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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe I am a professional driver like Misha. Or maybe I am just realistic that if I learned something from a drive instructor that maybe he was right and didn't just tell me to do something to make me angry. You could try it.
  2. And would that be so bad? I am sure there is a statistic somewhere. I am pretty sure now more accidents happen because too many idiots think they can drive while they play with their "phones". Or those people who "think" the autopilot function does everything automatically all the time. It doesn't! And nobody should be surprised about that.
  3. Maybe the DEMs and Biden supporters should from time to time watch news and shows which are made for GOP supporters. Because then they would see the truth about Biden and his age and his mental difficulties. Personally, I read mostly news from DEM friendly sources. They write how great Biden is and what an idiot Trump is. What they don't publish are all the not so great things about Biden. Sometimes I watch videos on YouTube which show when Biden stumbles physically or mentally. When he greats people who don't exist, and when he doesn't know left from right. I am sure fox and co show things like that all the time. And then nobody should be surprised when their viewers think B is not capable of doing the job. But DEMs somehow don't see this information and are ignorant and they ask: Why do those people don't like Biden. Just watch and learn! All in all, I think Biden is still the better alternative, mostly because Trump is such a nightmare, and he is not suitable at all for that job. But why don't the DEMs look for a younger guy, with experience, and not so radical views? That could be a real alternative which the people like to vote for. And not just the lessor evil.
  4. About insurance don't pay: A farang friend, living in Thailand for many years, had two strokes, one at home, after which he visited the hospital, and then he had another stroke in the hospital. Bumrungrad, expensive in the hospital, and every follow up visit is expensive, and medication is expensive. And until now, maybe a year later, his private insurance paid everything. So, it seems not all insurances are bad all the time.
  5. I was part of a company group insurance. I left that company and now I can't be part of that insurance anymore. I have diabetes. And that is something insurance companies don't like. I applied at one insurance, and they refused to insure me at all. Now I am checking with another insurance. I am pretty sure if they insure me at all, then they will exclude diabetes (and probably anything that might be related to that). When I applied for the new insurance, I answered all their questions truthfully. That makes it more difficult or maybe impossible to get insured. If I would answer the questions not truthfully, then I could be insured. But that would be just the theory. Because if I would have an expensive problem, then they would check my past records. And then they would find out my preexisting conditions (which I might not have told them) and then they will deny payment for that reason. Obviously, it's bad not to be insured. But pretending to be insured and paying for the insurance, but having the risk of no payment because of not reported preexisting conditions, is worse.
  6. How about those typical taxi cars? I have to admit I don't even know the brand and models. But it seems many taxis are the same brand and model. I guess there must be so many out there that service and spare parts and mechanics who know these cars are no problem. Are these models a good choice just for that reason?
  7. I used to drive a lot "back home". And when I wanted/needed a break, then I stopped and had a break, maybe walk a little, whatever. I hate it when drivers and riders think they can do other things at the same time. Sure, you can try to do that, but if your concentration is not on the road and traffic, then don't be surprised if bad things happen. And unfortunately, those bad things also happen to the people around you.
  8. What reasons might that be? Play with the so-called smart phone? Do the makeup? Or what? IMHO if you want to take your hands of the steering wheel then stop the vehicle.
  9. And all of that "crap" might misfunction and maybe the cars computer "insists" it has to be fixed. No extra functions = no extra headache.
  10. I don't think it was mentioned in the question. I also think new or used is an important question. As far as I know all vehicles lose a lot of retail value in the first year or two. So I guess it makes sense to buy one used which is not too old. But that obviously brings up the questions: Where to buy such a used car which was properly serviced? Personally, I know a little about cars, but I wouldn't be able to really check out if a car is in good condition. Maybe it's possible to buy such cars from reputable dealers. But do those dealers exist in Thailand? And what if I buy a used car from a dealer and later find out he told me a lot of BS? I guess there is little one can do when all is paid.
  11. I think it depends a lot on how fast you ask such question. I remember sitting somewhere with some guy and then a new guy arrived out of nowhere and asked questions for no good reason. Nobody of us wanted to talk to him. But if a guy sits is a bar, where some other guys sit on a table a meter or two away, then sometimes conversations just start. Take it easy and after a while you will know the other regular guys and if they like you, and are interested in talking, they will talk to you. I also remember one afternoon where a guy came to us (sitting outside a bar) and he told us something like: I just arrived today, I was here 10 years ago, can you recommend where I should go and maybe what changed in the last years. We were happy to give him some tips. No personal questions were asked at that time. A couple of hours later he was back and we asked him about his experience. I don't remember if we talked for a long time with the guy, but that's how it goes.
