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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. We only wait half a year, and the update is done already. Wonderful. I guess the web designer had to click away adds every 3 seconds or so like we. That obviously delays the whole procedure a little. ;)
  2. Some women are boring. And some people who post all the time useless comments are worse.
  3. As far as I know Americans us 60Hz and in Thailand we have 50Hz. It seems for some equipment that is not a big deal, and for others it's a problem. AC Voltage conversion with the same frequency (Hz) is easy and relative cheap. AC Voltage conversion with frequency conversion is a lot more complicated and expensive to do - if done right and with lots of power.
  4. If you don't play full power than you will come nowhere near the max of 700W. Likely you won't even use 100W most of the time. 800W should do the job but it never hurts to have some more headroom.
  5. Thanks. I searched for silicone wedding ring and not surprisingly I didn't find anything like above. Then I used picture search in the Lazada App and it showed the below link and more. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i4229222364-s16682361645.html Now it's time to check the sizes.
  6. I wouldn't call it money laundering. But I am pretty sure if the German taxpayers knew that maybe 70% or more of that money gets lost in administration, then maybe they would think twice about that. But then, it seems most of what is done now is about looking good. We support XYZ with x million. We are the good guys. Whatever happens with that money, who really cares?
  7. Sure, that will work. But let's say I would not know busbars exists, see above, and I would cut all these wonderful wire bridges with a wire cutter, and then I would discover a busbar, then I would feel like: I should have checked that first...
  8. How about eradicating violence against everyone? Or is it ok when men attack other men? And is it ok when women attack men with knifes - which seems to be not unusual.
  9. I once worked on a project which was financed by Germany. One company (or organization?) in Thailand was looking for projects to sponsor with the German money. It seems they found some agriculture ministry office which possibly could use some software. Then they hired a company to do that software. And that company hired me to do the actual work. I was paid well, but I am pretty sure I didn't even get half of what Germany paid for this project. A wonderful opportunity for layers of layers of people and companies to make lots of money...
  10. I will install some RCBOs which have L and N input terminals. Obviously I can create some wire bridges to connect all the terminals. But it would be even better if something like that exists already. I know there are busbars like this which have all the same connection. Does something like this exist? What's the name? This is what I have in my mind:
  11. I should remind him to get a heavy-duty wheelchair which is stable enough to add a girl or two.
  12. Thanks There is a similar store behind Robinson Sukhumvit Soi 17. They also have lots of things, but one has to ask for them. And that is sometime difficult when does not know what exist... The good think about the HomePro shop is that they have shelves full of these things and it's easy to get an overview about what is available at all.
  13. Thanks! currently I mostly look in HomePro Ploenchit what’s available. But it becomes more and more clear to me that there are lots of things which are available from HomePro, but not in that shop. Obviously I also look at their website, but that is often difficult to search. I guess I will try to visit one of the bigger HomePro shops nearby to see a bigger selection.
  14. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” George Carlin
  15. It looks good enough. As an alternative look for a shop i.e. in Fortune Town which sells 2nd hand PCs. Or is you work in an office or have friends in offices ask them. Often there are old and unused PCs.
  16. That sounds like an interesting idea. I will keep that in mind is case I need one in 20 years or whenever.
  17. There are reasons why they do what they do. But mostly those reasons have little to do with benefits for Thais and Thailand.
  18. And initially I was worried that the BiB will have no reason anymore to collect some extra money...
  19. It's similar to the 10k per person policy. We give everybody 10,000 THB, free! And then: But where will the money come from. Maybe we should also think about that part, maybe.
  20. Another plumbing question. The blue 2" PCV wastewater pipe in my kitchen floor is not straight down. Maybe it has an angle of 5 to 10 degrees. If I connect another pipe to that one (which I plan to do) then obviously the new pipe will also not be perpendicular to the floor. That is not a huge problem. But it would look nicer, in the mostly closed cabinet under the sink, if it would be straight. Any easy solution?
  21. I think that is an important point. Many people seem to like low maintenance fees - until there is no money to repair anything. It's good if the maintenance fee is not so low and the money is used for maintenance.
  22. Ok, interesting. And do you consider it to be a Beatles song? Or is it just a song which you like, and which maybe somehow sounds like the Beatles?
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