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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I never saw her in reality. But when I was young, and she was on the top shelf on VHS I had a look or two.
  2. They think. They think the pedestrian will see a big (fast) car and the pedestrian will stop because they know that the car will win that competition. It's true. The car is bigger than the pedestrian. Car drivers are also aware of (big) trucks. Those trucks will win that competition. So, it's stupid to ignore that truck. It maybe not the kind of thinking which you want. They know the rules of survival of the fittest. Play by those rules and all will be fine.
  3. Yes, it's important to be careful. And it's very important not to assume drivers and riders will behave in a certain way. IMHO most accidents happen because people make false presumptions. - They see me, they will stop. - NO! - I am right. - Maybe, but who cares? - They can't see so they will drive slowly. - No. - The light is red, they will stop. - No. - This is a one-way street; nobody can come from that direction. - Bad assumption. I live since almost 30 years in the middle of Bangkok. I ride my own motorcycle and with motorcycle taxis. And sometimes I walk. Until now I never had an accident. I also never had an almost accident. Was that luck? Maybe, in part. But mostly it was being careful and not assuming the others will play nice. Many people, probably most, never had an accident. Because they are careful.
  4. In most cases it won't make a difference if L and N are reversed. My reasoning for that are plugs in other countries, like Schuko plugs in Europe, are symmetrical, there is no L or N. From my time over there I don't remember any device with information like "the plug must connected like this or that". The same devices are used all over the world with just different plugs. Same, same, not much different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schuko "Schuko plugs and sockets are symmetric AC connectors. They can be mated in two ways, therefore line can be connected to either pin of the appliance plug." This is not a professional electrician's answer. If you know better, then please correct me.
  5. The universe, or anything else. I read this book, and I saw some videos with him. It seems whatever he does, it's interesting.
  6. James Hoffmann - when he makes the espresso.
  7. Richard Feynman He was a genius and had a talent to explain things in plain language.
  8. Or Tracy Lords - from the time when she started with her movies.
  9. Maybe he has a good reason. He cancelled. What are your options? Go to court? If you don't have any contract, what condition do you expect?
  10. But they are ignorant. And it's not surprising that they are ignorant about Thailand when they didn't spend much time here. That's not calling names, it's just telling the truth. That is one of the reasons, maybe the main reason, that I travel very little. I don't want to be one of those ignorant tourists somewhere else.
  11. Israel (politicians) want it all. And the USA let them do what they want. And the rest of the world can only watch. And then some people are surprised when many people around the world hate the USA.
  12. What do people do when they visit any of these countries for a few days or weeks? I guess most often the answer will be that they do what most tourists do. And if you do what tourists do, do you actually learn much about a country? I don't think so. I live in Sukhumvit, and I see many tourists here. Most of them seem to be ignorant. And lots of locals see tourists like ATM machines. Get their money and that's it. Do you want to be one of those tourists? If anybody who played tourist in many locations comes to Thailand what does he expect? Tourist things - which is a very limited part from life.
  13. Yes And if you see colors A, B and C used in one way on one socket, then don't assume they are used in the same way on the next socket. Many Thai "electricians" work according to the motto: If you plug a fan in an outlet and it works then it works. L, N, earth are those little details which are only confusing and are ignored.
  14. And that is why it's a good idea to adapt to reality and take care of your own life. "He was right" written on the tombstone is not good enough.
  15. Very interesting. I googled "correctly fitted saddle" and I found this one. Somehow I guess this is not what you had in mind. So, if you don't mind please explain or maybe provide a picture. The problem with many (electrical) devices is that many of us don't know the names and the names are different in different nations (even if they are all "English"). Thanks
  16. I live in an area with lots of tourists. It's amazing what many of them do. Like: There is a zebra crossing, just walk, the cars will see us and stop. Or maybe not? Obviously it would be nice if Thai drivers would care. And it would be nice if the Thai police would enforce the laws. But that is not reality. Why is it so difficult for many tourists to accept reality?
  17. This is about your heart and your health? Do you want a device which shows you something? Or do you want a device which was tested and certified to show real values? IMHO there is no point in having something which may not be accurate.
  18. I think that is the important part. Which devices are officially tested and approved? There is no point in having some device which claims to have ECG capabilities, but it is not medically certified.
  19. Yesterday I saw this interesting video. I think this is an interesting perspective.
  20. Thanks for all your comments. Problem solved. I found out that it is the best to put the oven first into the cabinet, then connect the cable from the installed oven and the cable from the induction hob (which I can put next to the hole for installation) through the hole in the top. Then just put the connections into the existing wall boxes. The induction hob just sits in that hole in the countertop, and it does not have to be mounted. It also has a seal on the installation surface. This means, if necessary, I can easily remove the hobs and have access to the electrical connections. This is the current situation. I will post a picture when I connected everything. I will use these connectors for the 6sqmm wires with high current. https://www.es.co.th/detail.asp?prod=131200076
  21. Thanks for your replies. Here is the situation: Big breaker box in a separate room. Each appliance has its own breaker (in the breaker box in the separate room). On the kitchen wall behind the oven/hobs are two electrical wall boxes. Currently these are empty boxes. The cables, originating from the breaker box, come currently out of those wall boxes, maybe 1/2 meter spare cable each. The appliances (oven and induction hob separately) come with cables, each maybe 1m long, no plugs. Back "home" I know they had special connection boxes for ovens like below. I never saw something like that in Thailand. It is exists, then that is what I want. Important: The induction hob has about 7000W, most connectors are not designed for that current.
  22. In theory you are right, but how many people in Thailand do you know who are part of that "someone who knows what they're doing" group? Personally, I don't have two left hands and I normally I get things done. But there are just some things which I never did before. I.e. I did electrical installation in homes and industry with a professional company a long time ago in a country far away. But I never installed appliances in a kitchen.
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