embassy, I asked them about the "1" and they told me that means 1 passport and not 1pm. I wasn't the only person waiting outside at 1. All in all there is sometimes little or bad or confusing information, and that makes it a hassle if you have to schedule your flights. I guess in your situation I would apply in Australia where you will be before you will travel to Thailand. That should work just fine. Good luck.
  2. Do you have any link to a website with information about this in country Non-B procedure? Why does (almost) everybody go out of the country to do that? I don't know how many farangs I know with Non-B visa, but it might be 100. I don't think I ever heard anybody talking about getting that visa inside of Thailand. The exception might be BOI approved companies. I know there are lots of special regulations for them.
  3. Do you know under which condition you can do that? Maybe BOI company or something like that? I spoke with enough people who should know, and nobody ever suggested any possibility to do it in Thailand. And I know many people who traveled to neighboring countries to go to the Thai embassy in those countries to apply for Non-B visa. Those were people with legitimate new jobs and the correct documents. All went for a couple of days to neighboring countries to get that visa because they couldn't do it within Thailand.
  4. I guess that sign will do the job. Because I guess most women don't want to be in the press for this. And this sign is a very clear reminder for anybody that they should think twice what they do. Is it nice? Not really. But then, it is also not nice from tourist to disrespect Thai cultural heritage. Would they also sunbath in the Vatican?
  5. I guess the problem is that if you really need their help then you won't be up to do a lot of things. And if you would be able to perform then you don't need them and they won't ask. But you can still try to ask even if you don't need it. Maybe one of the nurses likes a little OT.
  6. I am not the only one who bought a nurse uniform for their girl to play with. But obviously I wouldn't publish any private pictures.
  7. People have to apply for a Non-B visa outside of Thailand. So anybody who lives inside Thailand must visit any country outside of Thailand to get that visa. This is why many of us apply in neighboring countries like Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. You can apply in any Thai embassy anywhere on this world for a Non-B visa. You certainly will be able to do that in Australia. But make sure you read all the details on the website of the embassy which you want to visit. Some want that you come in person without appointment, others want that you apply online first and after a while get an appointment, and many other differences. And in some embassies it is relative easy and in others it's headache because of all the little differences. But if you have an experienced company hiring you then hopefully they know what you need.
  8. Officially they will tell you they don't do that. But then, ...
  9. Maybe we live in the same building. We also have a guy like that in "my" building. Because of this actions lots of important work is delayed. In the case of the building where I live it seems at the end the building won court cases. But it takes forever and cost money.
  10. Netanyahu won't listen until the USA supports UN resolutions against Israel and stops weapon deliveries to Israel. And it seems that will never happen. So, he can do whatever he wants. A little talking from any politician anywhere in the world won't make any difference.
  11. That reminds me when I was in Crazy House with a guy who visited from the UK. That was a couple of years ago and the stage was full of sexy naked girls. What did he do? He tried to convince the old mamasan, maybe 50 and at least 70kg, to go with him. He told me she reminds him of a schoolteacher when he was young. She took 3000B from him and then she told him to f o. So sad.
  12. Do they really want that? Or do they want to be able to tell their voters: We wanted to give you all that money, but the others prevented us from doing this. It's their fault.
  13. That would be fine. Call it Nautilus and nobody ever saw it again. Win/win.
  14. The "original intent" sounds like someone was thinking about this. I don't think that happened. She just opened her mouth without involving any though process.
  15. Come on, they have those special police don't drink and drive initiatives two times a year, New Year and Thai-New Year. So, they do something for about 10 days a year already. Nobody can say they do nothing... And then there are all the amulets and flowers and all that. All for traffic safety.
  16. Just from this post it's obvious that it's good that you are not responsible for bringing up "a sprog".
  17. A couple of two man can't have babies. And a couple of two woman can't have babies. It's nature. If any of them want to live with each other, let them do it. But when babies and children are concerned, then the first priority should be those babies and children. To have an optimal start they need a mother and a father. They don't get that in a same sex relationship so they will grow up handicapped. Why should the state support this? Maybe next a 70 year old person wants to hire a surrogate mother. Would that be good? No way! So don't do it!
  18. The big question is how many voters will remember all this until the next election. And how many will think it is more important than whatever new promise or cash the parties offer at that time. TiT
  19. I think it's always amazing how some people in Thailand think they know what is happening for sure. And obviously they have no evidence at all. But they spoke with Noi who spoke with Nit who knows someone .... Even if the criminal is not in that place, it still cost the taxpayers a lot of money to pay for this show.
  20. I spend a lot of time and money in G Spot. I think when I first arrived lady drinks were 65B. I could afford to buy drinks for a couple of girls around me. ;) And my first girlfriend was from that place. Angelwitch started to exist many years after G Spot. As far as I know it still exists but is far away from what it used to be.
  21. Those are obviously all bikes for girls. Make sure you get them in pink or some cream color. ;)
  22. Thanks now that explains it... Imagine her as PM for 5min without supervision. Oh no!
  23. Even lower than '100 Pipers'?
  24. I hope one day I see a coffee shop with a sign: We have no WIFI. This is a coffee shop and not an office. I would sit there and enjoy a coffee, hopefully a good one, right away.
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