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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why would you ask anybody "for a couple of bucks for a coffee"? I understand it's nice to be able to ask a friend to help pay the rent because the salary is late. But for a coffee or a new shirt? I would never ask anybody for that.
  2. Most of my friends are richer than me. I didn't choose them for that reason. Most of my friends are also smart and work(ed) in well paid positions. Most of the time there are no big differences between us. We go out together and invite each other for drinks or lunch and dinner. Maybe a "rich" friend selects an expensive wine, or he brings a bottle. We all don't have cars or compete in other ways about money.
  3. Why do you ask? You will never have that problem.
  4. Thanks for all your information. I will check in the next days how much pharmacies, including the suggested online pharmacy above, charge for the medication which I currently use. I will post here what I find.
  5. That's what I plan to do when I retire - if this ever happens. Now I work and have a work permit and that is part of the deal - as far as I know for everybody working in a Thai company. But I have no idea how good they pay. My gf, who is also officially employed, needed a lot done on her teeth. The government insurance covered maybe 10% of the cost.
  6. Currently I am still in a private health insurance from my previous employer. Likely soon I won't be part of that group policy anymore. I will look for another private health insurance. One problem is that I have diabetes and I take tablets twice a day. It is likely that any new private health insurance will exclude that from my new coverage. I see three options: a) I continue to go to the same private hospital like now and buy the medicine in that hospital like now. Except now the insurance pays, and in the future I have to pay myself. b) I continue to go to the same private hospital like now and I ask the doctor to write a prescription so that I can buy the medicine outside of the hospital, hopefully cheaper. Is it considerably cheaper in a pharmacy outside the hospital? c) I am working now for a Thai company with Thai government social security. As far as I know I can visit a designated hospital and I guess then a doctor in that hospital would check my health and prescribe some medicine. Maybe the same medicine like I take now, maybe some other medicine. How does that work in real life? To give you a rough idea about the cost: Currently I visit the diabetes doctor about every two months. I get/buy medicine in the hospital for about 15,000B for two months and the doctors fee, blood testing, etc. cost about 2000B per visit. If necessary, I will continue like this and pay it from my own pocket. But obviously it would be nice if I don't have to pay it all by myself.
  7. There are these big buildings called department stores...
  8. Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding: The capacitor must be rated for the correct voltage. In this case at least 450V.
  9. For my taste being successful includes most people would not recognize me. Look at people like Justin Bieber (ok, you don't really have to look, I also don't look at him). He is super rich and relatively young, but he can't even go out of his front door without being molested by lots of people. And I am pretty sure he could go to almost anywhere in the world and he wouldn't be able to live a quiet life. That must be horrible and more or less the opposite of successful.
  10. Maybe I mention the Kruger-Dunning Effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect
  11. That was my first though. On the back it always feels worse.
  12. British Cuisine? Sound like British Espresso or something like that. It doesn't exist.
  13. A long time ago, in a country far away, I was driving BMW. Once I had an accident, my fault, and I needed a new front fender. I went out with a friend to several scrapyards which sold 2nd hand car parts. They had lots of BMW parts. Lots of parts for the rear of the cars, but very few for the front. Now what could be the reason... ;)
  14. I am sure the seller will agree if you pay the extra "cost".
  15. Does this ever work in real life in a kitchen? There are always at least a few crumbs somewhere - at least that is my experience.
  16. I thought about that. But I think in real life that is basically impossible. I.e. the little space behind the upper cabinets and the wall. I can try to close that. But somewhere a little hole will be enough for those creatures to go inside that warm and dark place - at least that is what I think.
  17. Currently I am installing my new IKEA kitchen in my condominium. Cabinets on the walls and on the floor. In my experience in other apartments in Thailand, vermin like to live in kitchens. In some areas it's easy to see them and kill them. But there are lots of dark and hidden places where they probably live undisturbed. Are there any good preventive measures which can be done when the kitchen is installed?
  18. She is already 54 years old. Ok, maybe you fancy old women. ;)
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