  12. Do we really need to help you to find places where they serve a beer or two? I used to go a lot to Soi Cowboy. Lots of guys, fitting your description, sit there in the late afternoon outside of the bars and talk to each other. Some of them are interested in the girls. But many guys just go there to talk to the other guys. If I would be in a new town and I would look for what you describe, then I would look for a bar or two like described above. Just go there regularly and you will meet the regular crowd, and maybe also the manager and owner. If you like them, talk to them. If not, try somewhere else.
  13. @Tippaporn There is no reason to address me (and maybe others) to then write pages of whatever you want to write. If anybody cares about this subject, then they will read it. And if not, then not. At least for me it was a waste of time to click on that and then see that you wrote page of whatever to whoever. I don't care!
  14. So just replace all those pipes, problem solved. ;)
  15. I have no good answer, but this story: A couple of years ago I was late at night in Soi Cowboy, and I had a couple of drinks. A foreigner, who also seemed to be drunk, approached me like "what a wonderful night" or something like that. And he stole my wallet out of my pocket. Luckily, I realized that, and my wallet was still in his hand, and I grabbed my wallet and had it back. Then the guy fell down (on his own). I thought at that time about what to do. Should I kick him? Should I report him to the police? What are the options? I didn't do anything at that time. And in hindsight that was probably a good move. I spoke with a couple of people about this later. A few people pointed out that if I would have beaten or kicked that thief, I could have easily gotten into trouble. Because if he would later go to hospital and the police and complain that that other farang beat him up, then what? I would have to explain that he stole my wallet and that I beat him up for that reason. Would that be a good enough reason for the police? Would they believe me that he stole my wallet? All in all, it could go very wrong. So, I understand your desire to beat up that a#hole, but think twice before you do it.
  16. Did it ever work? Because if it worked at some time in the past then maybe it's only necessary to fix something which "went wrong". If it never worked, then that is a different story. One thing which (some) Thai plumbers seem to have difficulties to understand is that if you have somewhere a bottleneck in form of a small diameter pipe, then that will restrict the flow after that. There should be "big" main pipes and then maybe smaller pipes to the rooms and outlets. A couple of outlets together will never work properly if the (main) pipes are not big enough.
  17. How many guys in this forum do you think would have done that or even understand what you did? I guess not many. At this stage maybe try a specialist forum. Maybe something like this: Hot Questions - Stack Exchange
  18. I would bet that there are enough EV enthusiasts who believe this BS.
  19. I wait for the time when people look back and point at EVs and say: How did the people at that time think that could be a big scale solution? P.S.: I think there are some usages of EVs which make sense. Some. But they are definitely no large-scale replacement compared to combustion engines.
  20. Don't worry, be happy, and relax. If I want to drink, then I do that. If I want ice-cream, then I eat it. No stress, no restricting resolutions. But then, I never had any excessive tendencies, so I don't have to stop myself from doing this or that.
  21. Yes, and that should be obvious. But for some people it seems to be not obvious. I.e. travel (health) insurances are cheap compared to regular contracts. Why? Because they cover a lot less, and for a limited time, and under limited conditions (i.e. maybe no motorcycle use, dangerous sports, etc.).
  22. You can decide to believe in god or the tooth fairy. There is nothing to believe about insurances. Insurance contracts have lots of "small print" and regulations. Most people don't bother looking at those details and then they are surprised when the insurance does not pay what they thought the insurance should pay. Look at the details! And don't assume anything. Then decide based on facts and not believe.
  23. A follow up question/situation about possible preventive measures: I am just installing my oven in hobs in the kitchen cabinet. There are holes and slits in the cabinet and they must be there for air circulation. But obviously those are also passages for insects. Is there anything I could put into the cabinet to make sure the insects don't use that as their new home. I can't and won't seal it because it should have the air flow. I think about measures like maybe some material which smells bad to those creatures that they avoid it.
  24. It's pointless if we want highest quality. But maybe we have old videos, like self produced recordings or maybe some old movies. I remember I watched VHS 40 years ago and we enjoyed the movies and didn't think about possible better quality at that time. Some people make the mistake that they think all must be in the highest resolution to look good. No, it's not necessary. It's nice to have but old, low resolution, is not by definition bad. It's just not as good as what's available now.
  25. Look up the definitions of AV and HDMI and you will see AV is far away from HDMI. It is impossible to covert high-resolution HDMI to AV without losing a lot of quality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/480i https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI#Specifications
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