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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And a wanted criminal can control Thai politics for years from outside of the country.
  2. I think the biggest hurdle many people make themselves is that they somehow think they make a decision for the rest of their lives. They don't! After I made a few holidays in Thailand I thought I want to move to Thailand and live there. And I did that. I liked it, I made enough money, was able to legally stay here, fine. But all that was not clear from the beginning. So, it could have happened that I would have gone back or somewhere else after months or years. And why not? It's like "she is the girl I want to live with". Yeah, sure. For one year, a decade, or the rest of your life? Take it easy and don't make too many long-term commitments.
  3. So, what's the problem? He can party for a couple of months and then think again what he wants to do. Maybe party some more. I planned my move to Thailand, but I was much younger and had almost no money. So, I had to plan how to make that work. With enough cash it's just: Let's go and look if I like it.
  4. I wonder what will happen if that is a winning number or if not. Maybe there is something like Thai logic and I just don't understand it.
  5. I go since forever to Foodland. I never had a bad experience in any of their stores. Worst case the MARS is out of stock, which is obviously annoying. But that's about it.
  6. What does that have to do with bad luck? I guess it's like some idiots who have a car or motorcycle accident and then they say it was bad luck because it rained or the guy in front of them braked...
  7. It is obvious that the Thai police is rotten to the core. There are lots of very obviously shady people in there. It is well known that large amounts of money have to be paid to get into the police and to get promoted. How could an honest person be able to get into that organization and stay there and even get promoted? Impossible! And obviously this is only possible because the politicians allow that to happen. And those politicians, who are often local influential people, are voted into their positions by the Thai voters. The system is rotten in every way, not just the police.
  8. I agree. The worst part if how uncovered meat gets to those places. I saw at opening time that some employees arrive with sealed packages of meat. And then they open those packages and put the meat in the open all tother with no cover. The worst I saw was in an exclusive supermarket chain. In the morning they put some of the meat products, which was in the refrigerator on the wall, on unrefrigerated tables in the aisle. And in the evening, they put the rest back in the fridge. I never bought anything that should be refrigerated in that shop again.
  9. Sure, until you ask the question who created that creator. Like the super-god created god, so that god could create the earth and all that. Sure! ...
  10. And when they are not happy after they got some treatment, what do they do? More treatment, with the same unsatisfying result. Amazing!
  11. Sad I wonder if any beauty treatment ever helped. I don't remember any female actually looked better after some treatment. Different, yes. Better? No.
  12. It's amazing that billions of people still believe in something that doesn't make any sense. But I think we should keep that kind of behavior in mind when we look at how people vote, what kind of scams they accept, etc. I guess all humans have a brain. Imagine they would actually use it all the time.
  13. Probably nobody told the workers that they are supposed to be straight up.
  14. I think it is always interesting when people trust celebrities in some totally unrelated field. What gave you the idea that an actress and model had any idea about share trading? Or: Would you ask a share trader for advice how to act and model?
  15. There is a reason why those tools have manuals. And if people can't read or don't want to read then they could still ask someone to show them how to use them or watch a YouTube video. But it seems that just doesn't happen. IMHO it seems that most workers here don't use their brain - or maybe they don't have one. Some things should be easy to understand like you write. But they don't understand. They don't even realize that they did something wrong. It's sad, but it is reality in Thailand.
  16. I see very interesting communication. ???? I removed the ads from this screenshot.
  17. I met the loveliest people girls in Soi Cowboy and Nana. ???? Small, cute, brown, smiling. My favorites are from Buriram, it seems they all come to Bangkok.
  18. They obviously do it wrong. Real man: I live in X. You have two choices: Live with me in X or go away.
  19. Did the TikTokker asked the person in the video for permission to publish this on the internet?
  20. I thought TikTokkers exist to be ripped off. Would he report about an ordinary taxi ride? Obviously no. So the taxi driver gave him what he wanted.
  21. I am not able to have a discussion about types of cars. And there is no one fits it all answer or solution. I encountered enough people who have vehicles with lithium batteries who have no clue there are any risks. Somehow some of them remind me of vegetarians who tell everyone that they are vegetarian and they live so much healthier, and and and. Often it's virtual signaling and nothing else. If you own and use an EV, fine. And you probably know that there are risks with the batteries. Good that you know about those risks. But how many EV owners don't know and don't care?
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