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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The spectrum is very wide. Maybe you can say that Chinese or Japanese are in average more intelligent than maybe Europeans (maybe, I don't know). But by how much? Let's say it's 5%, which would be a lot. Then you still have a huge overlap of over average Europeans which are more intelligent than under average Chinese. So, any individual which we meet from any location or race might have a higher or lower IQ than us.
  2. Really? Or did you make that up when you didn't score the test as you would have liked?
  3. Jordan is very intelligent (>150), and he studied and worked in psychology for decades. Nobody of us knows even 1% of what he knows. What's the point of us arguing about what he says. It's like arguing with Elon Musk how to optimize his rockets. Who wants to tell him how to make it better?
  4. Gunfire heard in Bangkok shopping centre: Thailand police | News | Al Jazeera I left in Central World about 17:00. The streets are flooded, and the traffic is horrific...
  5. Looks nice. And I am sure it took a long time to create this great picture. I am always looking forward to Loy Krathong in Thailand in the nightlife areas. It is amazing how good many of them look if they spend hours for makeup, hair, clothes, etc. Then add a photographer, lots of light, etc. and you can make great pictures with almost anybody.
  6. Charge 5000 THB per visitor per day. That should keep the masses away.
  7. Since a couple of years I own a KTM Duke 390. In general, I am happy with the bike. But because all is electronic, KTM is necessary to service that bike. The KTM importer from which I bought the bike does not exist anymore in Thailand. And other KTM service centers are not according to the standard which I expect. I.e. I had my bike serviced at a KTM shop near Asoke. After the service it sometimes didn't start anymore with the first press of a button. Then it got too hot. I brought it back to them and they (said) they checked it, and they didn't find any problem. After that it didn't get too hot anymore, but the red oil warning light was sometimes on. And sometimes a big red warning about the oil pressure. So, I brought the bike back to the shop and explained to them the problem. Today, almost a week later, I visited the shop again. They told me they didn't see any problem. But they also didn't think that maybe they should contact me and update me. They suggested I should use the bike again and return if there is a problem again. I rode the bike for not even a km and the red oil light was on again. I asked the shop again and they told me I should come back in a week, their KTM technician is on holiday. For them the red oil warning seemed to be a minor problem like a not working indicator or something like that. When I tried to point out to them that the engine could be (fatally) damaged without oil pressure they somehow didn't think that is important... After that experience it's time to look for a new KTM service center. Does anyone here can recommend a place in Bangkok? Thanks
  8. No a) Members of this forum don't vote for any miss whatever competition b) I don't think it is racist if we personally prefer white or black or dusky girls. It's just personal taste.
  9. Really? We all make mistakes, sometimes we don't know, sometime knowingly and we think it's not a big deal. Did you ever drive too fast? Knowingly? If yes, then I guess your credibility is gone. Or maybe not?
  10. It seems to me many YouTubers do what they do because they want to present themselves and maybe present that they are good people. And maybe they buy something for a homeless person for 100 USD and make 1,000 USD on the video. I was never homeless, but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t want to be presented on a video platform so that thousands or millions of people can look at me. If someone wants to do good, then do good. And don’t switch on the camera while you do it.
  11. I think men can ask for shelter in temples and receive food from monks.
  12. I have diabetes and the doctor prescribed oral medications. If I don’t take the medicine, then I feel more or less tired after meals. With medication not so tired. Personally, I wouldn’t necessarily take medication to change any values which the doctor uses for his diagnosis. But I take it to feel better.
  13. "had"? I have to admit I didn't check last week but as far as I know they still exist and are active. And more places in Cowboy and Nana with glass floor where the upper floor is currently not used.
  14. I think what you do makes sense if you buy tourist products on the street like t-shirts or something like that. But many "normal" Thai businesses charge the same for everybody.
  15. Yes, I also saw that dozer blade video, and many others, amazing. A few days ago, I discovered this channel, same same and very different. https://youtu.be/hON9TuMRGIQ?si=Zd4RaE1KVsg9bu1U Sorry to disrupt this thread with YouTube info. But then, it's also about making money.
  16. Maybe that is the reason, but maybe not. I watch regularly a YouTube channel from Cutting Edge Engineering in Australia. The guy does fantastic work. In one of their Q&A he talks about prices and why he doesn't talk about them. According to him if he does that then the competition will use that information to be just a little cheaper. I guess he also wants that possible new customers get a better idea about what he is doing, maybe quality standards, warranty, etc. There are lots of possible reasons to publish or not publish prices.
  17. That is why I was surprised. I thought after trying at least 100 times he finally stumbled upon an interesting topic. And them I saw his introduction. 'Nuff said.
  18. That's why gogo stages are maybe one meter above ground level. Or long time ago in G-Spot the reflections-dancefloor. Much better than waiting under a bridge. And you can have a drink and invite the girls.
  19. When I saw the headline "Living in the present" I thought this might be an interesting topic. And then the first comment. Really? Is that the best you can come up with? The present is the present. Like: You look at a beautiful girl and you smile. That is the present. If you think about that your ex looked similar or you think about what you want to do with this one in the near of far future that is not the present. It's not really that difficult.
  20. I remember that "beastly modern variety" from more than 30 years ago...
  21. As far as I remember wallpaper (in general or many of them) is designed to be removed in part, just the upper layer. And then you can put new wallpaper on top of the old "base". At least that is what I remember from long time ago when I did that the last time. That is certainly a lot easier and faster than removing it completely and preparing the wall to paint it and then paint it.
  22. The passenger should report the taxi as unsafe to the authorities. If the car is unable to support maybe 200kg then the registration should be removed.
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