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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Does she have a 18 yo daughter in schoolgirl outfit? ????
  2. I agree they got smaller and smaller. Probably all those people who want to control their weight. Now they are so small that one, even "big size", is still too small. The good old times...
  3. I see lots of Bounty in Villa Market. It seems they have it always in stock. A long time ago in a cold country far away Bounty was always something special, with exotic coconut taste. Now, in Thailand, it is not so special anymore. ????
  4. I have some background in theory and practice with electrical installations from a long time ago. I know about wire sizes, MCBs, RCBOs, etc. I do the electrical installation in my new renovated condominium myself. I am pretty sure that I know how to do it technically correct. What I don't know are best practices. I.e. when to use RCBOs instead of RCCBs with MCBs? If I have a circuit with just one 100W device, should I use a 6A MCB, the smallest available (i.e. from ABB), or is 10A just fine? My kitchen has a left side and a right side. Does it make sense to have one MCB for each side? I am looking for a website with information like above or a small book. If possible I don't want to read a 1,000 pages book or look up lots of different details in different places. As far as I know there is often no right or wrong. It is a question of what is recommended and sometimes what makes sense compared to how much money spent for each little detail. Until now I have the following situation: I have empty pipes to each switch, power outlet, etc. Large wire trays in the ceiling. I have ceiling tiles and can easily open the ceiling anywhere and add new cables or change anything. I have one large breaker box with some RCBOs i.e. for the water heater, hobs, etc. Two rows with each a RCCB and many MCBs. In total I have space for about 40 MCBs (or similar). Can anybody of you recommend some websites, books, etc.? Thanks
  5. There are lots of chocolate products, just no Mars. Currently my alternative is Toblerone. That is mostly still available - not molten.
  6. I am a big fan of Mars. Previously that was available in many shops including Foodland, Tops, Villa, 7/11, etc. Now it seems to be mostly out of stock, or maybe available for a few days and then not anymore. Why? Is there a global Mars shortage or who eats it all?
  7. Did anybody think about the BiB? They will lose a lot of income when the venues will be able to legally stay open. Somehow I wouldn't be surprised that in the future legally the places have to be shut but somehow the police don't see when they are open.
  8. It's difficult. In my experience there are few Thai builder (including electricians and others) who work according to the standards which farangs expect. I think often they learned to do something in a way, and (somehow) it works. And then they just continue with every new job the same way. It seems to me only very few are interested to know if there are other and better ways to do any job. And if Thais do that for some time and they are supposed to be the long term experts, then nobody (Thai) dares to tell them that things could be done differently and better. Keeping that in mind they obviously also calculate how much time and material they need according to what they think is good enough to get it done. And I guess few think about the possibility that things might go wrong and they are responsible for what they damage. One way to try to solve this problem is to agree in detail about all the things which have to be done, with quality measurements. If anybody agrees on that and feels responsible if it is not according to that standard then that is wonderful - and it seems to happen seldom. Bad builder will just say yes yes yes and do it any way they want. And real good builders are reluctant to look at lots of details and sign such contracts because they have enough work with that hassle. My short summary from my renovation experience is that we need a trusted Thai person who knows "farang thinking" and knows Thai thinking and has enough experience to translate and explain and is influential enough so that the builder understands he can't just get away with bad work. And it is obviously difficult to find such a person, especially for small jobs.
  9. Personally I don't own a TV and I seldom watch movies. Some movies are obviously good, but many, and especially many new movies, not so much. I like to learn more things about things of interest. AI is definitely fascinating. I wouldn't watch a politician talk about AI, but watching people who develop cutting edge AI is definitely interesting. And about agreeing or not: I don't expect that I hear only things I agree with. And sometimes I learn new things and change my mind, maybe after more research. But obviously sometimes the disagreement is so big that it would be a waste of time to listen more. Trump is sometimes and interesting topic. There are at least 100 reasons why I don't like him. But there are about 70 million Americans who would still vote for him. Obviously it's easy to conclude they are all idiots. And I am sure many are. But some are not. And to hear from those people is sometimes interesting.
  10. She lives together with me and sometimes I see what she is watching. No, I don't spend time looking at those videos in detail. Like I said, apart from that she is a nice girl. There are girls out there with worse habits...
  11. Looking at the videos my gf watches from time to time, there are enough Thai people on YouTube, who eat kilos of this and that. And many people (sorry, I didn't look if thousands or millions), watch it. Those channels wouldn't exist is nobody would watch them. Idiots, all of them! P.S.: Apart from that she is a nice girl. ????
  12. The problem is not that they don't like it. The problem is that bread can be a problem for their stomach. https://petdietguide.com/can-rabbits-eat-bread/
  13. Maybe tell her about Google Timeline. Then she can save a lot of work.
  14. Complain to whoever you made the contract with! If they are a quality company, then they will take responsibility.
  15. Mostly I also don't take pictures. I concentrate on what I see, and the "pictures" will be in my memory forever. If I want to see pictures of [insert anywhere where tourists go], then I can find many pictures from any angle on the internet.
  16. That reminds me of a Bangkok blogger. He also talked about "buy me a coffee". I offered him to actually buy him a coffee in Bangkok. He never replied.
  17. I saw a video where they talked about issues like that. 100 years ago, many people died in natural disasters. Now very few (relatively speaking) die. And often the people suffer who built i.e. near the sea and then a tornado destroys their house. Years ago, people were smart enough not to build houses in risk locations like that.
  18. Or "reaction videos", like a young person hears the first time something like Bohemian Rhapsody.
  19. wholewheat bread, like any bread, is bad for bunnies! Otherwise l like your pictures.
  20. Ok, this one is only 2.5 hours. I enjoyed it. I also enjoy reading long books. Sometimes I think books are more interesting, sometimes videos.
  21. Then again, why are not lots of Thai women prosecuted for lying to obtain money from their farang darlings? I understand that some guys are embarrassed, and they wouldn't go to court. But just reading this forum there are some guys who are really upset and want their money back. I don't remember ever reading a story that one of those farangs got their money back.
  22. But he might come back when he needs money. And the father might be responsible for compensations if the son hurts someone or damages property, etc.
  23. I wouldn't bet on that one. Men lie, and women lie. And they expect that the other one is lying. Not always, but I am sure that happens often.
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