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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Do you think you would like to look at them dancing? Yes? That is all you need to understand.
  2. That's about it. And they use huge amounts of money to make them look good. I.e. Blackpink, I don't think many people would listen to their music without the cute girls. But once you saw the professionally made music videos then what comes to our minds when we hear the music? The cute girls. qed
  3. If she think the guy did anything illegal then she and her parents should report it to the police. And they should investigate. And then maybe a court will convict the guy. Dragging this through the press is not good for anybody.
  4. He could say: We optimized the scam so that our voters are happy, and we make tons of money. Somehow, I guess he will use other words with the same result.
  5. Thanks If "you" change moderation policy I think it would be good to publish information about that so that we are aware of the changes. I was suspended a couple of times for little things which I would never have imagined could be a problem. Now I don't post certain things anymore because I don't want to be suspended again - and only for that reason. It's sad when members have to learn to self-censor even harmless jokes to avoid aggressive moderators.
  6. Many helmets in Thailand are maybe good enough to keep the head in one piece, after it was cracked in a collision, but the protection is almost 0. If people don't wear any helmet, then at least they are aware that they have no head protection. That is better than people who wear a piece of plastic and think they are protected.
  7. As far as I know moderators in this forum don't get paid. So, who wants a job like that? For sub forums like DIY or Electric I understand that it can be a hobby to do this. But who wants to spend hours every day deleting and warning and blocking idiots?
  8. I have the impression they want any users, because more clicks is more money. (I don't blame them for trying to make money). But sometimes more is less. Less stupid posts would on the long run likely improve this forum. But then, who decides. I am sure it's a lot easier to manage a forum i.e. specific to Posche 911 or any other limited topic.
  9. Now, imagine if the police would look who ignores those pedestrian crossings. And imagine the police would fine them. Now that would be a real improvement. When I come with my bike near a pedestrian crossing, I always have to look in my mirrors first. If something big is behind me and he is not willing to stop then that is a considerable risk. Lots of riders and drivers just don't care. Sad.
  10. Then why don't you do that. Where are you from? What is your work? Are you married? I am sure you heard these questions before. ;)
  11. Not that I like the Shinawatra government, but they publish lots of information about what they are doing and what they plan to do. That is a lot better than previous government who published little about their activities.
  12. Who lives with in Asia with their farang wife - and for how long? When I arrived in Thailand, I worked a couple of years for the companies who built the underground train. Lots of farangs who worked there arrived together with their wives. A few years later a substantial part were not married to their farang wives anymore. And the guys who were still married had often also a Thai girlfriend. TiT
  13. I think many of us, who come from civilized countries, like to have things correct when we spend a lot of money. And I think it's smart to enquire about things like that. Because it could be some scam and then it's nice when other members point out that it's wise to be careful. In this case I don't think it is a scam, just a common way to do things in Thailand.
  14. It seems the fact that they want to do it doesn't mean it is possible to do it. The land office might tell you that they don't accept a certain price. I would consider agreeing to this if you think you have a good deal. Would you prefer to pay a couple of 100,000 THB more and have the correct number registered?
  15. The connectors have just a little electronic in there, nothing fancy. It's cheap to produce them. The software (in the phones) does most of the work. I don't have a car in Thailand, but it seems OBD is used since many years in many countries. It makes life a lot easier for the "mechanics" in the car garages. I am 99% sure they use them in Thailand just like anywhere else. Maybe look in the manual or google OBD connector and the model of your car.
  16. OBD, including history. On-board diagnostics - Wikipedia Yes, these things are very helpful. And just in case you don't know: You can buy a relative cheap OBD-Adapter with Bluetooth and then use an app like torque on your phone. Torque Pro (OBD 2 & Car) - Apps on Google Play https://www.lazada.co.th/products/v15-bluetooth-elm327-obd-obd2-scanner-for-ios-android-windows-i3756189253-s14254347429.html
  17. Same with me. I needed glasses since my first driving license with 16. Over time my eyes changed a little to the worse. Now, since a couple of years, my eyes are getting better and are now almost perfect. I don't need any glasses anymore and I only use them for driving (about -1.0). I guess in the future there will be more changes. That's life.
  18. I think the "thinking" goes like this: I don't get the man I want; it must be my looks. Nit has bigger boobs, and she has a handsome husband. For that reason, I know I need bigger boobs. Then I will get the man I want. A good cosmetic surgeon is obviously expensive. But I am smart, I found this cheap guy on facebook... Now my boobs are bigger. I don't know why the guys don't line up. Maybe they have to be even bigger, or I need a pretty nose. Let's do that. Repeat. The problem is obviously often their personality. But they don't (want to) realize that fact.
  19. I "tested" ChatGPT with a programming question. And then I asked for some changes. And after ChatGPT replied like "change this line from A to B" I replied with: I am not sure, can you just repeat the whole code so that I can copy and paste it. ChatGPT did that, and was nice all the time. That was for me one of the confirmations that it was really a computer response. Most support people would have told me very soon to do my s#%$ alone.
  20. What's the point of a question like that? If I want to discuss A in this forum then I will bring it up. And if I don't feel like discussing anything then I won't discuss anything. It seems you don't know what to discuss but you want to discuss something. What's the point? Why don't you argue with ChatGPT for a couple of hours? Because the good thing about ChatGPT is that is doesn't get annoyed by annoying people. You're welcome.
  21. I guess if you survive here driving for a couple of years that will prepare you for most of the rest of the world.
  22. I would love to see a more detailed survey like: What do you think about Biden, the person? What do you think about Trump, the person? What do you think about the Democrat Party? What do you think about the GOP? What do you think about the Democrat Party's politics? What do you think about the GOP politics? And if that would not be complicated enough, then it would be even better to ask for single political questions like: How should be handle (illegal) immigration? Should we support the wars in the Ukraine, Israel and others? Should America have soldiers all over the word? (Let's not forget Americans pay for them) Abortion And many other issues. Personally, I think both candidates are bad and both main parties are bad. Some politics from each party make sense and others don't. It's difficult.
  23. All of them, and many more. And the climate, food, reasonable cost and friendly people are obviously also nice to have.
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