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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why do you ask? Do you want to live as long as possible as healthy as possible? Or do you want to enjoy life and drinks and just don't want to die too early because of an alcohol related disease? Can you afford to drink? Are you still in control after a couple of drinks? Did anybody complain about your behavior when drunk or when you want a drink and can't have one? Personally, I used to drink a lot when I visited the bars. Now I don't go so often anymore, and I drink less. And when my friends and me were younger we were drinking more and longer (maybe until 2am or later). Now, getting older, that happens very seldom. I basically never drink alone at home. Maybe one beer with a meal, that's about it. But if I would like to drink, I would drink. Why not? We all die. Personally, I prefer to die happily drinking and eating what I want instead of "healthy" maybe a few years later. What would be the point?
  2. Did he follow any of those women into a dark alley and raped them there? Or did they meet him (in part to have sex)? I didn't study the details. But what I read sounded like the women wanted to see him and wanted to have sex with him and then sometimes later they thought about that maybe they didn't want to have sex in the way he wanted it. Obviously if a woman tells a guy STOP, then he should stop. But when a woman goes with a guy like him then what do they expect? Coffee and cake? Like I wrote before, If he did something criminal then the judges should follow the evidence and convict him. But just the fact that some women tell something to the press is at least for me not reason enough to think he is guilty. I.e. it seems YouTube doesn't pay him any money anymore for his videos. And now? Will they give that money to a charity or keep it for him and give it to him when he is not found guilty? Or will they not show any advertisement with his videos? Why do now so many "journalists" and "influencers" say that the guy was always suspicious and bad? If they knew that then why didn't they call the police?
  3. In principle I like small local shops. But HomePro is also near my home and they have a huge selection of parts which I can see and select. The local mom and pop shop also has many things, but for many of the things I have no idea what they are called. That's what makes HomePro easier. And then there is the delivery. I don't have a car and it's easy to transport a few parts with my bike. But if there are lots of parts, maybe "big" and heavy, then delivery is an easy option.
  4. Probably. And if those fans want to follow him, then let them follow him. And if some women want to get f%@# by him, let them be f%@# by him. As far as I know nobody is forcing all those people to do that. And it seems he is not playing the snowflake and is deceiving people.
  5. So what? If nobody likes him then nobody will follow him on social media and no women will go out with him and nobody will visit his future bar in Pattaya. Fine. And just in case people want to follow him on social media or women want to go out with him or guys want to be in a bar with him then that is also fine. Let them do that. What's so difficult about accepting that lots of people are different from each other? If he did anything criminal then I am sure the authorities will investigate him. Fine. And maybe they will find he is guilty. And maybe they will find he is not guilty. Judges should judge him according to the laws.
  6. In a normal country I would suggest avoiding mixing up pipes and pipe colors, especially water and electricity. Because a trained technician could assume that blue is water and no electricity. But in Thailand it's not really a problem. It seems nobody cares if there are any rules how to do things. And people who are smart enough to understand the differences should be smart enough not to assume anything about any installation.
  7. I was never interested in that guy and obviously I don't know the truth about these allegations. But it seems he is another man whose life is ruined just because of some allegations. What happened with innocent until proven guilty? Or does that not apply anymore to guys when women accuse them and want money? And about women who went out with him and complain about him: What did you expect from him? Did he ever give you the impression that he is a vanilla guy? If you don't want that sort of guy, then don't go out with him! If anybody has evidence against him then bring it forward in a court of law. And if he is found guilty then you can rightfully avoid him and demand he should be punished, etc. Until then, remember: innocent until proven guilty.
  8. It seems this is why those limits exist. Smart people understand that it makes sense to drive slower in bad weather conditions, high traffic, etc. Stupid people need a law to tell them what to do - not just in Thailand.
  9. Sometimes I get a call from a lost motorcycle delivery guy. He is in my soi, but maybe 50m away from my building. That is the spot which he sees marked on his GPS/map. And I live in the tallest building in the soi. It's not difficult to find it and I guess most people will know it. TiT.
  10. I hope Thai voters' memory is good enough to remember that for the next election.
  11. I think it has also a lot to do with our financial situation and how much time we like to use for what. There was a time when I had little money and a lot of time. I searched online and downloaded books, movies, software, etc. Some was good quality, some was bad, some software didn't really work or contained viruses. Now I pay regularly for MS Office, and I pay for ROON and Tidal. And with that I can rely on my daily used software and cloud services. And I have all the music I want in high quality and well organized. All for relatively little money - equivalent to a few espressos. If it is convenient and not too expensive then I think it's win/win to pay.
  12. Over the years more and more laws are made. And it is seldom that old laws are dropped. Do we really need all those new laws? Sometimes yes, but it seems many laws restrict us all more and more because a few people ignored common sense or are just a@holes.
  13. I downloaded most of the books which I read from the pirates. And I read a lot. Now I read not so much anymore. And when I have a new book in mind, I tried to find it. When I was not able to find it within a few minutes, I just bought in online, with one click. Very convenient and not expensive. And my favorite author is a regular guest in Soi Cowboy. So, it's like buying him a beer. About other regulations and laws. If they don't make sense, then I ignore them as long as I think I will get away with that. But sometimes I think about why those regulations and laws exist. I.e. red lights, especially red lights at zebra crossings. I almost always stop. Because I think it is fair to the pedestrians. And I think it's time that many other riders and drivers learn that they should stop at red lights. Because there is a reason why that makes sense.
  14. Is a woman born in 1986 is better qualified then all the other people in that party what does this tell us about that party? But then again, who in Thailand cares about qualifications for a job?
  15. That was the moment when you should have established that you don't accept such behavior. The agent learned in that moment that he get's away with this. And I say the agent because if he would care he would have made sure that the owner pays for this before you move in. Three options: The owner paid, and the agent kept the money. The owner was never informed about this. The agent and owner both don't care. Whatever happens now, don't expect anything will get better. Look for another place, and make sure to stay away from this agent.
  16. Where is the egg in the picture above? As far as I know almost everybody eats it with an egg on top.
  17. Personally, I am not a fan of kaphrao. And I definitely don't like garlic. So, I avoid that dish. But lots of Thais and farangs love it. Try!
  18. I was there in 1994. Beautiful. And at that time no buildings were allowed. Only day trip tourists. The island looked nice, but it was already too crowded with tourists. And now, 30 years later, this is still recommended? Really? But then, I have to admit I never had an "Instagrammable experiences". Maybe I missed something, maybe.
  19. With smart phones in front of their faces, delivery motorcycles everywhere, etc.
  20. Think about Karen and Sarah. And then think about Nit and Noi. The difference is part of Thainess.
  21. It seems to think after he is out of jail, he will be quiet and play with the grandchildren. I hope you are right. But I wouldn't bet on that.
  22. Same same. And somehow I am pretty sure if they would research the situation now almost nothing changed. TiT.
  23. Obviously doctors should be objective. But I imagine any doctor in such position has a difficult position. If he does what the patient wants he can be pretty sure that the patient will help his further career and future retirement. And if not? Imagine if a doctor in that position would declare, maybe in public, that the patient is not that ill and that he should be in jail. What would happen to that doctor? Would he be promoted and live happily ever after? Or can he be pretty sure that his life will be more difficult from that moment onwards? So, to be fair, if I would be a doctor in that position, I would also consider how my decisions would alter the rest of my life.
  24. Just another idiot. Maybe he watched too many videos of the Just Stop Oil idiots.
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