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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, that is a good point. This is why I will make sure that I am there for a few hours after I worked on it.
  2. Thanks, I appreciate your reply. And the good news is that I knew these two facts already - see above YouTube video.
  3. My experience with Thai technicians is mixed. In my experience very few are good, some are good enough to do the job, and many are just useless. I have to do a few simple freshwater and drain connections in my kitchen. In general I am pretty good with DIY, but I never did plumbing work. I looked at a couple of videos on YouTube. One explains how to use Teflon tape. If you are a plumber or if you did already some work like that, is it as easy as it looks like? Or does it look easy but somehow it actually is a lot more complicated than it looks? Obviously I know how to and where to close the water valves. And after the job I would open the valves slowly to make sure there is no leak. Is that good enough? Would you do a couple of pipe connections yourself or would you hire a professional and hope he does a professional job? It's just a few connections, all in all less than an hour work. This is just one of the videos which I watched to make sure I do it right - in case that I do it myself.
  4. I installed the K-Plus App a couple of years ago. I know I had to go to an ATM machine with my ATM card, obviously enter my ATM PIN on the ATM machine and then I had to follow a few steps in part on the ATM machine and in part on my phone to enable the app. This had to be done with a mobile connection, not WLAN. Now, whenever I want to transfer money on my app I need to open the appl, which in my case requires my fingerprint. And then I have to enter a PIN to allow the transaction. I think that is reasonable security. Actually, it is more secure than transferring money in an ATM machine. Is it top security which can't be hacked? No. But the problem is most users accept some security but they don't use apps with very high security. Many people would change their bank to another bank with less security if it would be too high security to transfer money.
  5. Today I visited Electrolux, the manufacturer of my washing machine and I asked them about this. They looked up their installation guide. Their guide recommends 1cm extra space in total = 5mm left and 5mm right. But in person they told me having 1cm left and 1cm right is what they recommend. That's what I will do.
  6. Another example: When I bought my condominium, I thought about replacing the freshwater pipes in the unit. But then I thought it would be even better if I replace the pipes in my unit and also outside my unit, the pipes between the water meter and my condominium. In my case that is maybe 5 meter in the corridor. I asked my management at that time and they allowed me to change the pipes also in the corridor up to the water meter. So I guess those are "my pipes", even if they are in the common area.
  7. Some companies, like Siemens, produce lots of different things. If they have well trained people for product A, then it is likely that they also have well trained people for product B - at least that is what I think. But there is a big "but" for some products from some companies. I.e. many computer companies have professional products for business use and consumer products. Professional products may have great quality, warranty, spare part supply, etc. And consumer products, from the same company, have bad support. Obviously, consumer products are also cheaper. The customer must be aware what he buys.
  8. Obviously I don't know if all of their technicians are good. But the fact that there are at least some technicians with professional tools and knowledge what to do is already a good sign. I saw too many technicians who arrive without proper tools and who don't really know what to do. I am sure Daikin trained the people who worked at my place. And I assume they will train all their technicians.
  9. That is correct when the water is from the unit itself. Like a bad valve in unit A, water leak in unit A, and the water supply from unit A will be stopped. But in this case there are two different units involved. The water comes from a drain in my balcony (rain water). The pipes goes to the ceiling of the unit below my unit. There could be a water leak in the below unit. But it would make no difference if they would close the water supply from that unit, because the water comes from my unit above. And because the water originates from rain to the balcony of my unit it also wouldn't work to cut my water. Because the water comes from the rain. Closing the drain in my unit is also no option, the rainwater has to go somewhere.
  10. This is a concern. My unit's drains were not used for some time (because it was empty when I bought it). If the unit below is also empty and there is a leak, then there could be a lot of damage before anybody notices that there is a leak at all. I guess it is my responsibility to fix a leak and pay for that. But first I have to know that there is a leak. And if nobody tells me because nobody is watching then that can get expensive. Let's see.
