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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe Chuvit can give us some insider info about life in Thai prison. I hope he is still alive and kicking.
  2. I suggest the following: If he is sick, he should stay in the hospital. But obviously the hospital is not jail. So, the sick days should not count as days in jail. If he is healthy enough again then he should go to jail and then they can start counting how much time he spends in jail. It's hospital or jail. One or the other, make up your mind.
  3. Really? Maybe I know my limitations. One reason is that if I would have kids then I would like to send them to a good school. In Thailand good schools are expensive. I don't want to spend a huge part of my income on the kids. If parents are committed to their kids and take good care of them, that is great. Unfortunately, there are too many parents who have kids but who don't do the parenting work. Or they work a lot to make money and let a nanny or maid take care of the kids. We have too many unhappy and phycological damaged kids in this world. I really don't want to add more kids.
  4. Mission impossible. This book, written by Thai academics many years ago, gives a good overview about the situation. I would be surprised if it changes much in the last decades.
  5. There are lots of videos on YouTube which explain the differences of the AC types. For most people for most homes Inverter AC are better. There might be exceptions - I don't know about any.
  6. Thanks for all your replies. My all new freshwater pipes are all green. The existing drainage pipes are all blue. So I guess I stick with blue for the drains.
  7. No idea. Just in general I prefer solid bricks or blocks for the reasons described above with drilling holes. But this is just my personal experience with my own walls. I never worked in that industry and never discussed the differences with any professional.
  8. Thanks I guess because there is almost no pressure on the drain pipes the Class 5 do the job. Is there any good reason to buy thicker pipes? I don't care if I would have to pay a little more.
  9. I call them the white blocks, I don't remember how Thais call them. There are a couple of reason why I like the white blocks more (for indoor use, not load bearing): They are straight blocks with right angles, and it is easier to create straight walls (see above). The are light (to transport). It's easy to drill holes into them. What I don't like about red bricks is that they have big holes inside. And if you drill a hole into these bricks then likely you drill through maybe 2cm brick, and then there is a hole. That is a real headache to mount things on those walls which need support like for a sink, kitchen cabinets, hood, etc. That is just my DIY experience with other people creating the walls and me drilling holes into those walls.
  10. If it helps you, I can look up my quotation for small indoor AAC (white big "bricks") wall. In general, I like to give you the following advice: Make sure you specify that the walls must be flat and plumb and the corners 90 degrees, and maybe an acceptable margin of error. It sees if it looks straight is good enough for many Thais. But if you want to install straight and right-angle furniture then not so straight walls are headache. Don't ask me how I know ...
  11. I thought I buy/order some drainpipes for my kitchen. The existing drainage pipes are 2" blue PVC pipes, so I looked for 2" blue PVC pipes. I checked on the HomePro website, there are lots of 2" pipes with different classes. The classes seem to indicate the maximum pressure. And for all 2" blue PVC pipes I see in the description "Use with clean water only." This is just one sample: WATER PIPE TIGER CLASS 5 2IN 4M LIGHT BLUE (homepro.co.th) So are those blue pipes not designed to use for drains? Or is the "clean water only" lost in translation? Which pipes (material, class, color) are designed to use for drains in kitchens (including hot water from the sink and washing machine)? I also visited a HomePro shop yesterday. But the sales guy didn't even know the different sizes of pipes... Thanks
  12. How many (Thai) parents will learn from this? How many will decide not to let their 12 year old kids ride a motorcycle? How many will think about the risks for their babies? I heard of too many accidents, sometime deadly, from the Thai family and their friends. I don't remember anybody even mentioning that maybe it is not a good idea that children take that risk. They don't even think that maybe the outcome could have been better with helmets. It seems it's more like: This is karma, let's buy one more amulet. TiT.
  13. I have to admit a long time ago I explored a little outside of the well-known nightlife places. I visited places like the soapy massages, Sutthisan Road, Chinatown and other places. I found some places, even some incredibly cheap places, but basically nothing according to my taste. Farang bars have the type of girls which most farangs want, small and brown (or now not so small anymore). Places for Thais or maybe Chinese have something according to their taste, which is not like my taste. Summary: After some exploration I ended back in the places where I started, the well-known farang nightlife areas.
  14. It seems the power consumption is even more optimized on new models. When I switched on my ACs it takes more than a minute before any cold air blows outside. I spoke with the technicians and they told me this can take up to 3 minutes. To be fair, there is a "power" button which I could press. I guess the idea is to start slowly and consume less power in the startup process. Once they run, it doesn't take long before the rooms are cool.
  15. When I bought my Daikin ACs in Thailand I could only find Thai manuals. I looked at websites from the same company in countries nearby but they didn't offer the model AC which I bought. Sometime later, Daikin renamed the ACs. The model numbers are the same but the model name is different, and now they have also English manuals.
  16. In my case that observation is from the middle of Bangkok. I am sure it nice to have a sea view and sea breeze in Pattaya, but I don't know how near one has to be to the water to get those conditions.
  17. Part of is is definitely the heat. When I grew up 25 degrees outside was summer, a hot day, great, let's go to the lake. And on a good day that lake had 20 degree water. In Thailand, 25 degrees is a rare cool day, 30 degrees is normal, and 35 degrees is nothing special. Sitting in that temperature for more than a few minutes is too hot for many of us.
  18. I just looked out of my window. I see at least 1,000 balconies from here. Until now I didn't spot even one person on any of them. Obviously, that doesn't mean nobody ever uses them, but the overall usage is very low. I also see right now a couple of swimming pools in condominiums nearby - and not a single person in any of them.
  19. I guess everybody should the happy that she didn't pull a gun and fought for her rights to behave like that. After all: That is America, the land of the free.
  20. Isn't it obvious? Look at that so called leader of the world and their politicians. That gives you a better perspective of what to expect here.
  21. I guess as a member of the GOP she thought: I behaved similar to the way our orange leader behaves every day. That is what our voters want. Imagine all GOP candidates would behave like that all the time. Win/win for everybody. ????
  22. I am sure it will be very interesting to me if it is in Thai. ????
  23. Unitl now I don't have it. When I bought my condominium I asked an insurance broker and he recommended I should wait until I move in. But this situation inspired me that maybe I should get an insurance now.
  24. And did he "think" he will get away with all that? Kitchen Hoods without exhaust hose seems to be also common in Thailand.
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