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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Imagine how US politicians would have reacted if a PM or president somewhere in almost any country in this world would have behaved like Trump. Some country's leader would have denied the result of an election and who would have told his supporters to reject democracy and fight for him. And that leader would have done nothing when the crowd would have chanted to hang the deputy leader. I am pretty sure America, the fighter for democracy, would have demanded that the traitor should be jailed or hanged. But if the same happens in America? Why was that traitor not arrested right away? And then they pretend to be the sample democracy in this world. Pathetic!
  2. The fact that he was not convicted until now doesn't mean he won't be convicted. I am sure there are lots of criminals out there waiting for their day in court which are pretty obviously guilty - but not yet convicted.
  3. Yeah, his suicide was somehow interesting. I am pretty sure some of the people who visited that island had sex with young girls on their mind. And if those people had sex with anybody below the age of consent or against the will of them, then they should be prosecuted and punished. But I guess it is also likely that some people, I don't know how many, flew on those planes without having sex with anybody. Flying on a private jet, even with a convicted criminal, is, as far as I know, no crime.
  4. Why is it funny to ask for evidence? With Trump, watch any videos from him, at it is pretty obvious that he is a serial liar, and he should be in jail. Where are all the videos from people on that island having sex with underage girls? And is it "human trafficking" if a guy brings young girls to a tropical island where they live in luxury? How many of those girls were put on those planes against their will? If someone kidnaps a person, transports them, and then forces that person to have sex against their will, that is human trafficking and rape. Flying voluntarily to a tropical island to live in luxury is something different.
  5. I would work long and hard instead of touching those "women".
  6. Good that Gambia is far away from Thailand so that we don't see those perverse old women here playing around with young innocent guys. Disgusting!
  7. Sorry, no, the fact that you think people should have known is not good enough for me. If this was all so obvious, why was there no legal trouble for a long time for many people? Look for example at lots of music videos. There are often lots of pretty young girls. I have no idea if that only happens in the videos of those celebrities or also in real life. But let's say people got invited to a party with Pitbull and there are tons of pretty sexy girls. What does it mean? Are those girls just happy to party? Do they sell their body? Are they all legal? I have to admit I wouldn't ask those questions if I would be invited to such a party. And I wouldn't assume they are all available. And I wouldn't assume everybody knows what's going on. But maybe that's only me.
  8. You have to live with what you do. If you feel comfortable with the way you live and the way your wife and her family live "together" with you, then go ahead. Personally, I sometimes think like: If I pay 1000B more to make them happy, and that saves me headache for x amount of time, is it worth it? We live in Thailand with lots of Thai people. At the end it's their country and their traditions.
  9. my way or the highway. Sure, you can do that. But do you expect to live like that happily ever after? IMHO if you live in Thailand and if you have a Thai partner/wife, then you have to accept a good part of Thai reality. If you don't do that you won't be happy and your wife won't be happy, and her family won't be happy. Not a happy future.
  10. I have to admit I didn't follow the case in detail. But is the fact that there is an island with lots of young girls a crime? Did he tell everybody that they are underage? I think many of us won't be able to tell exactly how old girls are. Looking at published pictures I don't see any obviously too young girls. I guess Berlusconi was not on that island, but his Ruby girl is a good example how a "too young" girl might look. So, getting back to "guilty by association": Do you ever go to bars in Thailand? Do you know guys who go there. Were you ever aware of girls who were legally not allowed to work there? Or is it ok for farangs in Thailand to look at 17 year old Gogo dancers but it's not ok for famous people to fly to an island where are also young girls?
  11. I guess that means that 13% of the people with an IQ below average still think he won. Ok, there is hope.
  12. And did all the people on those list commit crimes? Did all of them have sex with young girls (or maybe boys)? I suggest please keep the principle "innocent until proven guilty". I know that is out of fashion these days on the internet. But I am sure all of us would appreciate it just in case that we were mixed up with the "wrong" people sometime in our life.
  13. 9 hours and 2 pages later, no reply from the original poster...
  14. Great. And did you ever hear or read about any relationships in Thailand which are not so happy? So it seems it doesn't hurt to think twice before making life changing decisions.
  15. There was a thread like this a few months ago in this forum. Maybe look it up.
  16. Thanks for your reply. My comment was about EV users in general, anywhere in this world, not just Thailand and not just members of this forum. I understand that solar energy in a country will lots of sunshine and EVs are a good combination. But looking at articles on the internet, there seem to be many people around the world who buy EVs to signal how green and progressive they are. And then there are crazy solar projects like solar roads, etc. It seems lots of people believe that BS.
  17. Why is that? Are all guys who meet a Thai woman online happy?
  18. But then, when I met my one, I knew she is different. She is. ;)
  19. Probably she is in many ways better compared to what's available in the UK. But think about the following: Decent education for kids in Thailand is very expensive. If you want to do that then you will spend more money for the education than for you and her living together. Is that what you want? Do you know the kids? Do you expect that they will love you? Why is she looking for an European partner online, and maybe someone who was never in Thailand? You write she has European friends, if she is desirable then I am sure a friend of the friends would be interested. Her age compared to your age is good for UK relations. But in Thailand few guys are interested in old women. And maybe ask yourself, do you really want a 38 year old woman with kids? Or would you prefer a younger one without kids? In Thailand you can easily find a younger one without kids. So, imagine you marry her and then you come to Thailand and find out what you miss and what you could get (without much effort). If you are serious, then come to Thailand and get used to it. Don't marry the first woman you see. Take your time. You will be amazed what you can get. And don't marry before you have a better idea about Thais and "the Thai mind". I suggest wait at least 2 or 3 years before you make any life changing decision.
  20. This is a very good comment. It's some time ago that I bought a car, but I over the years I bought some motorcycles in Bangkok. There is often a big difference in what I like and what makes sense. I.e. I thought about buying a sports bike because it's fun to accelerate with those things. They also look good. But in Bangkok traffic they make absolutely no sense. Luckily, when we get older, we think more about what makes sense and not only what is cool.
  21. Maybe I am a professional driver like Misha. Or maybe I am just realistic that if I learned something from a drive instructor that maybe he was right and didn't just tell me to do something to make me angry. You could try it.
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