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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There is plenty of food up country. The brother of my gf goes regularly hunting in the neighborhood, mostly small animals. Vegetables and spices grow everywhere. I also don't know how most pensioners live here. Fact is, they do, and they don't die because of no food or no heating.
  2. Ok, how many people die in Thailand because they are freezing or have nothing to eat? I never heard or read about anybody like that. And then compare that to so called first world countries like the UK, USA, etc.
  3. I would love to have a closer look. But then... This is on an Android phone which is maybe 2 years old...
  4. Thailand is warm and there is plenty of food. And then there are temples and people who like to do good. All in all, it's so much easier for old people in Thailand compared to countries with cold winters.
  5. Maybe this is one of the consequences of Thailand not siding with one or the other side in wars and conflicts. There are advantages of not telling everybody who we think is right and who is wrong.
  6. They all have signs "TAXI-METER". I wander when the last time was that they used one of those meters...
  7. I am not sure if anybody asked this before: Is there more information about this party? If it would be an event for some external company or private person then that is one thing. But I guess it could be the Christmas party of the committee, or owners, or something like that. I guess then it's no problem.
  8. What's the point of these declarations? Do they include all their offshore assets including the once which are in the names of other people? And as we can see with the prominent example of the former fugitive: Back in Thailand in a nice hotel hospital room for a few months, and then life continues as usual. How many millions of dollars did he make? Where is the punishment?
  9. Great! Bring her to Thailand and put her in jail. Maybe that will remind some politicians that they are not above the law. Because what will those politicians learn if people like Thaksin and Yingluck and many others walk away from their crimes?
  10. If they want to be together, let them be together. If they want to have legal rights with each other, i.e. if one of them goes to hospital, fine. But make sure they can't adopt children. Children should have a male father and a female mother. It's in the interest of the children so that they grow up in "normal" conditions. Don't force children into male/male or female/female partnerships.
  11. I am 99% sure 20 staff didn't attack a customer, at random. You can be sure there was a reason. Otherwise, why would they do it? Why do I "know" this. Almost 30 years in Thailand including thousands of visits to bars. Things don't just happen without any reason.
  12. It also shouldn't happen that customers don't pay and misbehave. I have to admit I don't mind that in Thailand it is well known that if you misbehave there will be consequences, right now, and not a year later in a court of law. Most people know that and behave. Win/win for all people who don't like trouble.
  13. But there is the problem that more and more YouTubers include advertisement videos within their videos. There is no skip button. The good news is that one can forward to the place after the advertisement, but sometimes, especially with long videos, that is difficult. Summary: If you don't want to see ads then you have to click here or there. You can't completely avoid them.
  14. I met a couple of my customers, owners and managers of companies, in bars, drinking beer and sometimes playing with the girls. Who is or isn't a low life has little to do with their social status. If you know the girls well, ask them which customers are a-holes. It might be people who you don't expect it from.
  15. Who is renting out that place? Who receives the money and who receives a commission? I would be surprised if anybody authorized whoever did that to do that. If you are serious about it, ask questions, record the answers, and inform the committee. And let them know that you will follow up with a lawyer to check if what they do is legal.
  16. If they would be serious about this, then they first would have to create a long list of all influential people in Thailand. That list will obviously include high ranking police officers, military, politicians and businesspeople. They are all influential - by definition. And after they have that list then they need criteria when are influential people illegally influential. I.e. if they regularly commit crimes, including corruption, extortion, murder and others. And of course, this should be independent of political affiliations. Now, who in Thailand is qualified to do this work to sort who of the influential people is criminal? In theory the police should be qualified for this. But this is Thailand, and we all know that the police are part of the problem and not so much part of the solution. Summary: Mission impossible! Currently it can't possibly happen in a just way in Thailand.
  17. In other words: they ruled that she had a lot to do with the corruption in the rice scam. Sounds about right. But then, some people will argue that she had no idea what she was doing, and she just followed the instructions from her brother.
  18. You should be able to do that in many Thai embassies. It seems all of them have their own procedures. Some have detailed information, others not. You can google the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh. They have detailed information what you need to apply for a Non-B visa. I suggest prepare the documents together with someone from the company in which you will work. There are lots of documents...
  19. I met my gf in a gogo bar. We visited her friends in other bars or just had some drinks. It's no problem. It can be a problem if the "gf" tries to pick up other customers. That is obviously something she shouldn't do. But then, she should know that.
  20. After another article like this I started a couple of months ago kind of survey thread in this forum to find out how many of the farangs who live in Thailand were ever attacked without any reason. There were many replies and (almost?) everybody replied that they never got into any unprovoked trouble in Thailand. That's the same with me. I visited many bars in many locations many times and I never had a situation where one or more Thais started a fight without a reason. Normally it just doesn't happen if you don't provoke them. And if you provoke them then maybe learn from your mistakes and don't do it again.
  21. Bar girls are not interested in any dick, big or small. They are working to make money.
  22. Just in case someone ask: Are all people who enjoy sun, fun and beer "low life morons"? What do you and the other good people do? No sun, no fun, no beer?
  23. How dare he openly talks about those things which everybody else does in secret.
  24. Really? How often was anybody triggered by you or your friends? IMHO there is always a reason why these things happen. And normally there are warning signs before anything happens. And there are moments to say I am sorry and walk away. But of course, some people think they can do whatever they want, and nothing will happen. Yeah, sure, just try it.
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