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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Electrically it's not difficult to connect an oven or induction hob to the cables from the breaker box. Make sure you use the correct cable size and appropriate connectors (i.e. for high current). But then what? Put lots of tape around the connected cables and let it dangle behind the oven? Do the connections in a wall box (in the wall) which might be difficult to access? Put the cables into a box and connect them within that box and let the box dangle behind the oven? I am sure lots of option "will work". But what would a professional electrician do? Edit: I forgot to mention: The appliances are in a kitchen cabinet. The cabinet has a thin back wall. I cut away a little part of the back wall where the electrical boxes are. The boxes are in the top left corner. Accessible, but not exactly the perfect location. Currently the cables from the breaker box come out of those electrical boxes.
  2. Jesus, which part is so difficult to understand? Everybody makes mistakes, including politicians. That's life and accepted. And then are there some people who pretend they made a mistake, but in reality, it was planned from the beginning that this "mistake" will happen. Do you really think those middlemen and warehouse owners got rich by accident? Oh, sorry mister, that must have been a small mistake. Yeah, sure.
  3. A teacher and diving instructor. I am impressed. And then you also have principles. I am even more impressed. Continue your dabbling...
  4. I don't remember the details and I don't really want to think too much about it. As far as I remember the rice scheme was promoted to bring money to the poor farmers. And that is obviously one of those reasons those farmers voted for her. But it was obvious that lots of middlemen make huge amounts of profit. And rice was sold by politicians with huge profit margins. And then the warehouses which were supposed to be full of rice - but somehow that rice disappeared. Did she plan all this? No. Did her big brother plan it? I am sure he planned at least some of it. Was she as PM responsible? Yes. Should any person (anywhere in this world) be a candidate for PM, to lead the country, without huge knowledge about what is going on and how politics work? She was incompetent. That was obvious. She should have never applied for the job. But she did apply for the job, and she was responsible, and bad things happened while she was officially in charge. She was responsible and she should be made responsible. "I am sorry" is not good enough. And "I have no idea, I just did what my brother told me to do" is not much better.
  5. I remember a story from a playboy in Germany many years ago. He had a testament like this: The last girl who has sex with him will get everything. That sounds to me like a reasonable arrangement. P.S.: I guess my personal rest wealth won't be high enough to attract too many girls with such a deal.
  6. A dirt bike sounds like a good choice for Bangkok.
  7. Good that a newbie member knows everything better. Where you here when Thaksin and his cronies ruled the country? Did the rice scam somehow accidentally fail? Or was it designed like that for the greedy "participants"? Maybe read the news instead of asking Noi or Nit in the red village.
  8. And I had hope that this country got rid of all those corrupt Shinawatras. (And yes, I know, that is not the only corrupt family.)
  9. value Let me correct that for you: Total retail price 94.500 THB
  10. And the water in Thailand is warm, and it shouldn't be a problem to survive floating in the sea for an hour or two. Ok, there might be sharks, but better don't think about them. ;)
  11. Don't forget convenience. Why spend hours in immigration and maybe have headache about this and that? It's like going to a restaurant and eating spaghetti carbonara. In theory I could do it myself, but it's not easy to get it right. So, I let the professionals do that for me and I pay for that service.
  12. Yeah, sure, he might intend to do that. Until his boss tells him what to do and think.
  13. I am sure it's an American invention. They have ideas like that.
  14. Yeah, sure, there was only one little crime, which wasn't really that important, correct? Next time you are in front of a judge try your reasoning and look what will happen.
  15. Such a lock would definitely ruin the look of my bike. I am not riding a PCX or something ugly like that. ;)
  16. In the hindsight I was always impressed by the language skills of the girls which I met. In real life their English was very limited and certainly no written English. But those "love" letters...
  17. Should I come to your home and switch on your TV? Or maybe read to you from the news? You should try it yourself sometime, it's interesting to learn about the world out there.
  18. There is a big difference between making mistakes and setting up million dollar scams. She didn't just make mistakes...
  19. I would not pretend to be PM if my sister would tell me to do that. And just in case I would be PM then I would follow the law and work for the people - and not my family. And if I would do above, then I would never be in the situation to think about running away from prosecution.
  20. I think a huge problem in Thailand is the fact that it seems everybody can be a "property agent". I.e. a laundry shop in our condominium has papers with property pictures from within the building in their window. Ask her about one of those properties and she wants to full 3% commission from the owner - without any property expertise. Same thing with some people who work in the building management, security guards, etc. I sold a property in Europe. The professional property agent had lots of expenses to sell my property. I.e. he hired a professional company with laser measurement system to measure the property exactly so that later there was no issue if it was 120 sqm or maybe only 118.3 sqm. He advertised and showed many people around the property, he paid for energy efficiency analysis and all these things. All for a fixed commission. In Thailand: I want 3% - for almost no work at all. So maybe ask the agents what they will do to sell your property to the highest bidder and how they will find those people. Instead of telling you that you should lower the price so that he can sell it to the first person who asks.
  21. I don't know the details of the Thai laws. But basically: - the people who commit crimes - the people who help above to do that. I.e. if I am in a shop and the shop attendant and maybe a security guard look to the back of the shop. That still doesn't give me the right to steal something from the front of the shop.
  22. I think a very smart move which many girls seem to know is to let the guy suggest spending money. I.e. they tell him the buffalo is sick. And the guy asks if he can help, maybe pay for the buffalo doctor and medicine. They tell him their house is old and when it rains its wet inside. No problem honey, I can pay for the repair. How many guys gave money to their girl because she demanded it, and how many gave her money to help her and make her happy?
  23. That reminds me of many years ago, no internet, email, etc. I was on holiday here with a girl I met in Pattaya. All fine, I didn't want to marry her. When I was back home, I received a litter from her. It was printed and looked like this: Hello _________ How are you? I miss you. And I miss our great time in _________________ last _______________ (to be continued) She sent me the printed form which she was supposed to fill out with my data and send it to me handwritten. So, it seems, some girls teaching others how to do that exist already since a very long time.
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