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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. On the internet I watch YouTube. Sometimes interviews with interesting people, sometimes videos from car mechanics or Japanese craftsmen, etc. I also play with electronics and currently with home automation. I get bored very seldom. I watched this one last night:
  2. Her shop is near other shops in the basement floor. Possibly they were shouting at each other before the slap happened. And possibly people from the nearby shops watched at that time. My gf was at the hairdresser maybe 20m away from her shop and she knows part of the drama. I guess she has to go back to the hairdresser to get an update about the story. Maybe in a day or two...
  3. I guess the police officer wanted to just walk away. But I am not so sure if he can just do that without possible consequences. I know he was sitting together with her at least for half an hour, maybe longer.
  4. Why? He could be grateful that the Thai hospital, and possibly the Thai taxpayers, help him with medical care. Instead, he is complaining that the care is not as good as he wants it. If he wants first class care, then he should pay for it. But it seems he doesn't even have 10k.
  5. The travel insurance will cover some initial treatment for leukemia, if he didn't know anything about it before his holiday. Then the travel insurance will send him back home so that he can get treatment back home.
  6. It won't be enough. 186k - 70k = 116k per month. That is 3,866 THB per day. Food, transport, a few drinks, and half of that is gone. And for the other half you don't entertainment for a night - at least not good quality. And obviously to select a girl that often includes going to bars, having drinks, etc. Option 1: Try to find a nice enough girlfriend and support her to make her happy. Option 2: Don't do it every day. In general: Lots of Thais, and not only Thais, will think that is an amount which you can't possibly spent in one month. You can. And it's not difficult.
  7. I love my gf and I am together with her since many years. And I try to do anything legal without her in Thailand. I never want to be in the situation that she can pressure me because of some obligations. Currently I don't think this could happen. But then, I saw enough guys who married and thought they will be happy ever after...
  8. Knock him out for a minute. And then knock him out for the rest of the flight. Problem solved.
  9. I know someone who was diagnosed with Leukemia and prognosis to live maybe one year longer. She had no idea about this condition. The diagnosis happened at an unrelated event, not because of any complaints. And this was in a so called first world country.
  10. We have a Thai laundry woman in our building, she is maybe 50 and she likes to criticize everybody. It seems that she talked bad about another Thai woman, who used to live in the same building, on social media. And then that criticized woman came to here to the laundry shop and slapped the laundry woman. I have no idea how little or hard that slap was. After that the laundry woman was lying on the floor in front of her shop complaining about the other woman and unfair life and all that. Then it seems she called the police and an ambulance. I saw her sitting with the police officer crying and complaining. I am interested what possible consequences might come from this. Until now I saw a couple of Thai fights but it seems after fighting each other nobody told the police. But in this case she talked to the police and she called an ambulance. I don't think she was hurt seriously. She could sit and talk. What could happen? A fine? Jail sentence? And would that be a long private court case or a criminal offence or what? I "know" the laundry lady and possibly I also "know" the woman who slapped her. But I have no personal contact with them. I am just an observer. Any ideas? If possible, please post only legal information which you are sure about, no speculation or information what would happen in another country.
  11. Good idea No bail for people who are accused of serious crimes. And no bail for people who are already convicted and who hope to win in another court in a few years. It seems now many people who are almost certainly guilty spend years out of prison where they should be. Obviously, it would also help enormously if court cases would not take forever.
  12. I hope he goes back to his home and stays there. And then he should tell all the people he knows how wonderful home is, includind decent hospitals and all that. Nobody will miss him, and crybabies like him.
  13. Did it ever cross your mind that the bad execution was deliberate and no accident? Do you really think she only wanted to do something good for the farmers and somehow by accident lot of politicians and Shinawatra supporters profited? Ok, maybe she didn't realize all this, because she only followed the orders of her brother. But she was PM and responsible for that scam. She should have made sure it was implemented correctly. And if she was not able to do that job then she should not have applied for that job. Obviously others are also corrupt and greedy. As far as I am concerned, they should all be held responsible for their action.
  14. I am really disappointed that Lisa didn't wait for me. But then, there is Jennie. ;)
  15. What's the problem? Was anybody harmed? If people don't like to see sexy girls, then don't go there and don't watch!
  16. If you really don't know then you could look it up. It was in the news for years. I give you a hint: rice scam
  17. It's almost funny that most convicted criminals are shown in pictures so that they look like bad guys. But this convicted criminal is always shown as if she is a star. She is a criminal!
  18. I don't like Thaksin. But I don't see a problem that medical expenses of all prisoners are paid by taxpayers. Many of them won't have money. Should they die because they can't afford medical care? They all should get necessary medical care. And all inmates should be treated equal in that respect. If a mass murderer is a little sick, treat him like the multimillionaire convicted for corruption. And if the multimillionaire is depressed because he is in prison, treat him like the rapist who is in prison and depressed. The problem for above inmate is that he is not treated like any other inmate. Because how many other inmates are transported per helicopter within hours to a hospital to receive special treatment and how many others stay permanently in such hospital for months? Put Thaksin in a normal cell together with other convicted criminals. Give him a pack of pain killers and tell him to shut up. Case closed.
  19. One week of being together with her 24/7? Or one week meeting her a few times and maybe some online conversation? I am pretty sure if I would be constantly together with one woman for a whole week without interruption, I would know if we are compatible. But many Thai women are great actors, and they can play a show for a couple of hours a day. If she is good in what she is doing, and many are good, you have no chance to know who she really is after only a week.
  20. I agree with that. And there is a similar one: If you fight with a pig, you both end up being dirty. And the pig likes that.
  21. Don't spend too much time on the internet! I find it fascinating when I see smart people talking on YouTube about negative internet trends. Obviously, there are lots of negative trends and if you are all the time on the internet, it's a good idea to avoid those trends. But if you don't spend much time on "the internet" and you are not even aware that those trends exist, that is the better option. Go out and talk with real people face to face!
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