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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Will she return all that money from the corrupt rice scam? Or will she run around free in Thailand in luxury without any punishment? And don't forget to put her in jail for fleeing the country to avoid jail.
  2. When I clicked on that link on the top of the page, I got an error message. ;)
  3. Maybe about 10 years ago the police often stopped bikes going from Sukhumvit to Rama 4. They stopped bikes for not riding on the left lane. I think in that area there are 4 lanes in each direction and the first lane was always half full of parked cars. When I approached the police from far away, I rode with my bike on the most left lane relatively slowly in a high gear. When they saw me coming and ignored me because I was driving according to the rules then maybe 50m before I met the police, I shifted down to the first gear, accelerated to 14,500 RPM and 100km/h and passed the police on my way to escape. I really liked that. In the other direction I came down from the elevated bridge over Rama 4. I made sure I was fast, maybe 150km/h and on the right lane. Also there the police tried to stop everybody who was not riding on the left lane. But when they spotted me, it was already too late for them to do anything. They never even tried to follow me. A friend, who rides a lot longer in Thailand, explained it to me in the way that the police want money. Chasing someone and maybe collecting money takes time. Just waiting on the side of the street for riders who stop and collect money from many of them is much easier. Now I am a little older and don't have a sport bike anymore and I don't do that anymore.
  4. It's like asking why Elon Musk created the world like this. He didn't create the world. But he, the person at least exists. And you ask why a not existing thing created something. Don't be surprised about the replies to a senseless question.
  5. I like typical Thailand topics. It can be about how to deal with construction workers or where to buy certain things, or what to do with Nit and Noi. I avoid topics like what is the best mobile phone or something like that. There are better places to find answers.
  6. I also think that happens more and more. There was a time when one long look in the direction of such an annoying person made them rethink what they do. But it seems now most of those idiots just ignore everybody else and continue with their noise. Most of the time I am not long enough in those places to do anything. I thought about playing something loud myself. In a (good enough) restaurant I would ask the manager to take care of this. And probably I would ask loud enough so that the person hears it already when I tell the manager. Somehow, I don't have hope the situation will get better in the future.
  7. Tax and insurance are easy. Possibly there are many ways to do that. I had several bikes, and I always had a regular small or bigger shop doing the maintenance. They also paid the tax and insurance. When the tax is paid you get a quadratic document about 10x10cm with a big number of the Thai year. I am sure you saw them before. For the government insurance you also get an official document. It seems the government insurance is available more or less around every corner. For the tax, when a bike is less than 5 years old, someone can just pay the tax. If they bike is older than that it will be checked by the authorities. My service guys always do this for me. I have the official documents. There are insurance policies with more coverage, but I don't know much about them. I only have the cheap government insurance.
  8. I don't know many details. What I know is that some (many?) Thais don't take this seriously. Maybe 15 years ago I bought a 400cc bike from a guy who was specialist for those bikes. When I bought it, he gave me the green book and a few signed documents from the previous owner. And then I did nothing with those documents. Maybe 5 years later I sold that bike to a Thai person (who was familiar with buying bikes). I gave him the green book and the documents which I received when I bought the bike. The bike was never in my name. My specialist arranged the tax and insurance payments for my bike. I don't even remember why I did it like that at that time. I think in that moment I had just a tourist visa and no work permit. I guess if you want to be sure, go to the official place where your name is put in the book.
  9. Many motorcycle riders behave as if all other drivers and riders will never change their position or speed. No braking, no left or right, no change. And when they think they can get through under above conditions, then they go ahead. And in case someone brakes or drives a little more left or right then they blame the other person. Like: If he would not have braked then I wouldn't have crashed into the back of his car... TiT If they would think then they should understand that this system won't work in the long run. But it seems many just don't think.
  10. We have a fine for the owners who do short time renting in our building. But the problem is as usual that regulations exist but (almost) nobody enforces them. In our building it seems the management employees and the security people mostly look the other way. I never saw them stopping anybody who just walks through or waits that someone else opens the door with a keycard. I don't know if they just don't care or if they get some "commission" from the bad guys. As long as the enforcement doesn't work no regulations will make any difference. To be fair, I don't know what the law is if someone unknown comes into the building and tells the security something like "my friend Peter invited me". Will anybody be fined for making wrong statements? Will "Peter" get fined if the visitor is not a friend but a paying customer? I guess it's not easy for the security to enforce this. So, they take the easy way and don't do it...
  11. An idiot. But a famous idiot. You didn't miss anything important.
  12. Imagine people would attack you and beat you up for no reason. And when other people would see that they would laugh at you: Look at that week idiot, he is not strong enough to fight. We don't care about him because he is not fit or at least not as fit as his attackers. It seems that is what you want.
  13. What a stupid comment! There are lots of people, including Thai people, including old people and children, who would like to cross streets without getting injured or killed. How is the law wherever you come from? Can vehicles just ignore red lights, and nobody cares?
  14. The police also don't care in Bangkok. They also don't care when all the times, like every few minutes, tens of motorcycles cross big junctions when the light is red for them. The police could stop them on the spot and collect money right away, but it seems they are too lazy to do it. I think the main problem is that in Thailand nobody polices the police. They do whatever they want, and nobody does anything about it. Sad.
  15. Was there ever a study about this project? Who should get the money? How and where are they supposed to spend the money? How will that effect the local and national business? How will the money be distributed and which measures are in place to do this transparent and avoid corruption? Are there alternative to reach the same goal? Was something similar tried before in Thailand or another country? Personally, I think they made this promise so that people vote for them without any detailed plan or study. And now they want to somehow do it. And I am sure they also have plans how to direct a substantial part of the money in their own pockets. TiT
  16. I like to help innocent country girls to discover city life.
  17. gonorrhea antibiotics from a doctor the second time I got it years later I tried the same antibiotics. It didn't work. Visit the doctor, get a different antibiotic. One time I got it from a BJ. Advice: Don't risk getting something and then infect your wife or gf.
  18. Make sure you don't try mathematics or something like that. ;)
  19. 555 Ok, I didn't think about that option when I wrote above. Actually, recently I forgot my wallet at home, and I was on the way to drink a coffee in my usual place. I thought about if they would let me pay the next day, and I am 90% sure they would let me get away without paying one day. At that occasion I thought about other places where I go regularly, and I am pretty sure all of them wouldn't insist on payment right away. But then my girlfriend reminded me that I have my phone and can pay with my banking app. That's what I did. Otherwise, my gf would have paid. Coming back to above, I am sure all my friends would without hesitation pay for my coffee or dinner, if I would tell them I forgot my wallet. If they wouldn't do that (if they are able to do it) then I wouldn't call them my friends.
  20. There is not much classism in the country where I grew up. Thailand is obviously hierarchical, and Thais can't escape this system. Farangs are mostly out of the hierarchy, they can mingle with low class and high class in Thailand - at least in Theory. And if we are part of a class, or rich and poor, then obviously it's more fun to be in the higher part. Many Thais try to please the farangs. I don't really know why, but I don't complain about it. And I don't have a problem if they don't do it.
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