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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's hard to know if that is true. Maybe. He was openly corrupt. He was corrupt with that attitude "and what will you do about it?". When he was in power he behaved like he was above the law, and he got away with that for a couple of years. And then he didn't get away with is anymore. Others are obviously also corrupt. But not as much in your face like Thaksin.
  2. Really? Maybe that is the case with a woman of the same age of your home country. In Thailand you still don't have much in common with any Thai women of any age.
  3. I don't know how much they know each other but I can't imagine that stroll in the park. And a huge difference is that Chuwit was convicted to jail, and he went to jail. He served his time behind bars. He is not a coward...
  4. Sure, a lot is going on in the background. And I don't expect that will change. But Thaksin was never the type who wanted to stay in the background. He wants to be center stage and in the news every day. And if he tries that again, then I think there will be difficult times ahead.
  5. Take my example of Saddam Hussein. Was there any doubt? I don't suggest that every criminal should be executed. But there are some very bad criminals which are guilty without doubt.
  6. Really? How often did he promise he will come back? And then he didn't come. How often did he lie about basically anything? Maybe there is a deal, maybe he will come back. But how high is the chance that this will happen this time with two weeks announcement?
  7. That depends on what the elderly mum likes to see - and can handle. Probably it's not a good idea to go with her to a place where you are well known, and all the girls say hello to you and your mum. But maybe she likes to see that Pattaya is all about. Maybe she wants to see some nice girls dancing on stage. Personally, my mum surprised me sometimes in my life.
  8. They were protesting for Thaksin because he wanted "his" money back. I was here at that time, and I will never forget when the red-shirts behaved like they own the city. Abhisit should have arrested them all right away. He waited too long. And the red-shirts got bolder and bolder. I am happy the army throw them out. The red-shirts could have left anytime. It was their problem if they wanted to die for their criminal hero.
  9. Which part about "no doubt" do you not understand? I.e. when Hassam Hussein was executed, did you worry that maybe they had the wrong guy? Or maybe he was innocent? And did we have to wait to get through hundred appeals? No. Just kill him. No more cost, no more risk. Problem solved.
  10. They started the mayhem before the army arrived. And the tomato police didn't do anything.
  11. They did that after they told the red-shirts to leave the city in peace. Free busses were waiting to bring the crowds home. They could have just gone home and live another day. They didn't. Their problem.
  12. Try this hospital: King Chulalongkorn Memoria Hospital 1873 Rama 4 Road, Pathum Wan, 10330 http://kcmh.azurewebsites.net/ They have some very good eye specialists, and the place is cheap. But better speak Thai or bring a Thai person with you (for the registration, etc.).
  13. Should bigots [..] be fined and banned? Look how many people are called by others "bigot". Now, if people mention that a guy who calls himself a girl, can't compete in women's sports is called by some people "bigot". It's all in the eye of the beholder. Personally I think people will learn to limit what they say by others around them. Say a phrase in a bar with your friends and everyone laughs. Do the same in other places and the situation might be very different. Just imagine you would accurately describe the orange one in the middle of lots of rednecks. Would they appreciate that you said the truth?
  14. I understand your problem. I always end up asking the ladies if they do/like this position or maybe that. And how much they charge. And if one of them gives me an answer that doesn't mean another one would provide these services at those prices. A menu, maybe with pictures, would be a great idea. ????
  15. With some criminals there is no doubt that they are guilty. And depending on their crimes, it is likely that they will/would do it again. Shoot them, they are dead, no more cost, no more risk. Problem solved. Sometimes it is not necessary to overcomplicate things.
  16. 555 Is there still anybody out there who believes that? Never forget!
  17. If he comes back, which is still a big IF, then the next question will be if he can keep his mouth shut and retire gracefully. He should play with his grandchildren like he said he will. If he will again meddle in politics, then I can't imagine that that will end just fine. He alienated too many people over the years. Let's hope that he dies before he returns to Thailand. Then the red-shirts can have his ashes.
  18. Villa Market in Bangkok has a nice selection. I guess their Pattaya shops will be similar.
  19. We all are former something. And with Chuwit: I think we can trust him more than many other politicians who have not (yet) been convicted.
  20. I am sure that is what he will promise. And I am sure he will break his promise - as usual.
  21. BBC's Jonathan Head will probably write that the leader of Thai democracy returns...
  22. Which HiSo? There is no one ruling HiSo in Thailand. The question is which part of the HiSo will win - at least for now.
  23. The important parts are in the linked article. Chuwit is in general well informed, let's look if what he says will happen. And then, let's look what happens if Thaksin comes back. In the moment there is hope in Thailand for a brighter future. Will the future still be bright with the fugitive criminal returning? And can anybody imagine Thaksin being quiet and just living the life of a grandfather? I still hope he dies in the desert.
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