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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. At least you didn't mention SCO. ????
  2. So it seems you think because you never had that problem it can't possibly happen... There is a reason why some errors in Windows are only discovered after years.
  3. It works just fine. In large buildings, i.e. condominiums, it is normal that the postman leaves a sack of mail for the whole building and then someone in the building puts the letters into the mailboxes. Sometimes this causes a delay. I.e. in "my" building if a letter arrives in the building today one of the night security guards puts it at night into the mailboxes and the owners will find the letters in their mailboxes on the next day.
  4. Sorry, after 30 years' experience with Windows I know what I am writing about. Sometimes strange things happen, also with new versions. even if they shouldn't happen.
  5. I think it's somehow funny when people "think" than an elected politician can't also be a criminal. Surprise! One has nothing to do with the other. There are lots of example all over the world of politicians who were elected and then they committed crimes, sometimes real bad crimes. Prayut helped to remove the criminal. Thanks! Someone had to do it.
  6. Which part of duo process didn't happen? Thaksin could have come back to Thailand anytime. He is a Thai citizen, he doesn't need a visa or anything to enter Thailand. He decided to run away. He decided that he didn't attend the court cases. Should everybody who runs away have later the right to say: I wasn't there. That wasn't fair. He is fully responsible for his own destiny. Nobody forced him to commit the crimes. Nobody forced him out of the country. And now nobody is forcing him to come back. If he dies in the desert, then he will never go to Thai jail. Win/win.
  7. No, that is not what we all think. Many of us, who were here then Thaksin was PM, know about his crimes and we are not surprised that he was sentenced to jail, just like other criminals.
  8. Be careful. Sometime Windows is "smart" and mixes things up. If you have Windows already on the internal disk then I suggest you physically remove that disk when you install Windows on a memory stick or external drive. If you keep the disk inside then maybe the new Windows will use it for temp folders, swap files, etc. If you won't use the Windows on the internal disk anymore then I suggest remove it. Then you won't have any trouble with Windows being "smart".
  9. Then do it again. And if necessary again. Maybe one day people will realize that a party should not be run by a criminal.
  10. Some give and/or promise the people money when they vote for them. Is that pro-democracy? And one party is run by a criminal fugitive who wants revenge. Is that democracy?
  11. 555 I would be a nice guy and put another steak on the grill and bring it over to them. They should eat something healthy which is good for body and mind.
  12. What are pro-democracy parties? I see a battle between supporters of the fugitive criminal and people who don't want to see Thaksin ever again. Sure, there are also lots of other criteria, but IMHO Thaksin is the most important issue.
  13. The party of the fugitive criminal should have been dissolved years ago. But then, I guess it will have the biggest impact a day or two before the elections. Then Thaksin will cry in the desert. So sad.
  14. I read it about that time and it opened my eyes. And as far as I remember I wouldn't be surprised if the vote buying still works that way. The book also describes many other areas of Thai business. I can recommend it for everybody.
  15. That's great news. The people on the right will have the choice between right-wing and extreme right. The people in the center won't be interested (anymore). So there will be a clear majority against fox and tucker and whatever. Win/win.
  16. That reminds me about when I had a question for DTAC. I was in a shopping mall with a DTAC shop, and I asked them about the issue. What did they do? They called the DTAC helpline and gave me the phone to talk to them. Great customer service...
  17. Ask the condominium technicians to switch off the power to your unit and close the main water valve near the meter. Make sure you don't leave anything in your fridge with no electricity. ????
  18. Yes, normally I don't have to wait more than a minute. And what's the alternative?
  19. I see lots of shops in relative expensive areas selling weed. They wouldn't be in those places with high rent if they wouldn't make (relatively speaking) a lot of money.
  20. Ask your sending and receiving banks. The receiving bank needs some information about the transfer (I think it's a number) which the sending bank can give you.
  21. If anybody wants to know how vote buying works successfully, I recommend this book: Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja: Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy: Phongpaichit, Pasuk, Piriyarangsan, Sungsidh, Treerat, Nualnoi: 9789747100754: Amazon.com: Books Politicians are smart enough to find ways that people actually vote for them to get (more) money.
  22. Isn't there a party which promised to hand out 10,000B to everybody if they are elected? ...
  23. Really? I don't believe in any god. When I am dead then I am dead. So what? It won't hurt. Until now I lived more than 20,000 days and nights. I enjoyed a lot of that time. Maybe I will live 10,000 more. Or maybe only a few. Nobody knows. There is no point of denying reality: We all will die. Carpe diem!
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