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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure you can also get that reaction from a tuktuk driver in front of a temple - far away from any bar.
  2. I also showered with my father when I was maybe 10 years old. We did exactly that, shower. I also think I remember I felt a little uncomfortable. But my father didn't do anything he shouldn't have done. But imagine now someone would come out: My father showered with me when I was 10. The horror! I guess few of us had a life where one or the other situation couldn't have been misinterpreted. Biden if obviously far away from being the perfect president. But I understand that people voted for him, looking at the alternative.
  3. That was also my first impression, about 30 years ago in the rainy season in some dirty soi in a cheap hotel without AC. Times changed.
  4. The above sentence "She was 12, I was 30" can be totally harmless. I.e. our family visited the zoo. I told my nice about the animals, she was 12, I was 30. The sentence is only bad if we use our fantasy to imagine in which condition it could have been used. But as far as I see that is in this case our fantasy and not any factual information about what he did at that time. I am not a Biden fan and also not his biggest critic. I think we should be fair.
  5. What you describe are typical situation where Thais are looking for inexperienced foreigners to (mostly) sell them something. That is a reason why I speak Thai in shops or with taxi drivers so that they know right away that I am not new in town. If they don't want to talk to me because my Thai is not too bad, then I agree with a comment above, I am not interested in those people who are happier if I don't understand their language.
  6. I think it is difficult to say what level Thai I speak. I try to speak Thai in everyday life with my gf, people in shops, restaurants, (bar-)girls, and many others. And obviously after doing that for years my Thai gets better. Sometimes when I work with Thais, and they talk to each other in Thai, I have a pretty good idea what they were talking about. But not in detail. I get better with that just by listening to their Thai conversations between each other, and then later listening to their English translation for me. That happens at work. But I guess such scenario doesn't really happen in casual situations. But that's as far as my learning happens. I never really thought about having regular lessons to learn better Thai. That's the subject of this thread.
  7. Thanks for your comment. It would be interesting in which language you communicate with Thais who also speak English fluently. I think often "serious conversation" is done in the language which the participants know best. I often have some Thai language small talk with Thais who know English a lot better than I do Thai. But if we have to talk about anything important then we talk in English, because at least in my case most (overseas) educated Thais speak English a lot better than I do Thai.
  8. After living for more than 20 years in the middle of Bangkok my Thai language skills are still limited. I am able to communicate with Thai people about basic things like food, locations (tell the driver/rider where to go), everyday shopping, and some small talk. When I visit the family of my Thai gf up country then we are somehow able to communicate, but not much. And to be fair I don't really care if I could have a deep meaningful conversation with them. I am not able to have a proper business conversation in Thai. And when I go to official offices then I go normally together with my accountant or maybe an agent who deals with i.e. immigration every day. I wonder if it makes sense to try to learn more Thai. And it's not just learning more. If I would learn to communicate properly with Thai officials, how long would I keep that ability if I use it only one or max 5 times a year? And even if I would understand every single word from the officials, would that replace a Thai person (i.e. accountant, lawyer, agent) who communicated with these officials all the time? What is your experience with learning more than basic Thai? Do you need it? Did your life improve? How? Or did you learn it and then forget most of it because you never used it? If it would improve my life in Thailand considerable if I would know Thai language better, then maybe I should learn more. But if it won't make a difference 99% of the time and if I would likely forget it soon again then what would be the point? How about you?
  9. Darling, I thought about you all night. But I didn't remember how to get back to you. ????
  10. It's some time ago that I tried to find a new Thai girlfriend. But many of the girls seem to know pretty well how to live cheap - if they have to and use their own money.
  11. Obviously, you are right that they can get hot. And it seems some LED lights are created in a way to show "wow, they are bright", and hot. But if you use LED lights which are not so bright, then normally they don't get too hot. As an alternative to good ventilation a good cooling element like aluminum is an option.
  12. Is the isolation a fire risk? Does it burn? In general LED lamps don't get very hot. But if they are more powerful then they can get hot. I suggest make sure you have nonflammable isolation (or whatever the correct name is).
  13. As far as I know PayPal does not operate in Thailand anymore. I don't know if this is about the address, or the location of the bank or other factors.
  14. I remember my first hired girlfriend in Thailand on my first 3 week holiday. She definitely helped me to spend my money wisely. Obviously there are also risks. But I think it is undeniable that the help of a or more Thai people, who know the local situation, helps a lot.
  15. Is it? How many Thai farmers understand the concept of saving money and a business plan? And how many feel rich after the harvest and later they struggle with money?
  16. Interesting that you think girlfriend and p4p is the same. Obviously it's possible to manage many situations alone. But there is an advantage to learn lots of details from a local friend.
  17. So now you think character and IQ are related. Interesting. And obviously wrong. I will add you to my ignore list. There is just no point in reading more of your pointless comments.
  18. With such a useless father it's no wonder that this person ended up on TikTok.
  19. Where in Samui and where in Phuket? There are quiet places, there are very busy (nightlife) places, Phuket town, etc. And obviously there are lots of possible reasons to visit the islands. And they have different climate (rainy seasons). It's like "I like Thailand". Which part?
  20. Why should I (re)define what other people, who studied this for years or decades, did that already? It is well defined what IQ tests measure. General intelligence (g factor) is also well defined. And obviously there are other types of intelligence, as far as I know they are not (so) well defined. General intelligence helps people to work and live successfully. That doesn't mean that all high IQ people are successful and happy. And there are also people with not so high IQ who are successful. In general, we can say it helps to be intelligent. Do I choose who I want as my friend according to their IQ? No. But communication is easier with people who are on a similar IQ level.
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