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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No, problem, it just happened, not need to think about why it tripped...
  2. But maybe there is a good reason that ground is installed by professionals...
  3. Sure, you can fit it. But will it work efficiently without earth wiring to the outlets?
  4. In many houses and condominiums in Thailand they have outlets without earth connection.
  5. Ok, I should have clarified that: In HomePro Phloen Chit they have many cables with two wires, but not even one with 3 wires (including earth).
  6. And certifications for people who repair vehicles, etc. But will it make a difference? As far as I know anybody who drives a car or rides a motorcycle in Thailand needs a license. And to get that license they need to show that they know the rules and can drive. And? There are still millions of ignorant drivers on the streets, and many of them don't have a license. Is anybody enforcing the laws?
  7. When will some people learn that fiction is not the same as reality? And is it really bad for Thailand if some ignorant people don't visit?
  8. Often this would require completely new cabling all over the house. And when the cables are in the walls then that is a major job. Why should the government/taxpayer pay for RCBOs? If people are not willing to spend a few hundred THB to protect their life, then there is something seriously wrong with those people.
  9. It seems to me lots of people are just cheap Charlies and are not willing to spend a little more money to have a properly grounded cabling. And sometimes it's difficult to find those cables. I.e. I ordered my cables with ground on Lazada. Because HomePro has lots of cables, all only with two wires and no earth. Sad.
  10. Why are some people so ignorant that they "think" there is only A or B and if someone criticizes A then he must support B. Is it really so difficult to understand that there is more than A and B? And is it so difficult to understand that someone who doesn't like A maybe also doesn't like B?
  11. "I am totally powerless against it" Great that you realized that. Now accept reality, relax, and get away from the internet.
  12. I took them with me - I left the VHS tapes at "home". And how often did I play any of the CDs? Basically never, thanks to NAPSTER etc.
  13. In a way I hoped for a little less obvious procedure. Like: He is sick and gets out of jail, a couple of pictures with granddad and the children, silence for a few months, and then his health gets better, and he wants to serve the nation or something like that. In a way it would still be the same story, but not so much lying in your face.
  14. I took a few things with me when I moved. But for lots of thigs the packing and shipping would have been more expensive then I would have been willing to pay. And then there were clothes for winter, furniture, etc. I live now since decades in Bangkok, and I collected lots of things which I wouldn't want to throw away. But if my apartment would burn down and you would ask me what I really miss, that wouldn't be too many things, and most of them could be purchased again.
  15. When I moved to Thailand, I was smart. I stored lots of things, and I paid for the storage for years. And then a friend sold a few things and gave away others and trashed the rest. I paid lots of money for that storage, in hindsight all wasted money. I would recommend to anyone, get rid of your things before you move. Or maybe pay for storage for a couple of months, just in case you change your mind. Don't pay for years for storage of things which you can't sell for good money.
  16. I would write something to the agent per email, LINE, whatever and remind him of that. Maybe he replies, maybe he ignores it. In theory he could also write: those problem, which you list, never existed when you moved in. Make picture and attach it. With that you have proof that things were bad now (maybe a week or two after you moved in). Not perfect, and you can still get screwed, but better than nothing.
  17. He had already more than enough money when he started with politics about 20 years ago. At that time he told everybody that he is so rich that this will guarantee that he is an honest politician because he doesn't need more money. And some people even believed him. Amazing Thailand.
  18. There are some high-quality companies and workers. Not surprisingly they work for big projects and are not interested in small contracts like just one house or even less work. I know one company who to cabling (computer, power, etc.). They do great work, work in time, test everything, and clean up. And they charge similar prices what a company in "the west" charges. And a 1/2 million THB contract is a small contract for them. Not interested in anything smaller than that. With my condominium renovation I had one guy who did very good work. He did the tiles everywhere. Some other workers were ok. Others substandard. And all were hired by a contractor who is known for high quality work (and not cheap). What annoys me most is that we are not allowed to criticize them. Even if it is obvious that they don't know what they are doing, stay calm, call the contractor. Tell him to tell them that this is not the way to do this...
  19. And I thought that he is so sick that he has to stay in a hospital all the time. And then he mentioned that he is an old man who only wants to play with his grandchildren. It seems we were told lots of lies. What a surprise...
  20. Will all fugitives which avoided jail for many years be treated like that? Or only the very rich once?
  21. I saw something like that when my girlfriend asked me to visit her village many years ago. I was shocked. I don't remember much more from that visit. Now we both live in a high-rise condo in Bangkok. No mosquitos, no family nearby, no village life. ????
  22. If those are the top, then I don't want to see any picture of the not so top offers.
  23. Strange With modern technology one would think the driver and some controller in some BTS office should know about this problem. Was there an alarm? Did anybody notice? Why was the train not stopped? Intentionally?
  24. What will happen with the user-database? Sold to the highest bidder?
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