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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. But the funny thing is that the domain is still twitter.com. As far as I know there is no way to register just X.com. That must be really frustrating for the owner.
  2. I wonder how many of those social media users ever ask themselves if maybe life would be better without it.
  3. Imagine he falls in love. And his one is obviously different. Now that will change the whole equation.
  4. Consider yourself lucky that they don't want to collect now tax which they forgot for the last 36 years. ;)
  5. Did Anutin or any other MP consider that the problem might be the corrupt police? And did they think about that shifting officers to an inactive post for a month is not good enough? Expose the corrupt police. Fire them. Prosecute them. Convict them that they have to pay all the money back which they received as bribes. And convict them to jail (without VIP treatment). It's not really that difficult to find solutions - if our politicians would want to find solutions. Talk is cheap. And useless.
  6. Should I find a picture of a cooked dog and post it here with a similar comment?
  7. When I go in Thailand with my rabbits to the animal hospitals the rabbits are treated in the exotic department. Really.
  8. No. But I remember I wrote on a paper "Time to say goodby" as a music request. It was the kind of band who would never play that song. ;)
  9. You have to ask gay men why they do what they do. I guess for some in some situations it makes life easier if they pretend they are not gay. I, as a straight man, never thought it would be an advantage in any situation to pretend to be gay. But then, I never applied for a job in woke company. ;)
  10. And I don't think even in the city it will work on a big scale. How many fast charging points are necessary to crash the existing electricity supply network? And how about a couple of lithium fires in the "wrong" locations?
  11. Yes, I understand that there are good reasons for journalists to think twice what they research and publish. They all want to live another day, just like all of us.
  12. If there would be any courageous journalists in Thailand, then they could report about many other sick prisoners. How many seriously ill prisoners are there in Thailand? Under which conditions do they live? Do they get proper treatment? And then compare the hundreds or thousands of seriously ill prisoners with the VIP prisoner. And maybe even compare medial treatment of normal Thais, who are not in prison, to the VIP guy. How many seriously sick people are transported per helicopter to a specialist in the middle of the night?
  13. I hope the child will be taken care of. But I wonder if there are people and institutions in Thailand who take care of unwanted children. Let's imagine for a moment that that grandmother never wanted the kid, could she have given the kid to someone who would take care? (It's a real question. I know it's sad, but I also know that it's reality that some people don't want any children and are forced by the circumstances to take care of other peoples' children.)
  14. I understand that you do that for your own safety. But please consider if those flashing lights might irritate other drivers and riders. It's like high beam lights. Yes, they make the owner visible. But they don't make the whole situation better.
  15. NANA, and all girls think they can get a million from me if they do a fantastic job.
  16. But then, you are no multimillionaire now, and famous and in the news. Otherwise, she might think again that now, decades later, she somehow thinks that was wrong. Or maybe she only thinks she should get a couple of your millions. I am happy that I am no multimillionaire and not famous.
  17. Next in the news: Millions of 16 and 17 year old girls all over the world had sex just this week. Some of them, probably thousands of them, thought in the hindsight they shouldn't have had sex with that guy at that moment. Consequences: None. Further situation: They got over it and didn't pretend decades later that it was a major issue.
  18. How long will they report the same story? Imagine you are a prince, you are of course rich, and you have rich friends. And lots of women and girls want to be with you. Of course, they want to be with you. Many women, young and old, want to be with powerful rich men. Do all of these women do this because you are so handsome and have a sexy body? No. And who cares? Personally, I also like Thai massage. And if the person who does the massage is a pretty young girl, that's great. And as far as I know it is not illegal to be massaged once a day or even more often. Is there any clear evidence that Andrew forced anybody to have sex with him? Did any women, of any age, ran out of a room and cried "rape" and showed her bruises to the police? So maybe Andrew had sex with a 17 year old girl, and maybe she received money for that. And maybe that happened x decades ago. Is that really so important now that it is headline news all over the world for months or years? Really? Get a life!
  19. I am sure you know that the woke have a problem with the definition of men and women, some even identify as a furry. I think "creature" should be inclusive enough.
  20. Are you a millennial or one of those woke creatures? If you never laughed about the stupidity of Americans (or insert whatever nation you want) then you should try it one day. It's fun. And don't take yourself or anybody else too serious.
  21. Some women tell guys up front how much then want. Some take money and luxury life while they are in a relationship. And some take a lot of money after it's over. And some plan this right away when they meet the guy. They all want money. Same, same, not so much different. And yes, there are also lots of loving women out there who are not primary motivated by money.
  22. Yes, you are right. But does it ever happen to you that a friend tells you a story of someone with nationality X and you think to yourself: Sure, that is typical for X. Maybe you even told that to the friend you told the story. And comments like that are normal on Asian Now, many of us enjoy them and laugh about them. The difference is that mostly we do this in the Pub in this forum and not in the news section. But all in all, does it really matter if some people in this forum, including me, sometimes bash people from specific nations? Is anybody really offended? Does anybody think something like: Good that I know it was an American, now I will stay away from people from nation? I don't think it has any effect whatsoever. Maybe some of us laugh and some of us think "another bashing" and in a second we forget about it.
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