  11. I have 4 new Daikin ACs in my new renovated condominium. A technician installed all of them and initially they all worked. Then a few days later one AC didn't work anymore. It was not cold. The technician checked it. He didn't see an electrical fault and the gas pressure was ok. And then he told me he can't do anything else. So, I contacted Daikin, the manufacturer, to check and repair it on warranty. I was surprised about the very good service from them. I mention this here because from time to time we have questions about which AC to buy, etc. After this I can highly recommend Daikin. Perfect English on the hotline. They made an appointment as soon as it was convenient for me. The technicians arrived on time. They checked the error codes from the AC. Then they knew they had to check the compressor unit outside. I write compressor unit because with a modern inverter AC that is a compressor with a lot of electronic. They opened the compressor unit, checked the power consumption with a modern brand name instrument, opened the compartment with the electronic board, inspected that, and replaced it. They were wearing anti-static gloves. Then they tested everything thoroughly. They also checked the temperatures with a professional device. Perfect service. Obviously, it would have been even better if the ACs would not have a fault at all. But in real life that will always be some problems. So having a good service is important. I just wanted to share this story in case others are thinking about what they should buy.
  12. The drain on my condominium balcony is clogged. The pipes goes through my floor to the ceiling of the condominium below. There is a P-Trap and then a long pipe. I know this because I can see the similar pipe on my ceiling from the unit above. The first 50cm pipe down from my balcony is free. I have no idea if the P-Trap right below that (on the ceiling of the unit below mine) is clogged, or maybe another part of the pipe is clogged. Yesterday I told the condominium manager, and they sent an inhouse technician. They couldn't see or fix the problem from my unit, so today they plan to visit the unit below and look at the pipe on their ceiling. Maybe they will be able to open the P-Trap at that location. I am wondering who is responsible for finding the problematic area in the pipe and clean it. And what if there is a closed ceiling in the unit below mine and the ceiling has to be opened to access the pipe? Who pays? And last but not least, I think currently nobody is in the unit below mine. I don't know if the management has a key to the unit. What if the management knows the pipe has a problem, but they can't get into the unit?
  13. Just publish a statistic about the (critical) medical conditions of the prisoners population and how many of them are flown at night to a better facility and how many stay in those better facilities. Like: How many other prisoners are treated like Thaksin? Hundreds? Ten? Or less? And how many prisoners are in worse health than Thaksin? The numbers will show reality. Just publish them!
  14. I knew an old 150kg guy with a big gold chain around his neck. When he went out with a younger handsome guy the young guy was sure that all the girls would ignore his big friend. But the opposite happened. In most bars the girls went straight to the big guy with the big gold chain. Personally, that would be no reason for me to wear such a chain. But it's still interesting to know.
  15. There is another aspect to it. Like: This is my place, and I will leave my computer and accessories here. So that when I come back, maybe hours later, I sit on the same place, my place! We had a woman in our condominium who did just that. She spread out her computer and accessories over a big nice table and then she wasn't there for most of the time. She treated the common area as her private space and obviously she was very upset when some people told her not to occupy that space all day for nothing. Obviously, she also used the power for all her devices and nobody should dare to use her power outlet.
  16. Why don't you apply for a visa at the next Thai embassy?
  17. Tell that to Bruce, see video above. And in case you don't know him, look him up. He knows what he is doing.
  18. Make sure you have a soldering iron which has enough power. I think the important part is that the soldering process does not take long. Heat it, connect it, done. 10s applying heat to the battery is probably not a good idea...
  19. He could start by asking the (not fugitive anymore) criminal in Thai jail who owns their party. I am sure he has lots of insider information. Will you ask him? Will you use that information? Or do you only want to crack down on the others?
  20. When I bought my condominium I didn't get any book. Then I thought it might be a good idea to get a Tabien Baan. The company which also does my visa did this for me. Now I have a blue Tabien Baan - empty. I thought I can get my name inside. They explained to me I will only get my name inside if I have Thai residency. That will take a few years more...
  21. It's similar to the electricity which comes out of your wall, wherever you live. Same, same - but different.
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