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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A long time ago when I arrived in Thailand and I saw the traffic I thought I would never ride a motorcycle myself in those conditions. And I used motorcycle taxis for years. And I got more and more used to the way they ride, the streets, the legal and illegal shortcuts, etc. After I got used to it, I bought my first bike and rode myself and that's what I am still doing most of the time. Maybe that is an option for you. And if you think that maybe you go for a few drinks after work then you still have the option to not use your bike on that day.
  2. I recently bought a kitchen (METOD) from IKEA which is modal and gives me all options which I possibly want - and 20 years warranty. Before I bought it, I watched many videos about different manufacturers, etc. It seems that even people who want something special buy IKEA cabinets and then maybe they buy custom made fronts to make it really special for them. I found that interesting and maybe that is also an option for you. Personally all the existing options from IKEA are more than enough options for me.
  3. Finally a statue which is not just "art" but something people like to look at. Great!
  4. I am just a user and no banker, I had the following experience: Many banks in Europe transfer money with SEPA, a few use SWIFT. Having a EUR account in Europe means most of the time EUR can be easily and cheap transferred, i.e. via filling out an online form, with SEPA. If the receiving bank uses SWIFT instead of SEPA it's more complicated and more expensive.
  5. Maybe they should also check if that political party is remote controlled by a fugitive criminal. Or is that now legal in Thailand?
  6. What is the situation if a foreigner is officially employed at a Thai company with a Non-B visa and work permit and this employment ends and then the person will start in a new company? As far as I know the person must apply for a new Non-B visa for the new company. If employment for company A ends end of the month and starts for the next company on the 1st of next month then I guess this is straightforward. But what about if the employment in company A ends and the employment in company B starts maybe two months later? Should the employee go out of Thailand and enter Thailand again with a tourist visa? And then later apply for a business visa? Does it have any disadvantage if there is a tourist visa in between two Non-B visas?
  7. Nobody should be surprised by that. Who in Thailand cares about privacy? And who in charge hires real security experts who know what they are doing and not just people who pretend they know?
  8. Maybe 20 years ago. I am sure I had no smart phone at that time. Maybe an ordinary mobile phone, but not sure.
  9. It is seldom that I play the lottery, but it happens that I buy a ticket. Suddenly some extra money would be nice. But I never ever discussed with anybody why this and not that number. And I don't know how that would work. Like: I dreamed about that? Or that is my birthday? Or that is my newest gogo girl number? How do people predict and talk about lottery numbers? It seems Thais do this all the time.
  10. Maybe that is what you call it now. But at that time, we all called it visa run. ????
  11. I understand that he asks himself: Who do all those people again and again vote for the same criminal family?
  12. Try https://www.onestockhome.com/ I just looked but I am not familiar with that kind of product so I don't know if it shows the correct item or just something. https://www.onestockhome.com/th/search?utf8=✓&query=Concrete+expansion+joint+foam
  13. That was the last possible place where I looked. And every time I told myself to never do it again. It must be at least 20 years since I was there the last time.
  14. It still happens from time to time that I see a waitress in Nana who used to dance there 25 years ago and we still say hello to each other. But I remember one day one ugly old woman said hello and I looked at her like: Who are you? Do I know you from somewhere? And then she actually told me from where I knew her. She was one of the hottest dancers in Midnight a looooooong time ago. I don't know why I still somehow recognized her. She was in a horrible condition, especially remembering how she used to be. I didn't have a look in the Bier Garten since at least 10 years. I don't really want to see the leftovers.
  15. I find it always interesting when some people know why things happened because they heard it from someone who knows someone who has contact to someone in the right position. Yes, maybe, but maybe not.
  16. Did you recognize the women who started to work at that place 20 years ago and are still there? ????
  17. It seems to be the existing policy. Some time ago I worked for a company in Thailand which setup biogas power plants. The regulations were different in different regions of Thailand and they also setup such plants in other countries which had often local regulations. Obviously it would be nice if all the regulations would be the same, but that's not reality. And in a way I understand the reluctance of power companies, because if they allow that power is transferred into their grid, then obviously they must make sure that all that works correctly. It wouldn't be a good idea if anybody who wants to deliver power, in any quality, can do that. It's complicated. I accept reality. It doesn't matter what I think is good or would be good from my point of view.
  18. A long time ago when I made visa runs the authorities had different "rules" for different locations. I.e. the bus was supposed to go to Poipet, but on that day that wasn't so good, so they used another border crossing maybe 50km away from there. Obviously the best is getting a proper visa. And if you can't get that then use a company which does regular visa runs. They normally know about the current "regulations".
  19. I wonder why he picked it up. Did he have any idea what it (possibly) is? Or did he just want to clean up the beach?
  20. So you didn't inform yourself and you somehow assumed that the regulations are what you imagine and not what they are. And then you blame Prayut for that. Yeah, sure. Here is a hint: Lots of things are different all over the world. Don't assume...
  21. Let's look it Prayut will be prosecuted and convicted. I keep my mind open about that. PT is owned by Thaksin. They party wouldn't exist without him and he is clearly the person who makes the decisions. He is already banned from politics and officially he is no party leader (I think he is not even a party member). And now? He sends his daughter who officially is independent and not (yet) convicted. Just another nominee like his clone sister a few years ago.
  22. Only because you don't understand it, it isn't stupid. It is however stupid to call convictions political only because the convicted were or are politicians.
  23. I have to admit I don't know enough about Thailand's power supply, power grid, which companies are involved, etc. I don't remember anybody complaining in December, when it wasn't so hot. Now, in April, the ACs will obviously use a lot more electricity to keep us cool. I am pretty sure that was the same over the last 20 years when I paid my electricity bills. Nobody should be surprised by that. But obviously it's a wonderful opportunity for the opposition to blame the government for that.
  24. Yes, I recall he was at the UN at that time. I even remember where I was when the news came out. Before he was gone nobody dared to prosecute him. After he was gone prosecutors and judges were not so scarred anymore. Just look at other disposed leaders around the world, this is not an unusual procedure. Sometimes justified, and sometimes not. In many countries authorities are very reluctant to move against the rich and powerful, not only in Thailand.
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